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85# of BCR at O'dark:30...



So, yesterday I felt rather like death warmed over...the cold I thought was gone, came back and I felt awful all day. Managed even to sleep a good part of the afternoon, thanks to DH watching the Monkeys. I tried hitting the sack early, but it didn't really happen, but I wasn't up any later than normal I guess.


Early this morning, after a pleasant wake-up with DH, I snuggled back into the pile of blankets, seeking another hour or more before the Monkeys awoke. Suddenly, I hear a wee "CHIRRUP" noise. Now, I had replaced 2 smoke detector batteries earlier this month, so I waited to see if I heard it again. Blast it! "CHIRRUP". Again...about every 30 seconds. I couldn't tell exactly which of the half dozen of the things it was, but it sounded somewhat fainter than last time, so I was guessing it was in a Monkey bedroom.


Suddenly, after the latest CHIRRUP, there was a whining, frantic cold wet nose stuffed in my face, followed shortly after by a pair of paws on my head! Much spluttering aside, I shoved the offending mutt off the bed, whereupon he promptly did it again after the next CHIRRUP. Shoved off again, I realized dimly that he was shaking like a leaf--terrified of the CHIRRUP. Now, this is a large Rhodesian Ridgeback...3 times or more he tried to crawl into my bed (not permitted). He tried hiding under the bed--I even let him into the warm bathroom with the 2nd RR, and DH, where he sat shook & whined most piteously. He even managed to get the old RR to pick up on the fear and start shaking and wandering about...


It wasn't until DH found the dying detector and replaced the battery, that the poor hound settled down!



BCR...Big Chicken Ridgeback (the brindle one on the left...)


Recommended Comments

LOL Vic, just think what the dog would do if the alarm actually went off! (He'd probably drag you from under the covers!) Feel better!! :lol:

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