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Everything posted by dogmom4

  1. Happy birthday!! You share a birthday with my ds19. It's a great day to be born!
  2. First time I've seen one with numbers. Took reading the third line first...then looked back and it was all there. Interesting how the brain works.
  3. I thought about the jumping species thing too Jeepers. Might be a good idea to keep your dog home...dog parks, doggie play dates (yes, for real), doggie daycare, boarding places are a big deal around here...fantastic way to spread disease.
  4. How about vacuum sealing in jars?
  5. Is this the same thing as when you vacuum seal dry goods in jars? If so what does heating the jar up do....create a seal?
  6. Yes to security cameras! And calling the police!
  7. I've enjoyed your blog for a long time Anita.
  8. Anita-precious-pearl (one of our members) did a really nice article on her blog on no cost prepping. It has good ideas for those of you just starting out. http://adventures-in-country-living.blogspot.com/2013/08/a-dozen-no-cost-ways-to-become-more.html#comment-form
  9. OK....have gotten about half way through the Breakers book..not so sure I like it...one of the main characters is just not a very likeable person. I found myself not really caring what happened to him. And there is quite a lot of violence in it. I just hit the part where aliens are showing up so I may read a little further. I know that I wouldn't pay money for anymore of the series. Just my opinion...there seemed to be quite a few people who did like it.
  10. I'd like to know how too... I have clicked on the remove from device button but they also are still there in the archives. Haven't seen anything that says send it back to cloud.
  11. Here's one...haven't had chance to read it yet but it got 4.4 stars from 238 readers. It involves flu that kills a lot of the people in the world....then aliens. Just lettin' you know.... http://www.amazon.com/Breakers-Book-1-ebook/dp/B007712HM4/ref=pd_sim_kstore_3
  12. Have a safe trip back Ann! Today I'm headed to the farmer's market to put a deposit down on a quarter of a pig, going to consign a bunch of house clutter and then enjoy the rest of what is supposed to be a beautiful day.
  13. This was one of my first intro to prepping books....good one.
  14. I'm feeling really conflicted right now. Two more days left of vacation so I'm trying not to add too much to the to do list. But, I've been purging because I know it's so much easier to keep up with everything during the work year if there's less nonessential stuff. I still have lots more to purge. Plus, I had hoped to get some cool weather crops started ...just haven't had time. On a positive note my back finally feels like its on the mend. I've been in my classroom several days in the past week for four hour stretches clearing and organizing...back is sore but not as bad as I thought. Plus my ds18 has been coming in and moving heavy stuff. I also now have a taller chair to sit in courtesy of my boss. I talked with a local farmer at our farmers market and will purchase a 1/4 pig at the next market day. Would love to purchase more but the budget and space won't allow it. The chickens are making a big fuss...someone laid an egg.....they crack me up when they do that.... Well, I need to get off the computer and get started with the day. Have a great one! And tell Mr. Annarchy a clothespin on the nose might help.....
  15. Did you find out what was in the basement?
  16. Or......they might show back up on your doorstep and still be there a year and a half later.........
  17. http://yellowrockcountrygirl.wordpress.com/2011/05/14/easy-layered-chili-recipe-for-canning/ Layered Chili Recipe for Canning Recipe adapted from Creative Canning First thing, get the pressure canner set up on the stove and ready for the jars. Next get a large kettle or pot of non-chlorinated water ( I used bottled water) heat to boiling. You will need the water later. Decide how many jars you want to can up, my canner fits 7 wide mouth pint jars at a time so I always make a full canner. Have the lids and rings ready in a small pot of boiling water. In each clean pint size jar you layer the ingredients into each jar in the order given. You dont have to mix anything up before putting in the jar as the actual canning process in the pressure canner will do all the work for you, isnt that great. For each pint jar: 1/4 cup dry pinto beans or any dry beans that you prefer ( rinsed well before hand ) 2/3 cup ground beef already cooked, crumbled and drained 1/4 cup chopped tomatoes I used canned chopped tomatoes 2 tablespoons chopped onion 2 tablespoons chopped green chilis - these are in the mexican section of your store 1 tablespoon plus 1/2 teaspoon tomato sauce 1 tablespoon chili powder 1/2 teaspoon salt I used kosher salt 1/8 teaspoon cumin 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper dash of black pepper hot water non chlorinated Once the jars are layered with the ingredients fill the jars with the hot water to the 1-inch fill line. Remove air bubbles and top off the jars to be sure liquid is at 1-inch. Place lid and ring on jar and place in the canner. Continue until all jars are in canner. Side note after making this recipe many times, I do this in an assembly line system. Placing the dry pinto beans that have been rinsed very well into each jar, then I put the cooked ground beef into each of the jars, then proceed thru the list until all the jars have the ingredients. This way I am sure all of the jars got the same amount of each item and I dont miss any and when they are done each jar will taste the same. Then fill all the jars with the hot water, place on lids and rings. Once all of the jars are in the prepared canned, process the jars for 90 minutes at 11 pounds pressure, or for whatever pressure you need for your altitude. You can check in the Blue Ball Book for their canned chili as a guideline for higher altitudes. Once the time is complete and your canner cools and pressure goes back to zero you can remove the jars and set them in a draft free place on your counter for 24 hours. After the 24 hours, check to be sure each of the jars sealed. Any unsealed jars should be refrigerated and used as soon as possible. The sealed jars can then be washed, labeled and placed into your pantry. If you want to make quart size jars of this chili you just double all the ingredients measurements noted above for each jar.
  18. Sounds fun! Have a good time.
  19. Is it ok to ask how is Aug 8 special Ann?
  20. Getting ready to head to the first of several unofficial meetings/things to do to get ready for school to start. Official first day is August 26....but reality is classrooms have to be set up, children have to be placed and lessons have to be planned. And a folder with child assessments to be passed on to kinder teachers needs to be found! (Freaking out a bit over this one. Had it on my table last Friday ready to go and it has vanished) Can't believe how fast this summer has gone.....
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