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Everything posted by Dee

  1. You're right Cheryl. DH always says if it were worth buying it would be in every store in the country, NOT advertised on informercials.
  2. Frozen pancakes. I can't imagine paying all that extra when you can so easily make and freeze them yourself. I feel the same about waffles, although if you don't have a waffle iron it's a little hard to make them BUT for what you pay extra in the convenience of buying them frozen you could pay for a waffle iron before too long.
  3. I've never done it teacozy but I'd think if you'd process it for the longer item, which I think is potatoes, it wouldn't be a problem. There will probably be someone around here soon that can give you an answer for sure.
  4. I bought Golden Harvest jars back in the 90's and have had no problems with them. I was a little nervous because I got them at Dollar General but all is ok. The lids that came with the jars crinkled under pressure but sealed all the same...it was weird! So if I buy anymore I'll use the lids for water bath NOT pressure.
  5. Hi Herbal, My canner is a Mirro and works great. Mirro's are cheaper ones too but it was all I could afford at the time and I love it. If you follow the Blue Book instructions canning meat is really a simple thing to do. It mainly just takes lots of time so be sure you have a free day to just work at it. Do you know for sure your glass top stove is ok to use for cannning? They didn't used to be so just a word of caution there. We're always anxious to hear from someone when they've given canning a try and have learned to love it. Be sure to let us know!!!
  6. We grow acres of field corn and yes it's full of herbicides and fertilizers (both chemicals) as is everyone elses, unless it's certified organic. It's also genetically modified which, in part anyway, means it's ready for certain herbicides to put on it that won't kill the corn stalks but will kill all other weeds. If there are others I don't know of them but what we grow here is called "Round Up" ready (a chemical). All of this is used, not necessarily to feed the world, but it's what is economically feasible, or so I'm told. We grow acres of soybeans also that too are Round Up ready.
  7. WiccadStargazer, I found this about an extension office in Washington state. Maybe you can check in with them and see if they can help you out or know who can. KLICKITAT COUNTY CHIT CHAT
  8. I missed this earlier snowmom. Thanks, very interesting AGAIN!!!
  9. Ok MomM, I've been looking and looking for this for you and finally found it. Scroll through these and you should have some answers. http://mrssurvival.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=41066&st=0
  10. When we had a house full of children we had very little money. It was amazing the things I put together that the kids NOW want recipes for because it was their favorites. One thing was a left over spoon of vegetables w/broth that I put in a container in the freezer INSTEAD of throwing it out. When I got a full container I thawed it and put it in a Dutch oven and covered it with broth thickened a little from the back, neck etc. pieces of a chicken I'd boiled. Put a flour crust on top and baked it. One of our foster daughters wanted the recipe. She was SHOCKED, to say the least, when I finally convinced her it was all leftover veggies with no clue as to what and how much of each. She told me she would NEVER bother with saving such amounts nor would she ever buy any part of the chicken but chicken breasts. I shrugged and told her I hope'd she'd never have to but if something happens you will learn quickly that it's NOT a bad thing. I also kept the ends of the bread and froze them. When bread or rolls went stale on me (which was rare) I froze them too. When I had enough I thawed and crumbled them in a baking dish. We had our own milk and eggs I'd mix up, added a little cinnamon if I had any, raisins if I had any, butter, if I had any and poured it over the bread. Baked it and had marvelous bread pudding. Brown a little hamburger and put in a sauce pan. Add a quart of tomato juice, pealed and chunked potatoes, chunks of carrot, onion, celery, or again, whatever you have on had. Salt and pepper to taste and serve when veggies are cooked. Mix up a batch of biscuits and serve with butter and jelly or honey. I haven't read all these posts because I don't have time right now so I do hope if someone has already said this you'll forgive me BUT if things get bad and you don't have money or a lot of food, you'll figure out what to do with you have. It's not hard, it just becomes a way of life and you'll find many delicious dishes are just a thought or two away. Don't panic!
  11. furbabymom, I don't know what makes it disappear so fast but I do know I used to write to a man in the Ukraine and oil was one thing that was rationed. For a family of 4 I think it was 1 pint of oil per month. It was really interesting to read his letters, they were so foreign to us who still had everything. He said his children hadn't had chocolate for 3 years. They shared a pencil stub for school work. They hoarded any paper they could get. His teenage daughter had eye problems and had to enter the hospital BUT there was no medicine. His wife had to go from pharmacy to pharmacy trying to get enough meds. to help. I spent over $100 sending him a box with all kind of things, pencils, paper, oil, chocoate, gum, etc. and they said it was like Christmas. His wife sent some flower seeds in a small packet she'd folded out of paper and sent them as a thank you. I thought it was so nice of her when they had so little. When I planted them in the spring, I was in hopes of something I'd never seen. They were yellow marigolds. We've lost contact through the years and I'm sorry but I can't find his address or letter anywhere. I can't imagine where they went but gone they are!
  12. Westie, 30 cases of empty jars? That surprises me!!! When I get down to 4 empty cases I immediately get busy and start canning something. Wow, I can't imagine 30....you better get busy girl!
  13. I only have about 7 empty jars at this point and until I get some emptied I'm not doing anymore canning. Maybe after the holidays I'll give it a try.......and then again
  14. I'm almost sorry I have all my canning stuff put away for the year but not enough to dig it out again. I'm going to try this next year. I love ham and split pea soup. I'm anxious to see your finished jars!
  15. We have our own trees so I can't help you with amounts. I just pick bunches and start working. I do have a little different slant though, if anyones interested. I don't make apple butter any longer since I'm the only one left who eats it but I used cook to mine in my turkey roaster. You can really make a large batch at one time and be done with it. If I was going to be home and working around the kitchen I'd turn it higher and let the apples cook fairly quickly and get them done. Once they were cooked I'd add my sugar and cinnamon mix well and turn it very low and let it kind of simmer until it was the right consistency. I'd stir at different times as I wandered by making sure it wasn't sticking. If I was going to be in and out all day and not have time to really mess with it I'd put the apples, cinnamon and sugar on low and just let it simmer similar to a crock pot. Again, I'd stir periodically just to make sure it wasn't sticking. By morning it would be just perfect to put in jars and HWB. I always add an inch or so of watch under my roaster pan. I don't know if it's necessary but I was told it help to keep things from sticking.
  16. I put my tomatoes, raw with seeds and skins, in my food processor and just run it a bit to get it chunky. Cook it up and it works fine Keiko.
  17. Oh jewlzm, you did good! Isn't it soooooo satisfying to see those jars full and ready to eat this winter!!!
  18. Dee

    TICK TOCK.....

    Momma, Check the video rental stores for used video games. Cappy never buys new games when he can get good used copies for 5 to 10 dollars instead of 40 or 50 dollars. We are always checking Blockbuster and Video Kings in the area and have gotten alot of great games for really cheap.
  19. Do the prunes give it a bit of sweet taste Lowie?
  20. Hey Snowy since Dee wasn't part of the last quilt block exchange how about having another so she can be???????? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE AND PRETTY PLEASE SNOWY........
  21. Cappy and I Got a Letter from Nate today Loggie.. he says to tell his mom Greetings from him. He's a nice young man Loggie. You should be very proud of him.
  22. Dee

    Bear with me......

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