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Everything posted by dogmom4

  1. Lovely, lovely. It just makes me want more space.
  2. Thank you! Thank you! I'm enjoying it!
  3. Thanks Jeepers! I found it and was able to to delete some and organize them by author. Makes it so much easier to find them.
  4. I have no idea why. My phone regularly says it can't be backed up because I don't have enough icloud storage. I do have a ton of pictures on my phone that I'm going through. It wants me to buy more. I still am able to add books on my tablet...maybe the they're two different clouds? The whole cloud thing is still a little out there for me.
  5. I keep getting a message on my phone saying I don't have enough storage on my cloud . Pretty annoying. I still haven't figured out how to delete books once I've read them.
  6. Glad the surgery itself went well.
  7. Are we talking Kung Fu Hustle??!! That movie is hysterical. Dh and ds19 love it...so of course, I've had to sit through it a few times. . And no judging on Rocky Horror...I remember standing in line with college friends singing the songs. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0373074/
  8. Sorry you haven't been well.
  9. I heard of the cotton balls before too. One of my aunties told me she thought the flies thought it was spider egg sacs and would stay away. Don't know if that's true or not.
  10. Hmmm..that sounds interesting. I saw a garden around here using old Walmart bags (the reusable kind) on their driveway. Don't know if they were using compost or soil.
  11. Breed cockroaches...on purpose? No way!
  12. Oh good Lord no! (About orange cat that is. ) I already have three cats. I could offer you the RIR hen from hell...unless I haven't already gotten rid of her by then. But I would love to meet up some time this summer!
  13. Pulled up garlic and onions....lettuce has all bolted. Andrea, I might try growing the lettuce indoors after school is done. Have a lot going on right now so I haven't had a lot of gardening time. Oh, and getting 4 eggs a day.
  14. dogmom4


    Welcome Katmandu!
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