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Everything posted by dogmom4

  1. Interesting website with quite a number of videos on how people are living simply, in small homes, sustainable lives in the U.S. and around the work. http://faircompanies.com/
  2. Wow, that sounds really scary. So glad you're okay. I'd love to help with the apples...but you're just a bit too far away.... Nice that you're mom is there to help.
  3. For some reason the fact that it says my accent is 'the lowest common denominator of the American accent' strikes me as funny. I've spent most of my life in California but when I have visited relatives in Louisiana I very easily slip into the southern accent.
  4. That is such a hard situation. I know you want to take your mom's feelings into consideration, but it bit you AND your hubby. Think of all the nasty bacteria it could have put into his hands. I am a huge dog lover, but when an animal is that vicious it should be put to sleep. I think of so many situations where you will be held liable.
  5. I think he does just let the smaller plants die back to grow again. It makes sense to me because the summer I broke my leg I had a bed of garlic that didn't get taken care of at all...died...got covered by the chickens scratching in it...then came back beautifully the next year. I'm looking for any way possible to grow with very little bending forward to protect my back.
  6. http://centerfordeepecology.org/perennial-garlic-plant-it-once-and-harvest-for-20-years/
  7. Welcome back Cootie!
  8. We have lots of those fairies here...the garbage can fairy who puts a new bag in when the garbage is emptied...the cereal fairy who replaces the box when its empty...the gas fairy who puts gas in the car when the low fuel light comes on....the cat bowl fairy who refills the cat bowl with food/water when it's empty.
  9. All I have are chicken poopies...lot of work for those....
  10. Do you have an area that could be set up as a quiet space so the child can 'take space' when they need to? Or when you see the signs of a meltdown happening how about taking the child for a short walk outside of the classroom?
  11. Mine? To get through the workday.....
  12. You're so right about that! I got chicken pox at age 18 during my freshman year of college. They wouldn't even let me go back to my dorm to get anything. Told my mom to get me from the clinic on campus. I had blisters from my scalp to the bottoms of my feet...in places I didn't you know you could get them. (maybe TMI). I remember sitting in the tub soaking and crying because the itching was so intense and I couldn't scratch because of the fear of scarring.
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