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Ok I'm slow LOL



Sooo...I've been to busy to post much here lately. But I have been lurking around heehee. How did I miss we now had blogs here. LOL!


We have been busy getting the gardens started. Dh is starting to build me a small green house this afternoon!!


So far our onions, garlic, radishes and peas are in. I promised the kids we would start some seeds this afternoon. They love working in our big garden, but also have a small one just for them. Lots of learning fun for little ones.


I have a bunch of homesteading video clips we put together for my other blog. I'm going to try and figure out how to share them here. In the mean time you can see them on youtube. Here is our site there.


Our YouTube Channel




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Kim! The Homestead series is you?! I've been watching it for several weeks and I didn't know it was you and your family....

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