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Well, as I've been typing on this blog here and there, it turns out that it doesn't appear to the rest of you unless I hit the publish entry button. :shrug::24:


Here I was fussing at myself for not keeping up with it like I wanted to and the little bit I was doing wasn't even going out.


Oh well live and learn.


A special thanks to the little birdie who let me in on what I was doing wrong. :bouquet:


Only one more official day of school left, then next week to do the required paperwork and get it sent off. Hopefully after that I will have more time for me to get on here and explore and learn some more.


Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!!


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:D You are not alone, several of us had to learn about the "draft" vs "published" entries!


We homeschool year round, but we do a relaxed summer schedule. You have a great weekend too!

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I'm glad you mentioned about the need to "publish" the entry. I just started my blog and was wondering what I was supposed to do.

Who knows how many other people out there are wondering the same thing.

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