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Everything posted by dogmom4

  1. congratulations on the grand baby!
  2. It's worked for me too with the stiffness in my fingers and the pain I have with my Achilles tendons. I tore both of them pretty badly during the fall and I don't think they're ever healed totally. I realized the other day it was gone. Usually when i sit or lay down for any long period of time the tendons constrict? spasm?....not sure what it is... for about a minute. The pain was bad. Really bad. I had to hold my breath and walk to get them to loosen up. But, its gone :-) and i hope it never comes back. I did get to my local food co-op and found borax in the homeopathic form. It's made by Boiron for $6.29 for one of the little tubes. You can get it on Amazon as well. This would be something to have in a bug out bag or to use while traveling. I have used the homeopathic pills for other things and they worked for me. The sciatica hasn't completely gone away...but there's been a lot of improvement. I have to admit I'm doing more for that than just the borax. I'm using a homeopathic remedy for nerve pain called hypericum perforatum (St. John's Wort), ice and heat, rest, certain exercises I got from the doctor....anything to make it go away. Now, two weeks ago I couldn't get up without using something to help push/pull me up. This morning I was able to get up without pain and do somethings without pain. But, I think I may have overdone it because I had a big spasm a bit ago while getting out of the car. Laying on ice right now. I will keep doing the borax because I really feel like its made a difference. Thanks for the heads up CGA! I had never heard of this before.
  3. Ooto, I sure hope you can tolerate it. I can't imagine being limited so much. Today, our weather is overcast and cool. Yesterday it was 90. Supposed to be having rain coming in tomorrow with a strong possibility of thunderstorms Tuesday. Pretty unusual for us...used to be from May to September we'd get zero rain and regular 90 to 100 degrees most of the time. We've had rain some days....then hot the next...then temps dropping into the 50's at night. My garden can't quite figure it out either....tomatoes in particular are pretty much sitting there not ripening. I picked up a push lawn mower yesterday from a freecycler and it will so nicely for the small spaces in our yard that have grass. Was able to take Abby for a short walk and collect eggs but am now on an ice pack (sciatica).
  4. This farmer is selling half a pig for $450 a pound...wrapped and freezer ready. If I had $450 to buy that I would but that's more than a whole months food budget.
  5. Oops! That does look scary doesn't it? I had to set my tablet to full version site because what I saw on the mobile version was a page that had a listing of all the ways people use boron...general feedback, multiple cures, skin, fluoride poisoning , arthritis, etc. You click one of those tabs and it shows testimonials and other information like dosages and other links. When I set it to full version site there is a table f contents on the right side of the page. I also saw this as well..... Boiron Homeopathics also makes homeopathic Borax pellets which our readers are starting to use in lieu of Borax. Someone might feel uncomfortable using the borax and could use the pellets. My local food coop might carry them. I'll go this week and see.
  6. Here's another informational link if anyone's interested. http://www.earthclinic.com/mobile/Remedies/borax.html
  7. Well, I'm going to be the guinea pig. I took a first dose today. Ever since I fell a couple years back and broke my leg, it feels like it kind of kicked my pain issues into high gear. I'm having to take way too many pain pills to get through the day....have to move the stiff fingers....legs...before I get out of bed. We'll see.
  8. About two years ago I found a farmer at our local farmers market who sold free range, organic, no gmo bacon...and the other parts...but I love their bacon because it tastes... real. It used to be $12 for a 3 pound bag. Then it went up to $15...then $18 last year. At that point it became an every other week treat. In March the price went up to $22. Today I went and it was $25. I had to walk away. He does sell 1 pound bags and bacon ends but you have to be at the market at 8am because they go fast. It was going to be part of breakfast for Fathers Day tomorrow but not at that price.
  9. Pinned it! And it looks easy. I like easy.
  10. OK, tell me more about this CGA. Is thus the borax you get for laundry?
  11. I love that name! Congratulations!
  12. Congratulations to Max. I don't know what Jordan is going to do. If it does end up being college it will likely be a small one. He is my child who doesn't like being in large groups. Hopefully he'll start out with some community college classes and then go from there.
  13. I teach nursery rhymes to my preschoolers every year be cause its a wonderful way to teach language and vocabulary. We have them recite them for their parents at the end of the year...many parents have never heard them. Don't think the public schools are putting much emphasis on then anymore.
  14. First ripe tomato of the season!
  15. Yay for potty training and helpful grandma's!
  16. Nice to hear from you Stephanie! And congratulations to your son. My Jordan also graduated as of yesterday.
  17. Hey! Congrats on the new grand baby!
  18. dogmom4

    Dog bites

    So glad it didn't turn out worse. I agree with everyone...any dog and small children should never be alone. My Abby was raised in a daycare situation with children all over her...she raised a litter of puppies and has one of the best mothering instincts I've ever seen. She's incredibly gentle with cats and my chickens. But...she is a dog and reacts like a dog. I've never seen her bite but I've seen her swing head with a growl to show that she's the alpha female when it comes to food when it comes to her pups, the cats and the chickens. The possibility is always there...especially if an animal gets stepped on and it hurts. It makes me crazy when people say there dog would never bite or act surprised when it does.
  19. Summer doesn't officially start here until June 7. Last day of work. I can't wait!
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