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About Momo

  • Birthday March 1

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  1. Happy Birthday MM!! Believe it or not I have few wrinkles. I really think the fat fills them in. If it's not one thing it's another.
  2. Happy Birthday! You don't look a day older than you did...yesterday!!
  3. You have to read every label. Even if you think you've read it before the companies keep changing. I noticed the other day that some canned peas that I bought that used to say peas, salt and water, now says peas, SUGAR, salt and water. Why would they start adding sugar?
  4. Euphrasyne and Mother it is so sad that you both lost your Aunts. My Aunt Lois was the only normal family member I had. I wish I could have lived near her but even with distance we were always close. I sure miss her. On a happy note...MY SCOOTER IS HERE!!!!!!!! I am so happy. It ONLY took 38 days from breakage to new one. Now I can get to my mailbox and garage. The pain in my back and legs is improving already. It's off to the races..lol. I called to get my supposedly annual eye exam (after 2 years). The first appointment they have is October. I tried to get a dermatology appt. too but it will be next year! What is it with all these long waits? They tell you to keep up to date but it is impossible with lag times like these. I haven't had a mammo in 4 years. I wonder if I'll have to wait forever for one of them too. I admit I have put off everything since DH got sick and died. He would help me get in the dr. offices. I still don't know how I'll manage but I sure have a long time to figure it out. Another beautiful day. It makes me want to get out and garden. Maybe I'll test my mobility in my new scooter My old one couldn't handle the bare ground but maybe this new one can.
  5. It looks like almost everyone is getting much accomplished. I am so jealous. It is nearly a month since my scooter died. I have been through heck and back. My Dr. took almost a week to sign the paperwork. Poor dear is so busy. The nurse did the paperwork the day I went in but it had to be signed by him personally. Then the provider messed up by not getting a prior approval. Anyhow it was officially approved by Medicare and ordered for me last Friday. I have no idea how long until it arrives. Meanwhile, I am really suffering. When you call Medicare all they want to do is read their manual to you. Forget about asking a question and getting an answer. They read every word too! Jeepers I hope your insurance ordeal is over soon. When my son had a claim he had a heck of a time getting the checks signed by his mortgage company. The mortgage had changed hands several times and they had to keep re-issuing the checks in the new holder company. It took him nearly 6 months to get it straight. Littlesister I have been craving an old fashioned pot roast. I wish we had a good sale like you did. Annarchy your bread is making me hungry. It has been ages since I made some at home. I had a depressing birthday last Friday. I hope I get turned around soon with a new set of wheels and a new attitude!
  6. Thanks for remembering ladies. It actually was pretty bad, so I am going to bed in a few minutes. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
  7. I have been stuck in the house since last Friday. My electric scooter broke and it takes forever to get repaired. It's under warranty and covered by Medicare but it still takes forever. I have a manual back up chair but it is impossible to get outside with the ramp setup I have. You would think they would have a loaner chair for these situations but they don't. Fortunately, I don't generate alot of garbage or get much mail anymore. I can't put my garbage out the backdoor because my neighbor has 6 or 7 dogs that occasionally come over here. Especially if they smell goodies. The last few days have been nice. In the mid 60's. We are supposed to start 3-4 days of heavy rain tonight. Better than snow or ice. Tonight is one of the few times I wish I lived where I could get something delivered. Pizza or wings type of stuff. I guess I need some cheering up and sometimes junk food helps. I just had an ad pop up a few minutes ago saying it was national pizza day with a beautiful picture. It's almost like they read my mind.
  8. I looked up the new BJ's. They have a 55$ membership with a 40$ rebate right now. I wish it wasn't so far away. I just don't get out that much with DH being dead and me being handicapped. I would love to see it. I have been craving an old fashioned chuck pot roast. I looked at the price and it was $6.99 a pound!!!!!!!!!!!! Geez. I haven't seen any on sale in ages either.
  9. Momo

    Walking again

    That is great ladies. Keep it up. I wish I could join you. Can I put a odometer on my electric wheelchair?
  10. We just had a BJ's open about half an hour from here. I haven't heard any feedback about it yet. I have been a member of Sam's and Costco before but I didn't go there often enough to really save much. I did save on the tires I bought at Costco but trying to get them installed and balanced was a nightmare. It took so much time and aggravation.
  11. I don't like any rice. I'm not much of a carb eater which is good since I am diabetic. I do like Chinese style fried rice though. The roads are finally starting to thaw a bit since Monday's snow and ice. I can't get out my door though. I have an aluminum ramp that is still covered in ice. I just want to try to start my car and get my mail and take out garbage. It sleeted last night and it will probably stay frozen frozen until Sunday or Monday. Grrr. At least I have power so I'm not freezing. Tomorrow's high is predicted to be around 20 with it feeling worse than that with the wind chill. Our WalMart quit their pickup service last Sunday and it's been shut down all week. I guess they knew how bad it was gonna get before the local weather service did. Stay warm ya'll.
  12. I pray that 2024 is a much better year than the last few have been. Best wishes to all the wonderful folks here at MrsS!
  13. Mother you are lucky to have a truly considerate daughter. I just love it when someone hugs me and then I find out later they were sick. For some reason folks with strep throats seem to love to share the most. When DH was in and out of hospitals alot I could not believe the sick families clogging up the waiting rooms and even going into the ICU unit. I pray all of you here have a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year
  14. You are so sweet Littlesister. Congrats on the new great grand baby! What a blessing. Kiss those sweet little cheeks for me.
  15. Merry Christmas to ya'll! I made myself some crab legs to celebrate tonight. I haven't had any in years so it was a nice treat. I will be alone again but I still have memories of my sweet hubby. Hoping 2024 is better than 2023 was!
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