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Everything posted by dogmom4

  1. Hi blessedhomemaker! You need to come join us in the declutter challenge thread. A couple of us are going to be moving....
  2. I remember we talked about this before but I couldn't find the thread. How about I start a thread...made in America? Doesn't just have to be food.....
  3. I could do a lot with that kind of money....retirement would probably be the first thing on my list.....
  4. It's getting harder and harder to find safe food to eat. I'd love to buy the chickens from our farmers market but they cost $10 to $15 a piece.
  5. It's so nice that you guys are taking him in.....
  6. roasted cauliflower and bacon soup http://cavegirlcuisine.com/2012/08/24/roasted-cauliflower-and-bacon-soup/
  7. Mr WE is a man after my own heart....never been a coffee or tea drinker.
  8. Yes...she and her daddy made some beautiful music.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=968mp4p5VDI
  10. dogmom4


    I'm pretty sure it was raw. Some of the other threads on feeding your dog were no longer working.
  11. dogmom4


    for WormGuy. Reply #15 is a post from Westbrook on how she fed her Anatolians.
  12. My Abby had lots of skin issues because of stuff in kibble. The more ingredients the itchier she would be. Of course the fewer ingredients the higher the price would go. I also made a lot of her food during her later years as well as fed her a raw food diet. Her skin issues cleared up quickly with it and she had the whitest teeth of any of my dogs. Watch this video of a dog eating raw chicken quarters....Abby ate it the same way. I remember standing over her the first few times while she crunched through the bones because I was certain she was going to choke to death. I'll see if I can find the thread from before on making dog food....
  13. 8 am this morning I was sitting in the dentist chair using up the last of my 2015 dental benefits having a molar extracted that should have been taken out years ago. I plan to lay around the rest of the day. Especially now that the numbness is beginning to wear off....
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