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Everything posted by dogmom4

  1. Yes, I've seen them. I haven't bought any because it does seem Iike a rip off.
  2. Did you see Sharknado? That was the most ridiculous movie...but for some reason I watched it because I wanted see how it ended, lol! And, it's going to have a sequel.....a lot of people really liked it.....
  3. Awwwwww! Look at your pony....oops....I mean puppy. What a beauty!
  4. Wish they'd pick me as an un-famous person. I'd love to have all that family background.
  5. That's what I thought. The way number 5 was worded it sounded like they didn't bathe at all.
  6. No one has written a review yet? Why don't you post your thoughts there? They've got some really bad stuff out there...
  7. No dogs for now. I go back to work fulltime in less than a month. I won't have time for training and I'd rather have no dog over an untrained dog. The chickens will just have to be locked up and let out each day and lose a little of their freerange freedom until I can figure something else out. I was looking at metal dog runs and about had a heart attack over the prices. Even on craigslist they run $300 or more.
  8. I made one today. Took me about five minutes. Pretty handy.
  9. Well, it turns out one of the dead chickens was the one ds hatched and raised. Not to be callous, but she was almost four and pretty much done laying. If one had to go I'm glad it was her. The other laid extra large blue eggs. I had hatched her at school last year. The other new hen I thought was gone turned up looking shell shocked. Thankfully none had injuries. I agree with you martian chick. It didn't even look like it tried to eat them...just pulled them to pieces. In the light of day it really ticks me off.
  10. Another reason I really miss my Abby. Wish I had a pic of myself chasing it away in my pajamas at 5 am. Big %!$ killed one of my best layers and one of the newer hens. Plus the oldest hen my son raised from school is still missing. Locked the other four in the garage for now. We have raccoons that live in the sewers around here but after our initial move in three years ago Abby showed them who was boss and they just stayed out of our area. Will have to rethink the housing situation again and let the neighbors behind us know because they just started a new flock a few months ago.
  11. Guess what for? This is for using black soldier fly larvae as a protein source for people....hmmm, I'd have to be pretty hungry to eat these. Originally thought it would be used for chickens? http://www.dezeen.com/2013/07/25/farm-432-insect-breeding-kitchen-appliance-by-katharina-unger/ If you scroll down there is a short video that shows her prototype...looks like it could be hand made.
  12. Just wanted to promote this weeks show. It was a good one. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/doctorprepper/2013/07/24/the-media-prepper-show As a somatic psychotherapist, educator, mother and urban homesteader, author Rachel Kaplan brings her unique perspective to Media Prepper to discuss her book, Urban Homesteading Heirloom Skills for Sustainable Living. Rachel also shares her ideas about the healing effect of homesteading on people and the planet. In an extended Media Prepper Media Moment, host Carolyn Evans-Dean helps you to pack for an evacuation or bug out emergency.
  13. I don't know...this a difficult topic. If we are supposed to only be around those who think like us how is the gospel supposed to spread? How are people going to see how our relationship with Jesus Christ has changed us if we don't interact with them? And yet, it is possible to compromise our relationship with God when we are. I live this out every day in my work environment (school district classroom) where I have to be very careful what I say...but all staff know how I believe...so my actions are what speak for me. In my home as well...my dh walked away years ago....we've had some heated discussions...not too heated because I want my actions to speak at home as well. Yet, the other day our dd (also walked away during high school) wanted to go see the Conjuring (scary, scary movie) that I won't even watch the commercials for and he had changed his mind and told her that she needed be careful of what she puts in her mind because once its there it never goes away. What?? How many times over the years has that been MY line? So, I don't have the answer. There are some people I avoid because I don't feel strong enough myself to deal...avoiding family is not an option for me...at least the family under my roof. Are we supposed to be the light of the world? Matthew 5:14-16 New International Version (NIV) 14 You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. 2 Timothy 2:2426 24 And the Lords servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, 26 and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will. Matthew 5:16 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that 2 they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Or are we supposed to stay away from non-Christian's? James 4:4-5 ESV "You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you suppose it is to no purpose that the Scripture says, He yearns jealously over the spirit that he has made to dwell in us?" I'd really like to hear other folks thoughts on this.....
  14. I'm on summer vacation but can't believe school will be back in already in 4 weeks. Yikes! It's gone way too fast. I had such a long list at the beginning of the summer but haven't gotten a lot done due to a pinched nerve in my back. I'm learning a lot of patience with the pain. My garden is in but not nearly as prolific this year. I now have 7 hens ( don't let the chicken police know i have one more than I'm supposed to!) who I love watching and collecting the most delicious eggs from. One of the saddest things we had to do was putting our Abby to sleep. Miss her a lot. First time in many years I'm not a dogmom. But, life goes on. My dh keeps telling me she's in doggie heaven having a blast with Bailey...her mate from a long time ago. One of the funnest thing I'm doing is taking cooking classes at our local food Coop. I'd forgotten how much I liked trying new things... Two of my adult children are back with us...one since last year and one for the summer...the living room has been dd's bedroom since June. Three bedroom/one bath is just not enough space. It has made for an interesting summer. How are things going with you?
  15. Nice Philbe! I'm envious....I have lots of plant and very few veggies. We'd be starving if we actually had to depend on this years garden.
  16. I did mix the juice and the dry pectin and then added the sugar. I took a class last year where they talked about doing that with fruit. It did set (gel). I tried one jar and it tastes really good and is just like like jelly. So are they safe for me to have out on a shelf?
  17. The kind I used was a powder. I'll get liquid next time. I actually broke out my whisk to break it up. I think I'm gonna give the jalapeƱo jelly a try.
  18. Had to look up Herxheimer.....I remember hearing about this when you attempt to do a detox for your health? Chronic Lyme patients have to deal with the Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction from antibiotics. The reaction is named after Adolf Jarisch and Karl Herxheimer who published descriptions of the reaction in 1895 and 1902,. For short, it's often referred to as "the JHR," "herxing," or "a herx." Not all patients will herx, it depends on the level of infection and the type of treatment, among other factors, but it's something to be aware of before beginning treatment. If not expecting it, a herx can be a terrifying and incredibly disorienting experience. It takes place in response to antibiotic treatment with several conditions, including Lyme Disease. Other illnesses that are known to have associated herx reactions include rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis ("Herxheimer..."), syphillis, relapsing fever, and Candida--also known as systemic yeast infection . Still, it is most common with Lyme Disease. Herxing occurs when dead or dying bacteria release large amounts of toxins into blood and tissues at an alarming rate. "This provokes a sudden and exaggerated inflammatory response". Essentially, the body is attempting to eliminate the released toxins much faster than it is able to.
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