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Everything posted by dogmom4

  1. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!!!
  2. Baking cookies and cleaning on this very grey day....
  3. dogmom4

    Roll call...

    Well I'll add to the carbfest we're having. I'm bringing some delicious cornbread....hot...melt in your mouth...and slathered in butter.
  4. I made some and it was really good. Definitely a keeper! Thanks for putting it in a thread Cat.
  5. We will go to MIL's. She will cook the turkey and pies and I will cook everything else.
  6. Welcome back Nana!!! Maybe you could start a thread on essential oils? I'm doing some research myself on what oils to use for chronic back pain (aka sciatica for me).
  7. Looks like Cat already did. Thanks Cat!
  8. I'm wanting to do some kind of long term project myself. I feel like I've been speeding through everything in my life...I would just like to slow things down. I got a knitting board off a Freecycle board two years ago and I still haven't tried to use it. Wouldn't it be fun to start a 'project" board in one of the forums where we could post what we're doing and our progress? I think its time for me to pull out my knitting board and find out how to use it.....
  9. I've made something like this before. It was really good!
  10. They bought the house next to theirs (was in foreclosure and had squatters...yuck!) then tore down the fencing between both yards so their yard space is huge. One area is fenced off with fruit trees and their chickens. The back area you saw in the video was the garden beds and their beehives. The second house is used for family (they have 7 kids) but also for the soaps Judith makes and the workshops. I was impressed because I know how much work goes into all they've done.
  11. http://seedstock.com/2013/05/28/urban-homesteaders-with-a-mission-yisrael-family-farm/ Here is an example of a family trying to change their area in a positive way by not only growing the food they grow in a pretty bad neighborhood...but they have workshops and have days where people can come and learn to grow themselves. I've been to a seed saving workshop they put on and last week went to a soap making workshop where I finally got a chance to make some from scratch. My house smells lovely while it's curing.
  12. Thanks Momo! I've never seen this one before.
  13. They are really downplaying the case in New York during the conference. They said he was self isolating...but he felt bad for 3 days before the fever showed up today...and went on 3 different subway lines to go bowling,and to a restaurant and took a taxi home. That doesn't sound like self isolating to me...
  14. Yeah....I remember talking to her on the phone over what should've been a quick question...ended up talking two and a half hours. I miss her.
  15. Watching CNN...doctor in NY tests positive for Ebola. http://www.cnn.com/
  16. So far what I've seen she doesn't have any symptoms but asked to be isolated after hearing about the nurses. Hopefully nothing will come of this one.
  17. I didnt know there was a problem either until I saw the emails from the yahoo group. I"m so glad we have Ann to take care of things.
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