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Day Two - I miss caffeine!



Up at 5:00AM. By 3:00PM, I was really missing my Coca-Cola! I nearly fell asleep on the couch, but the clicking of the mouse (by Dd2) kept rousing me.


Breakfast for the kids was cold cereal wtih milk. I had more of the Greek Chicken Pasta Salad and Iced Tea.


We nibbled some home-dried apple slices before we left to meet with a couple of other families to do a craft project. We were served some pretzels as a snack while we were there.


For lunch, I took leftover BBQ chicken, chopped it up, mixed in some Light Creamy Caesar Dressing and spread it on tortillas. I added lettuce to everyone's plus tomatoes and green onion to mine. Along side, I served some snap peas-in-the-pod (Costco) and orange slices. We all drank iced tea. BTW, Dh takes his lunch to work and I am not responsible for what goes into it!


We had breakfast for dinner: pancakes, leftover bacon (Dh cooked a whole pound this weekend; I usually only cook 1/2 or 1/3 pound), and scrambled eggs. We used the last of the pancake syrup. The kids like my home-canned blackberry syrup, but Dh only likes maple. Next time, I'll try to make my own maple-flavored syrup. I did it once before and Dh didn't like it. As I recall that recipe included molasses, which I'll eliminate this time. Dh and the kids drank milk with dinner. I don't care for milk. I've been sucking down the iced tea. I made a second gallon this morning, and will do so again tomorrow-without a doubt!


While making dinner, I fried up 20+ extra pancakes. I froze them, wrapped in Saran, in bundles of four, which makes a nice breakfast for the kids.



Recommended Comments

You're doing great! Hang in there with the coke withdrawals, later it won't bother you at all. I still remember laying mine down (many years ago) it brought me to tears. Sounds silly, but it just hurt my feelings! ;)


Are you making your own tortillas? I found this great mix at WalMart that is so easy and all you do is add water. The 4 lb bag is around 2.50 and makes about 80 tortillas. That was a big money saver when we started doing those.



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Why oh why, HSMom, are you giving up God's Gift of caffeine? I don't have much, (usually 1 cup of coffe a day) but I am not happy when I don't get that 1 cup!

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Why? Cuz coke is bad for my bones and costs a lot more than iced tea. Cuz I don't care for coffee. Cuz I drink iced tea all day and all night - and I share it with my kids, so it's decaf.


*sigh* I slept a lot last night, so today WILL be better.


Re: tortillas. I still have some store-bought ones, but I've been looking at tortilla recipes and will be tackling that next week.


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