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Everything posted by dogmom4

  1. This is an excerpt from an article Samaritans Purse put out. "The safety of our staff is a top priority and Samaritans Purse is currently working to evacuate all but the most essential personnel to their home countries. The evacuation should be completed this weekend. The exact timeline and destinations are being kept confidential to respect their privacy. Samaritans Purse is taking precautions that exceed the standards recommended by the Centers for Disease Control. None of the evacuating staff are ill and the World Health Organization and CDC continue to reiterate that people are not contagious unless they begin showing symptoms. Following their evacuation, Samaritans Purse will work with staff to monitor their health."
  2. Absolutely! I'm posting information because I believe knowledge is power.
  3. From what I've read the family is on a 21 day fever watch. I sure hope they're totally isolated.
  4. This is a press release that was put out by the hospital where the Nigerian man off the plane died. It took 5 days from the time he went in to his death. Also...did you see where he said he'd had no contact? In another article his wife said she thought he got it from his sister who had died from it. He was a senior bigwig and even he didn't tell the truth. . Also...did you see how the hospital was pressured to let him go because he was supposed to go to a conference?? http://www.nursingworldnigeria.com/2014/07/first-consultants-medical-center-ltd-press-statement-on-the-ebola-virus-disease-patient In the interest of our patients, staff, the general public the nation at large we state the following: A 40-years old gentlemen came into the hospital with symptoms suggestive of Malaria (Fever, headache, extreme weakness) on Sunday night (20th July 2014). He was fully conscious and gave us his clinical history and told us he is a Senior Diplomat from Liberia. Laboratory investigations confirmed malaria whilst other test for HIV, Hepatitis B&C were negative. He was admitted and treatment commenced. However, due to the fact that he was not responding to treatment but rather was developing haemorrhagic symptoms we further questioned him. He denied having been in contact with any persons with EVD (Ebola Virus Disease) at home, in any hospital or at any burial. In spite of this denial we immediately decided to do the following: 1. To conduct further tests for possible Infectious Haemorrhagic Disease, especially EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE, based on the fact that he was a Liberian citizen and the recent ourbreak of EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE in that country 2. We immediatrly isolated/quarantined the patient, commenced barrier nursing and simultaneously contacted the Lagos State Ministry of Health and the Federal Ministry of Health to enquire where furthe laboratory tests could be performed as we had a high index of suspicion of possible EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE 3. WE REFUSED FOR HIM TO BE LET OUT OF THE HOSPITAL IN SPITE OF INTENSE PRESSURE, AS WE WERE TOLD THAT HE WAS A SENIOR ECOWAS OFFICIAL AND HAD AN IMPORTANT ROLE TO PLAY AT THE ECOWAS CONVENTION IN CALABAR, CROSS RIVER STATE. 4. The initial test results from LUTH laboratory indicated a signal of possible EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE, but required confirmation. 5. We then took the further step of reaching out to Senior Officials in the office of the Secretary of Health of the United States of America who promptly assisted us with contacts at thecentres for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organisation Regional Laboratory Centre in Senegal. 6. Working jointly with the State, Federal Agencies and Internaional Agencies, we were able to obtain confirmation of EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE (ZAIRE STRAIN), (W.H.O. Regional Center Lab-Senegal/Redeemes lab/LUTH Laboratory) 7. The gentleman subsequently died on Friday at a 6.50 (25th July, 2014) 8. All agencies were promptly notified and in consultation with W.H.O, Regional EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE Centre in Conakry, Guinea and Best Practices, the following was commenced: a. Orderly temporay shut down of the hospital with immediate evacuation of in house patients b. The appropriate professional removal of the body and its incineration wunder W.H.O. guidelines witnessed by all appropriate agencies. 9. Having concluded the above, it is now appropriate to give this Press release in the interest of our partient, staff, the general public and the nation at large. 10. In keeping with W.H.O, guidelines, hospitals is shut down briefly as full decontamination exercise is currently in progress W.H.O. Guidelines In conclusion working with the STATE, FEDERAL AND INTERNATIONAL AGENCUES, we were able to identify and confirm the diagnosis of the EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE. We hope that by our action of preventing this gentleman from being extracted from our hospital and traveling to Calabar we have been able to prevent the spread of EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE in Nigeria.
  5. Ok, this is a little scary. And I don't see this posted in the mainstream news. Essentially what it says...some of the passengers in the flight where the man died took off when they heard the government wants to tests them. It's a pretty long article so I'm not going to post it. http://www.nursingworldnigeria.com/2014/07/ebola-victim-rsquo-s-death-fg-lagos-launch-manhunt-for-co-passengers
  6. Former Minn. man victim of Ebola outbreak http://www.kare11.com/story/news/health/2014/07/28/former-minn-man-victim-of-ebola-outbreak/13299501/ (The man who collapsed in the airport in Lagos was actually from Minnesota.) MINNEAPOLIS - The Minnesota Department of Health is working with leaders in the local Liberian community to address concerns about an Ebola outbreak in West Africa. This comes after a former Coon Rapids man collapsed from the virus in an airport in Lagos, the capital of Nigeria. His following death marked the first recorded case in Nigeria, the continent's most populated country. Patrick Sawyer, 40, was a top government official in the Liberian Ministry of Finance, and moved to Liberia to serve the country he loved, according to his wife Decontee Sawyer, who still lives in Coon Rapids with the couple's three young daughters, ages "Everyone knows Patrick, it's hit everyone's front door and they feel like they have lost a best friend and a brother and they are awake now," said Decontee Sawyer. The outbreak is the largest and deadliest on record, with more than 670 deaths and more than 1,200 infections in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Fatality rates for Ebola have been as high as 90 percent in past outbreaks, according to the World Health Organization. Liberian officials closed the country's borders, and in Minnesota, health officials are meeting with members of the West African community Monday. Health experts at the CDC have been working with African nations since the Ebola outbreak began in March. Officials are on extra alert after Sawyer's case, realizing he was able to board a plane "Now that is happened to someone who is well known, highly educated and a very influential top government official," said Decontee Sawyer. "Patrick was so involved with everyone in the Liberian community." Sawyer said she believes her husband contracted the virus from his sister. She said she is starting a Minnesota organization called Concerned Liberians Against Ebola which will benefit the Global Health Ministries and Samaritan Purse organizations. The Minnesota Department of Health said Ebola can be just a plane ride away and is aware of the potential for Minnesotans to travel to and from West Africa. Since the outbreak began, officials have alerted Minnesota health care providers to be on the lookout for anyone with symptoms of the virus. The health department says it's providing resources and information to community members and is working on creating materials for local West African media about Ebola and travel precautions. Travelers are considered to be at a low risk, but must practice careful hygiene and avoid contact with bodily fluids of sick people. The virus starts off with flu-like symptoms and often ends with horrific hemorrhaging. There is no treatment or Decontee Sawyer said her husband was scheduled to come back to Minnesota in mid-August for his daughters' birthday party. "He was larger than life," she recalled, realizing even someone who seemed invincible could succumb to the virus.
  7. Liberia shuts most borders in response to Ebola outbreak http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2014/07/28/Liberia-shuts-most-borders-in-response-to-Ebola-outbreak/8571406560290/?spt=su
  8. OK, I have to admit for some reason this one has been putting me on alert for quite some time. Maybe because I've seen pictures and read about symptoms....and its a pretty horrific way to go....and the mortality rate is so high.... Or maybe its because I keep thinking how it could spread internationally by airplane...and I really think governments out there would keep back information until its too late to prevent panic. But its definitely because of the program I work with....many of the children in our classrooms parents come to the University from other countries to do research. They stay a year or so and then go back. They often bring grandparents along to help take care of the children or they come and stay for extended visits. Last year we had children from 13 different countries.... They all have to get physicals and shots before they start...but many times the kids are only in the country for a week or two before they come....that one always makes me worry about what could be passed around. 1) What will WE do....cuz we are much more ready to adapt to new data/situations. Think now....what will **I** do for me and mine? I've been doing what I can to add to reserves...both food and water....and have thought about what kind of things would we want we if were told to stay home (boredom factor). My big issue....I need to continue to work...that's just a reality I can't get away from...bills have to be paid and health insurance is a must have right now. But...I could potentially be a carrier....because schools are notorious for passing illness along. So what to do? Just be aware of whats happening out there and be ready to act if necessary. 2) But think also of how John&Jane Q. Public will be reacting and how will that affect how we must act? It's interesting how its 'trending' on Facebook as I said before. I started reading comments of just random people and it seems like people are worried but not doing anything about it...maybe just thinking about it? A few were saying they would just lock themselves in....I hope they're thinking about what that's would be like. The sad thing was the comments of those from the African countries. They're more afraid.... One consequence....a young lady was asking for prayer for her family because her uncle had died the other day. Not from Ebola...from not being allowed in the hospital....Ebola is the main focus I guess...and he died on the way to another hospital to seek care. This one has such potential to be a really bad thing... My hope is that it would be a different situation in our country without the fear of doctors that is over there.
  9. Well...I don't know if you should stop posting Jeepers. Having the information in one thread is good. Plus...its all over the internet so you can't really get away from it. Its actually 'trending' on Facebook right now.
  10. dogmom4

    DYI potty

    So you're putting the kitty litter inside the bag? Isn't that going to weigh it down so much it will tear?
  11. Ummmmm....nope.....won't know anything about them until the sequel that comes out in October.
  12. Finished Alone. Wasn't super impressed. I found myself skimming towards the end just so I could see how it ended. There's supposed to be a sequel out in October....but, I don't know... Next up: Final Dawn by Darrell Maloney http://www.amazon.com/Final-Dawn-Darrell-Maloney-ebook/dp/B00BV7E9Z8/ref=pd_sim_kstore_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0G0VD6TTNH2DT41FMKF6 It's part of a series...hopefully it's good.
  13. I have the other three books (Sea, City, Home) if you'd like to borrow them. I'm not exactly sure how its done but if you want to find out let me know.
  14. Welcome Daelith! Be sure and introduce yourself on the Sun porch.
  15. Happy birthday to you all!!! Kimba , are you still out there???
  16. We're below the thrifty plan too. I can't imagine spending so much...unless you were stocking up.
  17. I finished it and it was a pretty good read. I think what I liked about this book was that it wasn't overly technical and they didn't have very bit of survival equipment that you could get. It made it more real. Next up: Alone: Book 1: Facing Armageddon http://www.amazon.com/Alone-Book-1-Facing-Armageddon-ebook/dp/B00KKBZYO6/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1405987546&sr=1-1&keywords=alone%3A+book+1%3A+facing+armageddon And it looks like they won't be getting my business. I was reading the fine print and it says you can only use a credit card. A little odd since they accept my debit card to pay for whatever I buy. Oh well...I guess I only get to do the free trial. Too bad...I was seriously considering it. From the Amazon website: "We only accept credit cards for payment of your membership fees. Please do not sign up for the program with a debit card. Also known as a “check” or “ATM” card, a debit card typically has the word “debit” printed on the face of the card."
  18. Well....it sucked me in at least to the free trial.....
  19. Well, I signed up and already got a $3.99 book off my wish list. Now to set regularly scheduled reading times to see how many books I can read. Book #1 Staying Alive http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HV4B7TG/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2LUTKGWAZ6PUH&coliid=I17USY3AOX5URK
  20. I have over a month before having to go back to work...so the free trial would be fantastic. Just don't know if it'd be worth it to pay after I start back up because I'm usually so tired I fall asleep a few pages in. Hmmmm....how many books can I read in 30 days?
  21. Hope you are having a wonderful day!
  22. Scrub jays (pulled one out of the cats mouth yesterday), mourning doves, hummingbirds, Swainson's hawks, the owl in the palm tree in the front yard. The occasional possum and raccoon (thankfully not in months since the cat population has increased.) Teeny, tiny ants that are invading my bathroom (whatever kind of ant they are...they've only been in our area for several years) and regular black ants. Cicadas...cucarachas....crickets. And squirrels. And....rats. Which is why I'm up at 3 am typing this. The cat just did battle with one right outside my bedroom window.
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