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Awake in the Matrix


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I'm learning that it's lonely around here when you are "awake". I've learned so much recently about what has been happening with our government and around the world, and it is SO scary... I was just thinking today that it really feels just like the movie The Matrix. Some days I wish I could just take that little red pill and go back to being ignorant of all that is going on. I don't know if any of you listen to Alex Jones at all, but I do. I know that sometimes he is a little extreme, goes a little overboard, reads a little more into stuff than there probably REALLY is...but I just know that when I first started listening to him I thought...jeez, what a crazy kook! He goes on these crazy rants and gets all worked up and starts yelling and stuff...it's a little funny, and a little crazy. But lately, I can see why he gets so worked up and crazy...it's SO FRUSTRATING to try to open the eyes of other people to the real world...to wake them up from the "Matrix". I was sharing some info with my hubby today about the government setting up a program that will start storing ALL information...well, just here: http://axiomamuse.wordpress.com/tag/total-information-awareness/ I'm not a good debater or arguer...so I just share the links with him. This is his response:


Joe: I seen that book

it is in the bed room and i wanted to read it just have not done it yet

i really dont care what the NSA stores on me.


Sent at 10:35 AM on Wednesday

me: lol

Sent at 10:46 AM on Wednesday

me: i care, if only because it opens up new avenues for control...

Sent at 10:49 AM on Wednesday

Joe: i swear you should have married doug

you guys would get along really good

Sent at 10:57 AM on Wednesday

me: lol

don't you see though just how much is going on behind the scenes??

things that get no attention that SO should

Joe: i know there is alot going on but i until it affects me im not getting involved. <<<<:blink:

some of it needs to happen to get rid of some of the trash in the world

me: what if by the time it hits you there is nothing you can do about it...


:gaah:What to do when the person you love most in the world just DOESN'T GET IT?! I think he thinks I'm mildly crazy....I know he still loves me anyway but...just...:gaah:




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I just read today about a woman asking Kim Komando how to shut off her Smart phone.


She explained how, but then pointed out that when your Smart phone is plugged in to charge, you CAN'T shut it off.


(My thoughts now) That means that *IF* your phone is being tracked/monitored/hacked, everything that happens IN YOUR HOME within "earshot" or even possibly camera view, can be seen/monitored/possibly recorded.


Our new televisions have monitoring devices already installed. Rarely is it pointed out, and as far as I have seen, companies are reluctant to tell just how much information can be gleaned. All regulated by our governmental regulations, and this administration is working closely with Google already.


People today have been lulled into accepting the GPS tracking, car "performance" monitoring, etc. and our children will just accept complete tracking as the way of their lives. 1984, anyone??? It's just the price of having the great electronic junk.


My kids shrug their shoulders and say, "But if you're not doing anything wrong, you don't need to worry about it." They don't see the slippery slope of where that could lead down the road in a totalitarian government. :(

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My husband has the exact same mindset. He thinks why worry, he has nothing to hide because he's doing nothing wrong. I try to explain to him how maybe right now he is doing nothing wrong, but what about when the government decides growing your own food is wrong (which they're already starting to do), what if they see pictures of our veggie garden. What about when we chat online about anti-gov't stuff...what if they decide that is "treasonous"???? You JUST DON'T KNOW what kind of power they are going to be wielding, and when they are going to decide that it's "OK" to use it.....why can't he wake up and see this? I just want to prepare my family for this without being thought of as 'THE CRAZY PERSON"....



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Yes, being awake in the matrix is very lonely, and scarey. I just watched that movie again the other day...


I dont listen to Alex because he is a little extreme for me and also feeds into a lot of "consipiracy theories" and to tell the truth, there are enough REAL things going on right now that should scare the hell out of all of us, we dont need to indulge is conspiracy theories. TSA, NDAA, EPA, IRS SWAT Teams, etc....


The amount of tracking the Govt does and "can do" now is unbelievable. And on the smart phones, if you cant take the battery out, then you cant turn it off at all. The only way to not be tracked by one of the phones or GPS is to take out the battery. Which is exactly why I am sticking to my little cheap phone. They have access to everything you do all day, where you go, what you spend money on, who you talk to. (emails, phone calls, debit card purchases, just to name a few) The little tags and cards you use at the grocery store to save money track what you purchase. They can tell if you have a guest in your home based on your electric and water bill going up, buying extra food, etc. If they want it, it is all there for them.


I always thought the same as your husband, well, I am not doing anything wrong. BUT, notice how they have begun to change the definition of "terrorist", putting out pamphlets about what to look for in your local areas for terrorist behaviors, ie "paying cash for items", so as it turns out, I AM doing something wrong! I prefer to pay cash for my gas and other items cause it helps me keep to my budget, not because I am a terrorist, and here I thought I wasnt doing anything wrong. The problem is when what you are doing becomes wrong, because they decided that they didnt want you doing that....


Just keep sharing the information with him that you find, I did the same with my hubby, he didnt want to hear it at all, and now he is a believer...

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EVERY American is a criminal. There are so MANY laws and many of them contradictory to another, that there is no way anybody can obey every single one. All it takes is for some petty gov official to target you and you can very easily lose everything you own and go to prison. Why would you be targeted? Are all your 'friends', neighbors, co-workers, family, acquaintances, etc 'sane' and do they all have your best interest at heart? Are there any people in the entire world you may have offended? Maybe because their electricity was turned off for none payment and you didn't run over and pay it for them? (Don't laugh, this really happened.) So they call some gov office and complain about something that they see that isn't perfectly legal or they call and make up a string of lies and dump them in the ear of some official who wants a promotion. Now YOU are in trouble with the law and you didn't have any reason to suspect anything at all. They come banging on your door without a warrant, but you have nothing to hide and let them in. Now you are really in trouble because if there is no evidence to be found, some will actually plant it so they can 'find' it.


You don't have to be paranoid to realize the world is a dangerous place. It isn't paranoid to refrain crossing a busy highway against the light.

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You mean like, "Remember back in the day when it wasn't illegal to sell your own vegetables or raw milk?", or "Remember when it wasn't illegal to pay cash for your coffee?".....that day is already here it seems MtRider....sadly...

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While traveling today, there is stretch of road that is a 'dead' area I go through. No phone, no radio. I actually pondered the silence and enjoyed it. Drove the next 3 hours in silence.


Your post reminded me of a time I went to a department store and paid in cash. The cash register began ringing. The cashier and the people behind me in line inquisitively gazed at it. The cashier looked up and said, "It's never done that before, but no one pays in cash anymore." That happened over 10 year ago.



I'm gonna keep my mouth shut on this subject. Sorta.... they already control too much.... :soapbox:

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I was thinking about this today. Communism doesn't allow for individual landowners to grow their own food; they work on a communal system. Didn't our government just pass something about not allowing farm children to work on their own family's farm?


Is this how it starts?

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