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Everything posted by dogmom4

  1. Fantastic price! How do you can with the quarters? Do you cook it first? Or raw?
  2. (((Windmorn))). Welcome back!!!
  3. Sounds like your garden is going to be fantastic. If you still have space you might want wait a couple weeks before you plant more because so you don't end up harvesting everything all at once. Good luck!
  4. (((ANewMe))). Hope the weather holds just for your parade.
  5. Gourds have a LONG growing season and take up a lot of space. And...if you dont pay attention they will grow up trees so high you can't reach the best looking ones...then will fall off the vine when you're not around and crack. Ask me how I know.... I used to do crafting with gourds but it takes a lot of time...so that's kind of gone by the wayside. I love going to this gourd farm...they're just everywhere....you can see them drying in the fields or in huge bins. http://www.gourdfarmer.com/
  6. My yard has shade from the many trees in my yard and the neighbors yard...I dont know that a shade cloth would've made a difference because some of the over 100 degree days were actually 115. I had tomato plants with burned leaves. Plus, as I've gotten older I've become a bit of as lazy gardener. If I have to put a serious amount of effort to keep it alive in my area then it probably shouldn't be grown here.
  7. I built a raised bed from concrete blocks several years ago. We sometimes get strings of more than 100 degree days...when this happened the plants that had roots touching the blocks...and the ones that had been successfully growing in the spaces in the blocks....fried and died...the blocks were just to hot....even though I watered daily. The tomatoes planted a foot away from the sides did fine.
  8. Wow, that's exciting but a little scary. Praying for a safe trip and peace of mind for you. So glad you're back!
  9. Thanks Andrea. I'll check it out.
  10. Mono I want to come live near you to get your bargains!
  11. Welcome Lee! So glad you feel comfortable enough to join in.
  12. Hope you had a wonderful day!
  13. Late last night I was clicked on the view new content button and I got a white page with a 50(something) message...hit the back button and then it was fine.
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