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Everything posted by Dee

  1. Jeepers, I'm so sorry for all the losses. It's just hard to take it all in.
  2. I looked at her pictures too. Very nice looking lady!
  3. Happy Birthday GraceandViolets.
  4. My cataracts were so bad I could hardly see. Couldn't see outside at all on a sunny day and STILL they wouldn't take care of them. The next time I went to the eye doctor and he had me read the chart I acted like I could only read so far down. Probably 2 or 3 lines above what I really could. They scheduled my cataract surgery after that and, as they say, the rest is history. Good luck kappydell!
  5. Our Fareway store had arm roasts for $3.99 lb. this week. Today I bought 5 packages with between 2 1/2 to 3 lbs. each. I am watching for more sales on meats. Wow, haven't the prices really gone up!
  6. Dee

    What are these?

    Thank you euphrasyne, I've taken a picture of it and will give it a try.
  7. Dee

    What are these?

    I cooked one of the squash and made squash soup for dinner. I added a couple slices of buttered raisin cinnamon toast to go with it and a pumpkin bar. I loved it. DH not so much. He's not much for squash BUT he did say if things go south and we need these squash it's decent. High compliment from him on a squash dish! I'd never made squash soup. This is a recipe I found on the internet. I will search for another and another but will wait a couple of weeks in between times. No use having DH say I'm done, never again. If anyone has a squash soup recipe they'd like to share I'd love giving it a try. Please, not a recipe that takes hours and ingredients I don't have on hand. I'm a quick and easy kind of cook. Thanks!
  8. I too do the same with my credit card Jeepers. Not as extensively as you but I have an Amazon Chase credit card that gives me credit back to spend at Amazon. Having to spend it there isn't a problem as I buy things often. Just over the weekend I bought cream of tartar and pumpkin pie spice. I can't find either in the stores. I didn't put out any fresh cash as I used my Amazon credit and I still have money to spend when I need something else. I buy everything I can on my credit card. I pay bills, buy groceries, pay insurance, Dr. bills, etc. etc. Just a month or two ago I charged almost $2,000 for my washer/dryer which and with the rest I'd charged that month I got a nice return when I made my payment. The card is paid in full each month so there is never any interest.
  9. Dee

    What are these?

    Gotta love you Homey!
  10. Dee

    What are these?

    Ok, thanks for your help. It's nice to know what they are.
  11. Dee

    What are these?

    Thanks Littlesister. Do you really think they're acorn when they're this size and shape? Look at the difference in them in this picture. Thanks for the offer of your recipe but I have a Ball Bluebook too and just might start canning some of these at the first of the week.
  12. Dee

    What are these?

    Littlesister, when I first noticed them I thought they were butternut. Looked like them but solid green. Than in a month or so they were more watermelon shaped and by fall they were green and orange like acorn. The inside is the color of acorn and they taste like acorn. Jeepers, I thought of Canadian geese since we have tons of them off and on all spring and summer in our creek pasture. As big as the seed is it seems like it would need to be a good sized bird. Midnightmom, the extension office thought they were spaghetti squash too but they aren't. Nope, we no longer have animals of any kind. When we were picking them to bring in yesterday evening some friends of ours stopped to see what we were doing. They took a couple and she sent a text this morning saying they'd eaten one last night and it was delicious and tasted like acorn. I told her to stop for more, and she said she would. I'll add a picture of them on my dining room floor so you can see what they look like closer up.
  13. Dee

    What are these?

    What I've seen it sounds like a winter squash to me too Annarchy. Like you, it's the curiosity that's making me search....but haven't found it. I hope you do. It would be nice to know. We picked and brought them in yesterday since a hard frost was coming last night. We got 45 or 46 and I have them sitting on an oil cloth, cloth side up, in the dining room to dry. Once I make sure they'll stay good I'll cart them to the back of the house to my bathtub. We left quite a few out there tangled among the branches, etc. Ten years ago we'd have climbed right in to get them. Now, it's better to leave them than break a leg. LOL Thanks again!
  14. Dee

    What are these?

    Exactly Mt. Rider. Seeds from all over the world. I'm anxious to save some of the seeds and see what they produce next year. It will be interesting.
  15. Dee

    What are these?

    Thanks Midnightmom I can't find any that looks like mine. Thanks to you too Annarachy. These look similar but mine don't have stripes and the leaves are different. We're thinking the Canadian geese brought the seed in since it looks like way more that one plant out there. Who knows where those geese have been.
  16. Dee

    What are these?

    In the middle of the summer I noticed what looked like butternut squash growing. They're in our creek pasture in a brush pile. I have not planted squash since we've lived here, 4 years now, and we have no close neighbors. The brush pile is tree branches, etc. No food. Now the vines have frosted and here's a picture of how many there are. We like squash, but not that crazy about it. I feel as though, perhaps, God has blessed us with this abundance of food and I don't want to waste it. We have no basement or garage so, go ahead and laugh , I'm going to put them in the huge bathtub off the master bedroom. I truthfully doubt the tub is big enough. They're green with some orange. Similar to an acorn in coloring. They're the size of a smaller watermelon. Inside they're orange like an acorn and taste like an acorn. Any ideas on what they might actually be? TIA
  17. You're ambitious and doing good! Keep it up girlfriend! A good place to look for jars is estate sales or garage sales. I've gotten tons that way.
  18. I got potatoes dug yesterday. With the drought we didn't get nearly what we normally would. I'd say there's probably 20 lbs. here but it's sure better than nothing. Last night for supper I took the tiny's, left the skins on and fried in butter. Oh my, but they were to die for.
  19. No, but you can keep opening your pantry door to look at them......that's what I do!
  20. You're welcome but someone yet may come up with a great recipe. If not I think the Mrs. Wages is like $2.89 a packet but well worth it if not. Good luck!
  21. I've never made ketchup but I did notice in the store the other day that Mrs. Wages has a ketchup mix. I use the Mrs. Wages for both salsa and pizza sauce and both are great.
  22. I have a Squeezo, similar to what you have, and it's an marvelous thing. It makes things so much easier. I'm so glad you got one....congrats!!!
  23. Dee

    2021 carrots

    I dug 12.5 lbs. of carrots today. The picture shows them washed and ready to go in bags for the winter. Anyone else dug theirs yet? How about other things to have for winter? Who has canned and frozen things from their gardens? All our summers work is coming to fruition. I don't do nearly what I used to but I still do some. Grocery stores do the rest.
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