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Everything posted by Dee

  1. Fifteen 1 cup bags of freezer slaw.
  2. 13 pints salsa and 3 quarts juice. One more 5 gallon bucket to work tomorrow.
  3. 29 ham and chesse breakfast burritos. 15 stuffed green peppers 27 cooked hamburger patties
  4. 22 pancake breakfasts and 17 waffle breakfasts. I hope I'm through with freezing for awhile.
  5. Another thing I just remembered is using styrofoam meat cartons to block the air from coming through your electrical outlets. Our house is over 125 years old and drafty. I think it was here at Mrs. S. that I read, years ago, that cutting out the styrofoam to fit around your plug in then putting the electrical plate over it will cut down on the cold air coming in. I did it and it really worked. I don't know if new houses are less apt to have that cold air but give it a try this winter and see. Remove the plate and feel the air just blowing into the house.
  6. Great post kappydell. You're right about the mild winters we've had for even just the past 10 years. We're due for some 3 day blizzards and I wouldn't be surprised to see them hit, if not this year in the next few. I can't think of much to add to your post but living on the prairie like we do here I've found that garbage bags wrapped around your legs will keep the wind out. You can't be out a long time using them because it doesn't breath and you'll sweat but to go out to do chores in -20 weather with gale force winds the plastic is nice. Also, to covering doorways inside the house I use a quilt but I also buy flannel backed tablecloths to put on one side. The quilt keeps things snuggy and the tablecloth will keep the air from going through. You can buy them for less than $1 in the fall if you keep your eyes open. I buy them every year to use for so many things. They obviously aren't the best quality but the ones I bought last year at clearance for $.69 each made it so I can afford to throw them away when they get too worn out for use. I don't wear long johns anymore but I do wear my sweats on the outside of my jeans. Now I just slip them on before going outside w/o having to take my jeans off to put them on and then again to get them off. It keeps my jeans clean longer too. We have 2 large living room windows, each 8' wide by 6' high. A small window in the room too. I made window quilts a few years ago and they are great. I found 2 king quilted bedspreads cheap and cut and hemmed them for the windows. During the day I have them tied back because we can't stand living in a dungeon but come sunset they're untied and cover the windows beautifully until morning. Our bedroom gets very cold but we have an electric blanket. About an hour before going to bed I turn my side on high and dh's on about 5. By the time we're ready for bed each side is toasty and I turn off the electric blanket. Our body heat keeps us warm all night but it's so nice crawling into the warm bed. When we buy new leather shoes/boots we spray them with something that keeps out the moisture. Can't think of the name but it works slick. Nothing worse than wet shoes/boots. When we trapped we always took a baked potato in each pocket. I had read somewhere that it's a great handwarmer and it was. Another thing about the potato if you get stuck out somewhere you had something to eat. We seldom ate ours but they were wrapped in foil so we'd eat them fixed somehow or other when we got home. I can't think of anything else at the moment and it's late so I'm off to bed.
  7. 32 bags, 1 cup per bag, freezer slaw.
  8. Another 40 bags of sweet corn in the freezer today.
  9. 23 bags, 1 1/2 cups in each bag, of sweet corn in the freezer. Another 11-12 bags worth still in the oven. That'll be it today but I'll start in again tomorrow when I have more ice to cool it down.
  10. The peach cobbler we had for dinner was delicious so here's 6 of the 14 peach cobblers (5 have raspberries inside too) I put in the freezer today.
  11. 5 peach cobblers. Hopefully more this afternoon but I'm cooking 1 for dinner to make sure we like it.
  12. I miss her too. She added so much to this board and was such fun! I hate having her gone. Nope, don't know anything about her.
  13. I should have written box of pectin. I use powder but liquid is ok too. Whichever you prefer.
  14. Here's the one I used. It's out of the Ball Blue Book. It tastes delicious but I think I'll use more fruit pectin when I make it again. It didn't set up real well. 1 quart crushed raspberries 6 1/2 cups sugar 1 pouch pectin Combine reaspberries and sugar in a large saucepot. Bring to a boil over high heat stirring until sugar dissolves. Stir in pectin. Return to a rolling boil. Boil hard 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Skim foam if necessary. Ladle hot jam into hot jars, leaving 1/4" headspace. Process 10 minutes in a boiling water bath. Yields about 8 half pints Good luck and enjoy!!!
  15. 6 quarts rasperries to the freezer
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