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Change and More Changes



I was just beginning to wrap my head around the idea of having to move from this house that we've been in for so long...with the possibility of having to move from this town that we've lived in for over 30 years. Then Friday dh comes home and tells me got a notice that his classroom is basically being eliminated at the end of the school year..think California budget issues and the trickle down effect it's having on everyone.


Yesterday I was really surprised at how I was feeling. I mean, I've gone over different scenarios over and over in my head and how I would react to them, but, I felt like I shut down. I was walking around here in this huge funk and I couldn't pull myself out of it. What ended up happening was dh and I got in to an argument over something minor and he stormed out...but, before he left he told me he couldn't handle this if I couldn't handle it. That was like a bucket of cold water in my face. He's right...we will never get through this very uncertain future if we allow ourselves to fall apart. We can't afford the luxury of that.


At least we have a few more months of income coming in...this will give him a chance to start looking for more work now. We've also started a plan...it's just a beginning...but it's something.




  • No more eating out…everything will be made from scratch
  • We are committing a higher amount of our payday to go in to savings
  • I’m going to consign everything I possibly can that we don’t need
  • We’ve upped the size of our change jar to a gallon size one
  • No more movies out…if it’s something we really want to see we’ll wait until it’s on dvd
  • I’m going to take half my food budget and put it towards the more inexpensive preps (rice, beans, etc.)
  • Wherever we move to has got to have some space for me to garden




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(((((((((((((((((Stacy and family)))))))))))))))


I'm so sorry.


Be sure your change jar is well out of sight of casual visitors and your childrens' friend... it's "temptation". There are more and more home break-ins. A local one had 4 guys... 2 stayed in the car, and 2 broke into the locked house and stole the TV *while the wife was WATCHING it*!


The library often offers DVDs for free rental (ours charges 50 cents a day).


What does DH teach? Maybe someone here knows of a position opening up??





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(((((((((((((((((Stacy and family)))))))))))))))


I'm so sorry.


Be sure your change jar is well out of sight of casual visitors and your childrens' friend... it's "temptation". There are more and more home break-ins. A local one had 4 guys... 2 stayed in the car, and 2 broke into the locked house and stole the TV *while the wife was WATCHING it*!


The library often offers DVDs for free rental (ours charges 50 cents a day).


What does DH teach? Maybe someone here knows of a position opening up??






Our library has free dvd's too. I'm sure we'll be using them. Dh is a special ed teacher...specifically a behavior specialist...he teaches the kids who can't be in a regular classroom because of behavior problems.



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(((DM4))) You are doing so well with this. Thinking it through, taking action now and working a plan. I am proud of your pro-active attitude. You may not feel like it, but you are showing it!



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(((Hugs to you))) We are going through a similar situation right now and I know how you feel. My husband is a contractor and the company he was at cut all the contractors on his team just two weeks after having a special meeting witht them telling them to expect to be there for the next two years. You can get through this - you will get through this. Your plan looks like a good one and is very similar to the things we are doing. Hang in there, something will turn up for him.

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Sounds like you have a well thought out plan, one that both you and DH can live with. Your sharing is helping so many. It would seem that we are all cutting back and that less is more.

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Sending many prayers your way. Do you want to stay in the area or would you be willing to relocate? I know in MS they have a shortage on Special Ed teachers. They even offer all expense paid education for anyone committing to go into the field. Glad you were both able to get on the same page and work as a team and set up your plan. Please keep us posted.

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The message is clear. Time to move....Make inquiries, apply for teaching jobs where they are needed and trust that God is taking you where you need to be. It's hard to leave a place when you've been there a long time but you can't say hello to what's ahead until you let go of what you're in now. Keeping you in our prayers. King David said he never saw a righteous man go hungry or his seed beg for bread. (You might eat some weird stuff, but you won't go hungry--so trust that all will be well in the end even if it seems chaotic and scary right now)

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