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Everything posted by dogmom4

  1. http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0HV1MC20141006?irpc=932 The nurse was one of a specialist team who treated elderly priest Manuel Garcia Viejo at the Madrid hospital Carlos III when he was repatriated from Sierra Leone with Ebola on Sept 21. He died four days later. Garcia Viejo was kept in isolation during his treatment last month and officials said they followed a strict protocol designed to protect health workers and patients at the hospital. The nurse who has since fallen ill only entered Garcia Viejo's room twice, once after his death, Alemany said. Health authorities said she had also helped treat Miguel Pajares, who had been working in Liberia when he came down with the disease. He was airlifted back to Spain on Aug 7 and died five days later. ON HOLIDAY The Spanish nurse went on holiday immediately after Garcia's death on Sept 25 and began feeling sick on Sept 30, said Alemany. He did not say where the nurse went on holiday. "We have started studying all of the contacts the patient had since her symptoms began, including the health professionals who have been treating her," Alemany said. The nurse's husband was also being monitored, he said.
  2. On the news tonight it said the Dallas guy is getting some kind of experimental drug...not Zmapp tho. It also said the Spanish lady first had a mild fever on Sept 29?...and went on vacation.How are they going to track down all the people she had contact with?? The reporter was wondering why they weren't saying where. Sounds like she didn't go into the hospital until yesterday or today. Can't you spread it if you have a fever?
  3. From what I heard the doctor in NE is in the hospital with possible pneumonia. Hope that's all it is.
  4. Can you post the videos so we can see? And I want to see puppies!
  5. Praying Mr. Annarchy heals quickly. Are the ants you're talking about these teeny, tiny black ants? We started seeing them in our area about 4 or 5 years ago. Annoying little bugger's. We never has them in the house until this year...I've been fighting to keep them out of the bathroom for the past couple months. They're looking for water. And they do have a nasty little bite.
  6. No...she needs a bigger sofa so I can come hide too.
  7. My imagination is just running too wild with so much info coming out pretty much daily. Anyone thinking about how to handle a quarantine situation...such as dealing with pets...livestock...garden produce...if this was to go airborne? I though I read somewhere that animals (dogs?)could pass it on? Perhaps a scenario Mt. Rider? I shouldn't be reading this before going to bed...makes it impossible to sleep.
  8. Happy birthday Ao5!! I have a son turning 20 today...it was a great day to be born!
  9. i have the last one in my garage next to the washer. It's where the water drains out.
  10. Here's what it says about pressuring canning. What About Pressure Canner Temps? One question that kept coming up in the comments below and on canning discussion boards across the internet was this: If over heating thins the plastisol gasket on the lid, what happens when it reaches over 240 degrees of a pressure canner? I got the official answer from the experts at Jarden. They said that yes, overheating in a pan of water will cause the plastisol to “thin” which means it spreads out on the lid’s surface and flattens out too much. However, when that heat hits while in the pressure canner, that plastisol is up against the glass jar rim and they have found that the extreme heat just causes it to spread around the glass rim (as you would hope it would) and gives a good seal. The difference is that in the saucepan of water, the plastisol has no place to go but out across the lid and gets thin. In the second case, it is up against the glass rim and spreads around all sides of that rim which ends up giving a good seal.
  11. i am so slow....took me a minute to get it.....
  12. High End Women's Apparel and Accessories....figures... What's funny I kept looking at the picture on California...and thought it was a black cat...
  13. What blog are you reading the challenge on? I might try doing it later in the year once things settle down. I did find it really helpful to help clean out my freezer and refrigerator.
  14. I did this challenge a few years ago during the summer. It got a little hairy towards the end part because the meals were a little boring. I honestly don't know if I could do this challenge right now with school starting up this week because I'm so tired I can barely drag myself out of the bed...some of the convenience foods are going to happen until I can adjust to being back at work.
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