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Everything posted by dogmom4

  1. Hope you had a wonderful birthday!
  2. (((Snowmom))) So glad you're family is safe and your home was saved!
  3. Thanks for the heads up Mt. Rider.
  4. Hope you had a FANTASTIC DAY!
  5. Nice Philbe! Be careful though of too much weight in the hanging buckets...one year I did tomatoes and had some high winds...several buckets broke where the handles were connected. Love your place!
  6. Here are a couple of interesting links on gardening in the desert. http://www.nativeseeds.org/index.php/resources/gardening http://www.azplantlady.com/
  7. Do you have a farmers market near you? Lots of our local farmers sell theirs that way.
  8. I would do tomatoes, tomatillos, peppers, squash...hot weather plants and do the shade cloth. Maybe try some in containers. Also, if I don't start mine from seed myself I look for plants at my local Ace Hardware. They often have plants brought in from local growers so they're plants that are grown for your area. Plus I live near an agricultural university...they often have sales on plants for our area that do really well. Good luck. It's gotten really hot early here too. My cool weather plants are all starting to bolt...doesn't usually happen until June.
  9. Did they have a way to harvest the honey from it?
  10. Okay...I want you know I'm just joking here....but how does she know it tastes like cat food?
  11. Yes Momo! Just picked the first ripe strawberries today...been harvesting peas, chard, kale, spinach...different herbs. Lots more to come.
  12. I wonder how this would work with existing raised bed boxes? Hmmm...have to give this some thought because I'm all about making the garden easier.
  13. I've wanted to be a mom since I was a little girl. I love the smell of new babies...how everything is new and fascinating to toddlers and preschoolers....learning all over again during the preteen years. Okay....I could skip some of the hormonal teen years...but thank God most of them grow out of it...and it's great to watch them grow into themselves. Yes, there are some extremely difficult times when that we need to help them get through...but...I often find I've grown myself once you get through it. And hopefully, someday, I'll get some grandkids out of it!
  14. I would have your soil tested Ann since it seems to be your whole garden. Really frustrating for you!
  15. Love it gofish! I like things that are low cost and relatively easy to make.
  16. Smartie Sprinkles here.....
  17. I'm on there too. Just sent me a pm and I'll send you a link to my boards.
  18. He has risen indeed! Have a blessed day!
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