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Everything posted by dogmom4

  1. Just make sure to take lots of pictures and give us hourly updates so those of us who can't go get to live vicariously.
  2. Yeah...it's a little freaky. I've been to that one but use a different one regularly that's in the other direction. Actually, I'm glad people are being hyper vigilant. I'd rather have that than the other way.
  3. Trying to stay calm because this hospital is about 30 minutes away from where I live. http://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2014/08/19/sacramento-kaiser-permanente-patient-being-tested-for-ebola-after-possible-exposure/
  4. (((Hugs))) we are fortunate that we have so much technology to keep in touch...cell phones, email, Skype.
  5. Was there any news on the suspected case in NYC?
  6. When my grandfather and his family came to the U.S. they changed their name from Beamenheimer to Beams. My grandmothers family is Salzberg...but in some papers Velvul is used so we're not sure if something was changed...we can trace them back to my great grandparents in Austria and Russia...but no further. A person’s status as a Jew is completely dependant on the mother. According to what I've been told if you are born a Jew, you die a Jew.
  7. So happy it worked out well!
  8. So glad you'll be around. We miss you!
  9. I think the biggest thing that concerns me is that they keep saying how difficult it is to catch it....yet the doctor who treated the man on the airplane has it....how is it that medical people seem to be coming down with it if they're using the strict protocols to keep from getting it? If you're wearing those suits and still getting it?
  10. Sorry to to hear that Skagital. My dh is now home on dialysis. Life sure gets more challenging the older we get doesn't it?
  11. I wondered about him being should to walk as well. Samaritans Purse today said there was slight improvement. Maybe that boys blood did have antibodies that helped? We can only hope. Too many have died from this.
  12. Hope you had a wonderful birthday!
  13. http://thatshortgirlsblog.blogspot.com/2012/04/reusable-paper-towel-tutorial.html Aren't these the cutest things ever? I really need to find some time to get back to sewing.
  14. Wait...they're going to bring them to the United States while they're still sick?
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