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Everything posted by dogmom4

  1. You're able to brown biscuits in a dutch oven?
  2. Make sure to pull the tab on the back so they can turn on!
  3. Got Ao5's today. Love them! I have an assembly line going today. Hopefully they'll be done tomorrow...at the latest Wednesday.
  4. Saw it yesterday...hope you had a wonderful birthday!
  5. I love Scott tp! That's all I buy....you know how long that sale is happening?
  6. I got Snowmom and Lumas. Thank you! They are so cute! Mine should go out by Wednesday. I have the WHOLE week off so I can actually do them.
  7. http://www.amazon.com/Desperate-Times-Nicholas-Antinozzi-ebook/dp/B0054SDXES/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1384309441&sr=8-3&keywords=free+kindle+books+prepping Imagine waking up to the horrific news of an economic cataclysm. Around the globe, investors have panicked and the markets are on the verge of collapse. The unthinkable has happened. There is a run on the banks and the dollar is in a free-fall. With time running out, you rush out the door and try to prepare for the worst-case scenario; only to learn that hyperinflation has arrived and prices have already begun to skyrocket. This is the sad beginning of Desperate Times. The tale is told through the eyes of an average Joe, Jimmy Logan. Jimmy’s employer, Ken Dahlgren, is waiting for him at the time-clock as he arrives for work. Jimmy is blissfully unaware of what is happening in the outside world, but Ken orders him into his office and gives him the bone-chilling news. Ken and his wife, Patty, own a lake home in northern Minnesota. For years, Ken and Patty have secretly prepared their northern retreat for this looming crisis. Ken invites Jimmy and his live-in girlfriend, Paula, to join a select group of close friends to ride out the storm. After quickly explaining his plan to Jimmy, Ken hands him an envelope filled with cash and the keys to the company truck. He then orders Jimmy to head into Saint Cloud and buy whatever he can lay his hands on. He allows Jimmy enough time to make a quick pit-stop at his trailer home, to explain the situation to Paula and for the two of them to pack their clothes, just as fast as they can. Jimmy decides to give Paula the news in person, before driving to Saint Cloud, but his plan quickly unravels and Jimmy is forced to make some hard decisions. Ultimately, when he arrives to join the caravan that has assembled at Ken’s, Paula isn’t sitting next to him. But that doesn’t mean that Jimmy has arrived alone. Jimmy’s unemployed neighbor from the trailer court, Bill Huggins, and Bill’s daughter, Cindy, are ill-prepared for the future and Jimmy doesn’t have the heart to leave them behind. Ken and Patty are devoted Christians, knowing this, Jimmy gambles that they won’t turn them away. When they arrive, Jimmy sees that Bill and Cindy aren’t the only people seeking refuge from the storm. He soon learns that Patty has quietly spent the day on the telephone, extending invitations, which infuriates her husband. There is an argument, but Patty stands her ground. Reluctantly, Ken is forced to accept the fact that plans have changed. The departing caravan is many times larger than he had envisioned, but conditions are rapidly deteriorating and not everyone will survive the trip. Bordering Ken’s lake property is a resort which has been dormant for many years. Sally, the old woman who owns the resort, still lives there and she has invited up a group of her own. Sally’s people continue to pour in and soon outnumber them. While Ken strictly rations supplies and immediately puts his people to work, Sally’s group acts as if they’re on an extended vacation. The party next door never seems to stop, and it isn’t long before some of those inside Ken’s camp begin to question his authority. Crisply rewritten in December of 2012, Desperate Times introduces a diverse cast of characters to one of civilization’s worst nightmares. This powerful story is both thought-provoking and hauntingly realistic. Initially, the issues raised are seemingly black and white; but friendship and loyalty, moral convictions and survival, slowly become gray areas as the story unfolds.
  8. I am a member of our local food co-op. Members are able to purchase any item in the store in bulk or by the case at a significant decrease in cost. It costs $20 a year to be a member and you can get all of your shares out if you leave. I had a Costco membership years ago and found that the savings was minimal. Maybe it would be more cost effective if people shared the cost of the membership? I do remember some items I really liked buying from there.
  9. Smarty-Pants! I just spent 15 minutes looking, myself. Only to be beaten by one of the best. (Just kidding! LOVE that you found it too! ) Yup, Pigzzilla, I'd use it for that, too. I'm sure it's fine to just eat, but apple butter will be great from it.
  10. Is this what you want? It was under Preserving The Harvest- Recipes. http://mrssurvival.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15995
  11. I've started on the first one.... That's good, isn't it?
  12. Good morning to you all too! Is that you in the picture Ann? Going to be in the high 70's here today. Have along to-do list...just have to push myself out of the bed to get started.
  13. People at my work have been the recipients of things I make....jellies, lotion bars.....eggs from the chickens. So I get the "yay! I want some!" My boss is a gourmet cook who tries out new recipes on us (yummy!) Plus, we've all known each other for over ten years...and we're all women. No insult to the men here....but I find that more women get excited over that kind of stuff.... I get the look more from certain family members who can't understand why I'd want to make something when I can just buy it from the store.
  14. Sounds like you love Sadie a lot...I agree with Necie...a little obedience training with make Sadie lots more fun to be around. Necie...I had to say goodbye to my Abby over the summer. I miss her terribly and I miss having the presence of a dog around too. But, with work I don't have any time for training...so no four legged, slobbery beasts until next summer. And I don't miss those $$ costs either. You don't realize how much you spend on them until you don't have one. ((Necie))
  15. Squawk! Squawk! http://chickendiapers.com/ http://www.mypetchicken.com/catalog/Diapers-and-Saddles/Chicken-Diaper-Free-shipping-p494.aspx http://www.louisescountrycloset.com/ (this one has DUCK diapers!) http://www.backyardchickens.com/t/19187/looking-for-pattern-for-homemade-chicken-diaper
  16. My, my, my.... Let's not forget their diapers...which they actually have for sale....or you can get a pattern and make your own.
  17. Thanks for the sites on the elimination diet Andrea! Good information.
  18. http://inhabitat.com/dan-phillips-builds-enchanting-and-affordable-houses-from-recycled-materials/dan-phillips-recycled-affordable-texas-houses-4/ When Dan Phillips was a child, he saw his parents suffer through the Great Depression years and he quickly learned to value what he had. When he was 14 years old he built a bicycle completely out of scrap materials collected at a nearby dumpsite. And after that first bike, he never looked back. To build these wonderful and enchanting homes — often made up of 75+% of recycled materials — Mr. Phillips and his builders use what is available to them locally. This ranges from scrap wood leftovers, mismatched bricks and tiles, bottle tops and corks, and even bones he’s collected from a nearby cattle yard. In fact, one of Huntsville’s houses, the Bone House, has a complete range of furniture made from cattle bones, like this customized quirky table and chairs that come with a spine. The Bone House is very cool! This link has still images of it but there is a You Tube Video...just can't find a direct link to it. http://www.phoenixcommotion.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=29&Itemid=17&lang=en
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