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The Source of HOPE



May 27, 2009
The Source of Hope
1 Peter 1:3-9
by Dr.Charles Stanley

Hope can be defined as the desire for something good and the expectation of receiving it. Jesus Christ is the only genuine source of hope, because He alone knows what is best and has the sovereignty and power to secure its fulfillment. All other hopes are grounded on the shifting sands of circumstances beyond our control.

Each of us has expectations for the future, but these often pertain only to this earthly life. Christ promises us the “living hope” of an imperishable inheritance in heaven. Everyday desires will all fade away, but our home in heaven is eternal. This is our ultimate security and anchor when the storms of life are severe.
<Img src="http://mrssurvival.com/forums/uploads/1242854147/gallery_5078_43_44358.jpg">
But how do we endure times of trial right now? Heaven can seem so far away when pain is present and there’s no relief in sight. Hope anticipates a change of circumstances for the better.

And what about times when our situation is not improving—then, what is God doing that is “better”? Peter tells us He is refining our faith, which will result in praise and glory when Jesus returns. This is more valuable to us than gold or even relief from our distress. What a paradox! The difficulties which cause us to lose hope are the tools the Lord uses to increase our faith and hope in Him.


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Thank you for the words of encouragement Autumn and the lovely picture as well! :) Welcome to our blog area!

thankyou for saying so.Glad you came by to visit.And thankyou for the kind welcome! :D

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