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Everything posted by Dee

  1. Did you know that if you let your dishwasher go through its drying cycle for maybe 5 minutes and then open the door to let air dry the dishes dry almost instantly? I never, unless I forget, let them go through the drying cycle. It takes time and it costs money. For myself, I find also, that if I can empty the dishwasher right away, I can begin refilling it right away. There are usually more dishes to put in with me doing some kind of cooking and a retired husband at home, etc.. Try it. I think you'll like it!
  2. Thanks Ambergris. I've printed off a copy to give it a try. They sound good!
  3. I have tried for years to make biscuits. They aren't fit to eat and look as bad as they taste. I now buy frozen biscuits. Someone gave me recipe that supposedly tastes just like KFC. I'm going to try it when the freezer biscuits are gone. Any hints on making them would be greatly appreciated.
  4. euphrasyne, what a great idea. I've never once thought of that with oatmeal or cream of wheat.
  5. I read on Facebook today that St. Patrick's Day is over. We can now go back to being our own nationalities. That is until May 5th, when we can all become Mexican. I know most here are American, not this or that, but I thought it was cute.
  6. When you talk about your kids "shopping", mine do too. I love that they feel comfortable enough to help themselves. None really help can, etc. but they help the "old folks" in so many other ways. I remember when Kendra, our daughter, was a girl and friends would come over. When I fixed supper I'd say to Kendra, go get some cilantro, parsley, whatever. She took the scissors, went to the living rooms south window and began cutting on this herb or that. One friend, her mother was a friend of mine, went home and told her mother that Kendra's family eats weeds. Kendra and I had such fun shocking these girlfriends of hers.
  7. Yes, I’m talking about beef. For years we fed Black Angus cattle and always fed corn, as well as hay. For the next years we fed Hereford’s and fed grass only. Why the switch? No reason, just trying different things. Why the Hereford’s? Because I loved and wanted them. So, each year we butchered. Well, we didn’t do the work, we took them to the locker. One steer per year until the kids grew up and had families then it became two steers a year Looking at the Black Angus in the pasture they were built solidly, heavier and very pretty. Looking at the Hereford’s in the pasture they were not as solid, nor as heavy but still very pretty. The difference in taste was subtle. DDIL had trouble with the grass fed hamburger. The rest of us didn’t notice but she said it “felt funny,” whatever that meant. If someone else handled it and did the cooking she said it tasted just like any hamburger. She just couldn’t stand handling it but couldn’t explain why. Any other’s experienced the difference? What did you think? When you do butcher, what parts do you keep? What parts do you not want? Our kids didn't want the lard. Lots of lard from two steers so I only kept it from one. The kids all loved the steaks. We let them have them since we aren't much for steak. Oh, round steak tenderized is nice but they took the other. I hate to admit but tongue, heart, etc were not our cup of tea. When we had hogs I took everything because they'll eat anything and everything but once the hogs were gone we got pickier. We no longer have livestock after getting older. It's sure easier buying it at the grocery store.
  8. There were millions of birds slaughtered here (Iowa) in the last go around. I've been listening about it on the news and when it's mentioned it seems like there's another outbreak here or there. Too many things coming together to make you wonder what's going to happen next and when they'll culminate into more tragic consequences. Let's keep our preps growing ladies!
  9. Welcome Eliana! Nice to have you join us.
  10. 'For some reason this fascinates me. I'm going to try it. Thanks, Dogmom4 for the recipe!
  11. Nana, so good to see you.
  12. Happy St. Patrick's to all of you!
  13. I always have over ambitious garden plans. It's so nice gardening in the winter sitting in a warm house in my recliner. Hot summer days and weeds don't seem quite the same.
  14. I laughed at your idea of a beef thread Darlene. I might just get one going in a couple of days. I don't know about freezing not working Ambergris. I've done it for years and never had bugs but maybe it depends on where you live. I'm on the frozen tundra of Northern Iowa and you're in Florida. Maybe that's the difference.
  15. Well shoot, I guess I read that wrong Mother. Sorry about that! I pictured you working away in 2 kitchens. It would be convenient, that's for sure. I like the kitchen too but not nearly as much as the rest of you. I love hearing everything you all do. It's so interesting.
  16. DH doesn't mind any of it warmed up in the microwave. When I do it, I usually plan ahead enough to put it in my little toaster oven. Seems to me, to taste so much better. Here's one I put in the oven before going to church a couple of weeks ago. The potatoes and ham were frozen separately and put in the toaster oven together. The bread is pumpkin bread I made last fall, so all it had to do was thaw. Fixed us a salad and voila dinner was ready in no time.
  17. Four to six hours? I'm impressed Mother. You must like the kitchen better than I do. Your kitchens sound wonderful. Having 2 would really make it easier to can too. One kitchen for your canners, etc. the other for just your regular cooking while the other is being used.
  18. I use containers too Mother, but I use way more Baggies. I get most of the air out and lay the bag flat to freeze. They stack nicely and takes up less room.
  19. How much time do you spend in your kitchen? I go in spurts. Some days I spent a whole morning making cookies, yesterday morning was enchiladas for a luncheon, etc. Of course, part of the morning is spent on cleanup too. Ack! I usually cook way more than we need because, as I've said before, I cook for the freezer. Another day I don't spend much time there at all. I pull from the freezer or fix us a sandwich and soup. My DH is an easy keeper and is just happy when I feed him and he doesn't have to fend for himself....which he does at times. I eat out with girlfriends periodically, but DH and I seldom ever eat away from home. How does your kitchen work? Lots of time in it or as little time as possible spent there?
  20. Every time I looked at Daily Diary and saw how many pages there were I'd always think back to the old board crashing when it got too many pages. This new page makes my heart beat easier.
  21. There's a place called, "The Fussy Librarian" that sends me a small list of a variety of books to choose from daily. All are free other than at the bottom where she gives you a couple choices of almost free books. If you'd like to sign up here's a link. headlibrarian@thefussylibrarian.com I've gotten so many that, until I get some read, I just delete the emails w/o opening it. Too tempting otherwise. Keep reading!
  22. Years when, when we had children at home, and world full of chores in the mornings and evenings I'd cook for the freezer. Sometimes things came up that kept me outside too long. An example, ewes lambing and one, or more, needing help. We couldn't leave her to struggle w/o help and yet the kids needed to eat before school or even supper. I learned to always have food in the freezer for them to take out and microwave. Breakfast foods, pancakes, waffles, sausage, bacon, pizzas, hamburger patties, you get the idea. Cooking for the freezer became a way of life that continues on to this day. Now it's just DH and me but there are days when I'm busy, gone, or even just lazy or not in the mood to cook. Those days I pull food from the freezer, or he does. Makes life so much easier. So, with all that said, a couple of days ago I did up sausage patties and sausage and scrambled eggs. I don't like them, but DH does and will eat them some mornings for breakfast. The pictures below show what I did. There are a dozen cooked sausage patties and a skillet full of scrambled eggs and sausage that turned into 27 one cup bagged portions. All are in the freezer now and ready for him to chow down on when he's in the mood.
  23. Yes, I read The Nightingale too. I've also read Winter Garden, Firefly Lane and I can't think what else. I like Kristen Hannah! Can you tell? Keep reading!
  24. I always leave mine just as I buy them, in the bag. Hopefully, someone will come in before long and answer your question.
  25. I bought flour a couple days and remembered to take it to the freezer today. Did you know if you freeze flour for a few days, it will not get buggy later on? I freeze it for, say a week, maybe way longer if I don't need the freezer space and too lazy to remove it. I know it can go a year past the date and I've even kept it longer. I've kept it in the old house that belonged to my mother-in-law. There is no heat or air there. Our summer can be in the 90's. Our winters can be -20. I've never had a problem with it. Since we live on a farm mice can be a problem in the fall as grain is taken out of the fields. So, I store mine in totes. I have totes all over the house filled with things mice like...hate those little guys! We have 2 bathrooms and it's just DH and me. His bathroom has a bathtub with a shower and it's just too hard for him to get into with his arthritis. He uses the walk-in shower in my bathroom. You guessed it; I have totes in his bathtub. Three totes to be exact that have flour, sugar, baking powder, popcorn, you get the gist. Close the shower curtain and no one knows it's there. Creative thinking is a must if you don't want your preps all over your house for you and others to stumble over. Also, I like to keep what I have as quiet as possible. So, what are some ideas the rest of you have? I would love to hear them. So would others.
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