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Everything posted by Dee

  1. In the last 3 days I've canned 27 quarts of applesauce. On the next to the last batch to go in the WBC the bottoms broke off 2 of the jars. By the time I cleaned up the mess I decided to just freeze the last 4 quarts. I have another apple tree but nah, that's enough. I found a bag of lids I bought at Pamida 8 years ago. No idea if they'd work so I tried 1 on one of the jars. I found another bag of old lids, no idea how old, and tried one of them. Then I had one of the reusable plastic lids with a loose rubber seal. Had it for years too but never tried it. All 3 sealed perfectly. Now I'm anxious to see if any or all will stayed sealed. Anyone else used old lids?
  2. I had 2 zucchini sitting on the counter I so badly wanted to throw away. However, the prepper in me made me use 1 today. I made another 3 loaves of zucchini bread and a zucchini chocolate cake. I am picking up a prescription for a relative later this afternoon so I'm taking one of the loaves of bread to her as well as a couple pieces of cake. The same for another elderly relative that I'll drive by on my way home. Tomorrow I'll do it all over again with this last zucchini, only this next time it will all go into the freezer with the gobs of bread and cakes I've already made. I just have a fear of what this winter could bring and I know I'd hate myself if I threw them away now and then needed them. I just hope no one drops more of the darn things off while I'm gone this afternoon.
  3. We weren't touched here...thank the Lord. I seldom have on the TV or radio during the day unless DH is inside. That day we had overcast skies and a nice gentle rain. I had NO idea this horrible storm was going on. Talk about having my head in the sand....right Mother??? LOL My cousin in Beaverdale, part of Des Moines, just got her electricity back on a couple of hours ago. They, like so many other places, were hit hard but her house, trees, etc. had no damage. I can't say that for other relatives. Others are still out. Mother is right about crops in Iowa being down. They say 1/3 of the crops are flattened, which they also say is 10,000,000 acres. Unbelievable!!!
  4. ABC news told tonight that the boy that took the video in the school hall as been expelled. CORRECTION: I saw the report again this morning and it was said the person had been suspended NOT expelled. Sorry!
  5. Right now I'm reading The Forgiven by Marta Perry. It's an Amish Romance. I'm OLD and not usually into romances anymore but I wanted something light. It's pretty good. I just finished listening to The Throwaway Children by Diney Costeloe. It's a heartbreaker. I have a Baldacci, The Fix I'll be starting next.
  6. I have been amazed at how good "older meat" is when putting it in the crockpot with a can of some kind of creamed soup over it. It's sure worth the price of a can of soup to try it at least once. Don't tell the family and see if they notice. If they do ok, but if they don't, think how much it can save you.
  7. My word, I don't remember putting any of those up. Some do sound pretty good though.
  8. Prayers for you to be totally well soon!
  9. Dee

    This was so weird

    His phone calling my phone, while my phone is calling his phone.
  10. Dee

    This was so weird

    I've had my own phone number come up on my phone too but to have my phone be calling his and his calling mine at the same time I've never heard mentioned before.
  11. Anyone ever heard of it? Two nights ago DH and I were sitting in our chairs just quietly watching TV. Our chairs are right together and we each have an end on the other side of our chair where our phones were sitting. His phone rang. A funny ring, not his normal one. Before he picked it up to answer, mine rang too. I looked at my phone and said, "It's from your number Galen". He looked at his and it was my number calling him. What the heck? When I answered mine no one was there. He didn't answer his. Oh, and we don't have an Alexa. Any thoughts?
  12. I saw on the news last night that roughly 20 campers are at the Des Moines Water Works Plant for critical workers to live in while they keep the plant running. The employees will live in the campers, I think mostly rented, so they aren't chancing infecting their families by coming and going. After 2 weeks they'll go home and another group will take their place. Hope it works. Iowa went from 45 cases of the virus to 68 today or maybe yesterday. Not sure but that's 23 new cases. Our churches in town are closed for 2 weeks also. DD, who I've told to prep for years, let me know she did enough shopping that they had enough food for 2 weeks. She truthfully thought they were really prepared......sigh! Asking her if she thought they might to be in lockdown (she's in CA) for more than 2 weeks she said, "I'm sure!" "Just suppose", I said, 'the stores don't have food in 2 weeks because of so many different reasons? What will you do then?" Believe it or not she said, "Wow, I never thought of that." She, her husband and son were going to Reno yesterday for her Dr. appointment. I told her I was going to send her a check for $300 and they were to spend it all on food. When she asked me what she should buy I realized they have next to nothing that's shelf stable. I made a list, told her to get everything on it UNLESS it was something they didn't like. DO NOT get things you won't eat. In the end I sent her $500 and when they got home from Costco in Reno she sent pictures. So many pictures of so many things to keep them fed. Thank heaven! I also told her to tell NO ONE what they bought. Put it away and keep quiet. So many of us here have done this for so many years, it's just become a way of life. I really thought I'd taught my children better. Obviously not! Stay safe everyone!
  13. Here in Iowa 40+ Iowan's went on an Egyptian cruise. The thirteenth person from the cruise was just diagnosed yesterday with the virus. One, a person in his 60's, is in critical condition. Who knows how many more of those 40+ will be diagnosed? One lady in another county has tested positive for the virus after being in CA. She worked at a Panera Bread so has probably exposed many people. And on and on it goes. I' right there with you Mt. Rider
  14. I went to a larger city, 55 miles away, yesterday to visit a relative in the hospital. Didn't know that I wanted to go there very bad but the woman is 95 and we're very close. How do you not go and see her??? Anyway, I did some major shopping while I was there. Wal-Mart was crazy in the aisles with the vitamins, aspirin, band-aids, shampoos, you know that area of the store. What the heck is going on, I said to a worker standing next to me. She said it's become crazy in this part of the store the last few days. She was right. It really was crazy. It made me think of a couple of days before Christmas with the numbers of people. I didn't go to the food aisles but the other aisles weren't busy at all. I bought some garden seeds, dish towels, totes, etc. etc. and it was just normal shopping.
  15. My nephew, his wife and 2 sons returned yesterday from their recent trip to Maui. She posted pictures the first day they were there and never mentioned anything again other than to say they were on their way home yesterday. I've wondered why she never posted anything else and the flu was never mentioned. They live in CA. I live in Iowa so it's not like I'll be seeing them to hear about their trip.
  16. My nephews wife just posted 3 mins. ago with a picture of a whale coming out of the water and another picture of a rainbow. Said she can't wait until tomorrow. No mention of the flu. I wonder if they even know about it yet.
  17. My nephew, his wife and their 2 sons just left for Maui this morning. I don't know anymore than that but wonder if they'll be aloud off the plane or what. He lives in California.
  18. I heard on the local news tonight that they're checking 2 people here in Iowa for the virus.
  19. I have no idea. It just came up on my newsfeed a few minutes ago and thought I'd share it.
  20. 11th US Case of New Virus Confirmed in California https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/california/articles/2020-02-02/9th-us-case-of-new-virus-confirmed-in-san-francisco-bay-area By Associated Press, Wire Service Content Feb. 2, 2020, at 9:18 p.m.
  21. Global health Wuhan Coronavirus Looks Increasingly Like a Pandemic, Experts Say https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/02/health/coronavirus-pandemic-china.html
  22. One winter when the kids were still home we kept passing the flu and colds back and forth. DH finally got the Lysol out and sprayed the house GOOD. It seemed to work, so now when one of us is sick we immediately begin spraying. It helps.
  23. Happy New Year and great year is wished for you Mt. Rider and everyone.
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