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Everything posted by Dee

  1. Our library has been closed off and on but, being on the library board, I have a key. It's really convenient. My gosh, I'm writing down all these book recommendations as I read each. Big sigh, I won't live long enough to read them all. I'll have to pick and choose. Years ago I read a book called "Black Bees and Goats", or some such thing. It was about a teacher (?) here in the U.S. that retired to a small cottage in Scotland, Ireland, some place over there. I would like to find more like it but when I search for autobiographies, biographies, memoirs, etc., all I get are celebrities or some such. ACK, I want people like us that are doing interesting things. Any suggestions from anyone? Keep reading! That's what our librarian does. She has the door locked the couple of days a week she works. If anyone wants a book/s they call, she gets what they want and takes it to their car. Our town, I live 3 miles north of town, is only 250 people with a wonderful library. Check it out if you'd like. Renwick Public Library | Facebook I take care of the Facebook page so any of the pictures you look at won't have me in them......that's the way I like it.
  2. Mother, you write??? What a surprise! I do too!!! That's just a silly statement to Mother. She and I have shared our writings with each other for a number of years. We're both going to have a best seller before you know it....NOT! Just wishful thinking BUT fun to think about all the same. Keep reading!
  3. Oh Homey, I accept the blame, if it got you going on it. It's so down to earth, compared to so many others, and you can actually picture it happening in real life. Enjoy them old friend.....of course that's as in friends.....not in age! Keep reading!
  4. Oh my gosh, I loved Jean Auel's, "The Earth's Children Series". When I first read them, maybe 40 years ago now, I loved the romance between Ayla and Jondalar but later I liked how she gathered herbs, cooked in grass baskets, etc. etc. Don't be afraid of them because they were written so long ago. It's set in prehistoric times so they aren't dated. Keep reading!
  5. Wow, you do have a lot of books Jeepers. I have very few. Working at the library we have access to so many and also Interlibrary Loan that the books I do have are things like The Encyclopedia of Country Living, etc. My favorite genre is historical novels. I loved Gwen Bristow's Calico Palace and all her others. Actually, we even named our daughter Kendra, one of the main character in Calico Palace. Not because of the book, necessarily, but because it was a name my husband and I could agree on. I'd never heard the name before then. She was 41 3 weeks ago. Have any of you read the "Red River of the North" series by Lauraine Snelling? It goes on forever but, say the first 5, are so very good. "An Untamed Land", the first, was written sometime in the early 2000's. The Bjorklund family (unusual name and yet it was my friends last name) came from Norway to homestead in North Dakota. If you're into historical, give it a try. I'd almost guarantee you'll be hooked. I can't say how many I've recommended them to that have come into the library. Keep reading!
  6. I'm not envious of many things, but those of you that can draw have made my list. My one brother could draw beautifully. My other brother and myself can't straw stick people. I didn't remember about the fleas until you wrote what you did Ambergris and it all came back. Thanks! 9:55 here and I'm off to bed. I'm not going to make it till midnight, so I'll wish you all a Happy New Year right now! HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our Mrs. S. friends.
  7. I love WW2 holocaust books. I really don't know why when they're so sad and brutal but I've read many. I can't imagine so much hate and anger against a group of people. How did Hitler get people to follow him with such vigor? I also read The Hiding Place years ago but couldn't remember particulars. I went and Amazon and read the synopsis and still don't remember it. I do remember liking to read Corrie ten Boom though. I guess I've read too many of that type to remember any in particular. Have you ever read Countryside and Small Stock Journal magazine? I loved it for years but finally got tired of it. I hated that it wasn't a monthly magazine but, every other month when it arrived in the mailbox, was like Christmas. I'm on my way to check out the books you mentioned. I love referrals. Keep reading!
  8. I agree Mt. Rider, Miki's is the place to be. Let's all meet at her house. No snow and warm enough to walk outside, can't be beat!. However, we're actually 19 above this morning.
  9. No one seems to be reading "The Testing", so, what are you reading? Did you get something new for Christmas? Something for pleasure or prepping? I'm reading, "The 20th Victim" by James Patterson and listening to "The Huntress", by Kate Quinn, on my phone. Have you found new authors? Who are they? Who are your favorites authors? Favorite books? Have you read, "One Second After" by William B. Forstchen? If not, I'd recommend it. It's GOOD!!! Oh, I hope there are some readers here. We used to have such good discussions.
  10. DH and I don't have apartments but my cousin does. She has 2 middle class buildings with4 apts. in each. She hasn't had to evict anyone yet, but like she says, "If I have to I will. It sounds good not to evict people but I still have monthly mortgage payments, if they pay or not. I furnish heat, water, sewer and garbage. If they don't pay their rent, (like Ambergris had with 5 months of no rent) how can I add to my lack of income by having to pay their utilities." It sounds harsh but when/if people quit paying rent she can't afford to pay the utilities on top of it. It's just a no-win situation for all concerned.
  11. The Testing by Joelle Charonneau is a trilogy. Like Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, etc. I think they're more for young adults than old birds like me but I loved them. They are so different than the mysteries and romance that is normally seen for adults. Anyway, has anyone heard of, or read this series? Working at the library the other day a Jr. High girl came in asking for the first book in the trilogy, "The Testing". I hadn't heard of this series but she told me how popular they've become, so, I ordered all 3. I didn't want to wait for the books to arrive so I got it to listen to on Audible. Even if you haven't read it, have you heard of it or have any interest in it? I'll let you know what I think. Thumbs up or down.
  12. Just wondering how many at Mrs. S. have had the virus. Was it a minor bout that you hardly knew you were sick. Or was it tougher than that? How long were you sick? Did you end up in the hospital? I had it in November. My first sign was being so very tired. The tiredness is finally pretty well gone but still today I might be as ambitious as heck and tomorrow sit in my chair and do nothing but read, be on the computer, etc. For 2 weeks, says hubby, I don't really know, I went from my bed to my recliner and back. I slept and drank 7-Up for those 2 weeks. Never really sick or achy, like the flu, mostly just tired and slept.
  13. I was at the Dr. getting tested for covid Homey and, like you, they asked me to remove my mask and wear one of their disposals. I did but told her I wondered why. She said there were too many coming in with masks you could tell hadn't been washed for ages. It was easier, and they felt better, to have everyone switch to their disposable as to make someone angry telling them their mask didn't look clean. Made sense.
  14. Jeepers, I think medical people and teacher's are smart to retire. No one seems to care much about them no matter how hard they work or what they do. I tested positive so know I had it. Part of last December and January DH was so tired and in bed most of the time. He never really hurt but just miserable and tired. So, I think he had it back then too. I am so in hopes he did because his health isn't the best and I sure don't want him getting it now. I think part of the misinformation on all the virus, vaccines, etc. is people want instant answers and won't let them take the time to really learn and figure things out. Life didn't used to be instant and open to the world to criticize and bicker about before anyone knew anything. I remember when the polio vaccine came out. There had been talk but no answers. Then suddenly there was a vaccine, we were lined us up in the lunchroom of the school cafeteria and they shot us all. I suppose there were parental permission slips but my mother had we 3 vaccinated for everything that came along.
  15. Hi Mikki ...I had the virus in November (it's not nice stuff). I wonder if I'd be considered immune to spreading it and/or getting it if I were to travel there. NOT that I have any plans on even leaving my area let alone traveling all over the world.
  16. Good to see you posting Annarchy. The familiar "faces" are so nice.
  17. We do go back a long ways Homey. Wow, it's hard to imagine how long. Glad you're still putting pies together to pop in the freezer. A few years ago I did farmer's market and baked pies in pot pie type pans to sell. Makes the perfect sized pie for Galen and I. We could eat a whole big pie in a couple of days but, obviously, we don't need it and the pot pie sized pan gives us a nice piece. Take care old friend and if you ever drive by this way again you know you're always welcome!
  18. Hi everyone....I check in once in a while to see how everyone is doing but that's about it. I've gotten old enough that all this work wears me out. LOL I can't imagine how I ever did all that we/I did just a few years ago. You ladies still rock and I love reading your posts but usually pretty quiet.
  19. All you do is appreciated Annarchy!
  20. When I go to grandchildren's baseball/softball games and there is no restroom close by I sometimes wear Depends. Yes, I learned that lesson the hard way! BUT I don't buy Depends, I got mine at Walgreen's. What a price difference. I only have one package on hand but think I'll buy more thinking about the shortages. They would be awfully nice to have if you're with others and there's no bathroom available.
  21. DH went for tractor parts today so I rode along. Went to the same chain store as the other day but in a different town. Mrs. Grimes chili beans were on sale for $1.99 a can. I picked up 4 cans and one had a green tag saying $.75 off. It wasn't dented and the date on the bottom was 2023. I asked the lady at the check-out why it was $.75 off, I couldn't find a thing different about it. She said they have too many in stock in the back so they put them on sale and then mark a few cans an extra $.75 off. Have you ever heard of such a thing? I wished then I'd have dug deeper into the stack of cans to find more.
  22. Lunch meat was almost non-existent. I like having 3 or 4 Marie Calendar chicken pot pies in the freezer for lazy nights. NONE in the freezer and only 3 beef pot pies. Decided to get TV dinners instead. Two Salisbury steak, 2 meatloaf was all. Maybe 6 of macaroni and cheese but that was it. Very little bread on the shelves. No storms or anything unusual in the forecast so that wasn't the reason for it. No chocolate milk. Lots of open spaces for store brand and Campbell's soups. Chips were sparse too. Maybe more that I've forgotten but it was the first time I've seen so many empty shelves.
  23. Thank you Ambergris. I hate to admit how little knowledge I have of what you're saying but thank you so much for responding.
  24. I have some questions. Friday evening our minister and his family went out for supper. A couple that are members of the congregation saw them and visited with them a few minutes. He was happy and visiting like normal. Ten p.m. that same evening he got sick, don't know the particulars. The ambulance was called and they took him to a smaller hospital close by. They tested him for Covid19 and it was negative. They thought, at the hospital, he was having a heart attack and life flighted him to Des Moines. It wasn't his heart at all. They spent all day yesterday trying to get his temp. to go below 103. They said he was practically laying on a slab of ice. His white count was high and by yesterday evening his kidneys were shutting down. They put him on dialysis but that only worked for about 20 minutes. They were going to, or maybe they did, try different medications but with what meds he was taking they couldn't give them to him. This morning in church it was announced his family was allowed in, they hadn't been allowed in earlier, to tell him good-bye. By noon he had died. This all took place in a day and a half. He was 54 years old. I edited to add he was intubated Friday night. My questions: Does it sound like Covid19? Can it hit you as quickly as it did him? They keep talking infection because of the high white count but they couldn't find anything. Is your white count high with Covid19. So many questions with so few answers. Thanks for your help!
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