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Everything posted by Dee

  1. I will have to get a note off to her Bridg... thanks for letting me know.
  2. Try this fun rocket made from recycled film canisters. It's a craft and science experiment wrapped into one, and it's a perfect Fourth of July backyard activity! You will need: Alka Seltzer tablets, or store brand equivalent Fuji empty film canisters with lids-the clear white ones. Paper, markers, tape and scissors Water The first step is having your child decorate his "rocket." All tape must be away from the lid area, so the top won't be obstructed in any way. Work with the cap or top of the canister at the BOTTOM. He or she can make a cone to put on the top of the canister, so it looks like a rocket. Decorate the cone before taping onto the canister, then tape in place. Another optionis to cut little "fins" for each side of the rocket and tape in place also. When the canister is decorated you will be ready to add the "fuel". This is where the science experiment comes in. You will need to add water and a part of the Alka Seltzer tablet to the canister and seal it with the lid. But how much? Have each person guess what amounts may work. What happens? (The correct amount that usually works the best is 1/4 tablet added to the canister 1/4 filled with water. ) Add the tablet and water, put the lid on and place the rocket CAP DOWN on the ground. Now wait- in a couple of minutes the rocket will shoot up in the air from the pressure of the tablet creating gas in the canister and it becomes a rocket! You can do this experiment over and over, though your paper may need to be replaced after awhile. Note: You can inquire at film developing studios or store film departments and they may give you a bag of Fuji canisters. Just ask!
  3. Ours is coming up sometime this month but its more commercial as the years go on. The State Fair was great too but now they seem to be money drainers on the budget. Entertainment use to be free or cheap but now tickets are outrageous.
  4. Lowie I am looking for an authentic Bannock Recipe and since this treat is thought to have originated in Scotland I thought being a wee lass yourself you might post your recipe.
  5. 1 cup butter 5 eggs 2cups sugar 3 cups flour 1 cup blackerry or strawberry JAM (important not jelly) 1 cup raisins 1 cup nuts (pecans or walnuts) 1/2 tsp. salt 1tsp cloves 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. allspice 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1 tsp soda 1 cup buttermilk 1 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. rum flavoring Separate eggs and beat whites until soft peaks are formed. Cream butter add sugar a little at a time, then add egg yolks and beat well. Add soda to buttermilk mixture alternately to butter and sugar. Stir in flavorings. Dredge raisins and nuts slightly with flour, add in butter then jam. Gently fold in egg whites. Bake in tube pan well lined with waxed paper and greased. 350 degrees for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Or three greased and floured 8 or 9" pans for 35 minutes. Frosting: Caramel: 1/2 cup butter, 1 cup light brown sugar, 1/4 cup milk, 3 1/4 cup powdered sugar. Melt butter and add brown sugar, bring to a boil, cook 1 minute and add milk cook 1 minute gradually beating in sugar. If it gets too thick add a little milk to thin it down. This is absolutely delicious icing and really sets the cake off. This recipe has won Blue Ribbons at local Fairs
  6. Freezing Cookie Dough Cookie dough will freeze well for 4 to 6 weeks. Rolls of dough should be sealed tightly in plastic wrap (chill in refrigerator first before freezing). Other kinds of dough should be stored in airtight containers. Drop cookies (unbaked) may be frozen on cookie sheets and transferred to freezer bags. Let stand at room temperature for about 30 minutes before baking. Don't try to freeze soft meringue-type cookie dough. Chocolate chip, brownies, peanut butter, and sugar cookie dough (or anything similar) freezes well. Let the dough defrost in the refrigerator (about 2-3 hours). Make sure to label the container with the date and type of cookie dough. Freezing Baked Cookies Almost any baked cookie freezes well. Let cookies completely cool before freezing. Wrap cookies individually in plastic wrap then store them in a ziploc freezer bag or storage tin (coffee cans or holiday tins work great). You can also just layer the cookies between layers of waxed paper in the container, but the individually wrapped ones will store longer. Freeze frosted cookies uncovered first until they are firm. Then pack them in airtight container lined with plastic wrap or foil. Make sure to label the container with the date and type of cookies. Unfrosted cookies can be frozen up to 6-12 months (frosted, about 3 months). Frozen cookies thaw in about 10 minutes at room temperature (if you can wait that long). If cookies should be crisp when thawed, remove them from the container before thawing.
  7. Ode To The Mammogram For several years they've told me, "Be careful of your breasts. Don't ever bruise or hurt them, And give them monthly tests." So I heeded all their warnings And protected, both, they are! I've guarded them most carefully, And always worn a bra. After thirty years of tender care, The doctor found a lump. He ordered me a mammogram, To look inside that bump. "Stand up very close," she said, As she got my breast in line, "And tell me if it hurts," she said, "Ah yes, there… that's fine!" She stepped upon a pedal… I could not believe my eyes! A plastic plate was pushing down, My boob was in a vice! My skin was stretched and stretched, From way up by my chin. And my poor breast was being squashed To Swedish pancake thin! Excruciating pain I felt, Within this vice-like fit. A prisoner in this vicious thing… My poor, defenceless tit! "Breathe deeply, now," I heard her say. Who does she think she's kidding? My chest's been smashed in her machine - Can't breathe, can't do her bidding! "There, that was good," I heard her say, As the room was slowly swaying. "Now, let's have the other one." Lord, have mercy, I was praying! It squeezed me from the up and down, It squeezed from each side. I'll bet she's never had this done Upon her tender little hide! If I had no problem when I came here, I'm sure I'll have one now. For if there'd been a cyst in there, It would have popped - ker-pow! This machine was made by men, Of this I have no doubt. I'd like to get their nuts in there - For months they'd go without! Author Unknown STAY HEALTHY GALS- don't forget your pap smears too and colon check ups.
  8. Merchandising & Demo Companies Consists of such things as In Store Demos, Service Visits, New Store Set-ups, Product Resets, Product Knowledge Training, Planogram Design, and Promotional Product Distribution. These companies are all looking for part-time and full time merchandisers. Merchandisers represent the client retailer by presenting the product in the store, by maintaining communication and developing relationships with the store personnel. Merchandisers should ultimately make an impact on sales in each store by ensuring the retail products and placement offer the best presentation to the customer, maximizing communication in the store and providing appropriate feedback to the to the retailer. http://www.aamerch.com/ http://www.accentmerchandising.com/ http://www.bestservicecompany.com/ http://www.certifiedmarketingservices.com/ http://www.crs.crcivr.com/ Works exclusively out of Home Depot. http://www.crslawrence.com/ http://www.j-o-b-s.com/set.html?X_URL=inde...p;division_id=7 This is Cynthia Cook Inc Merchandizing Site http://www.hiringedge.com/ Search for merchandising assignments with Hallmark Cards. (USA) Store assembly, Home assembly, and Merchandising. Services the nation's largest retail discount chains including Kmart, Wal-Mart, Target, and Sears. All staff are employees; not contract labor. (USA) http://www.servicefirst.com/ Innovative Retail Services · In-Store Services, Merchandising, and Mystery Shopping. (USA: Florida) http://www.innovativeretailserv.com/ http://www.levybooks.com/ Market Pros, Inc. · Resets, retagging, shelf management, new store setups. (USA: Michigan) http://www.marketprosinc.com/ For Canada residents: http://www.mca.ca/ http://www.mcaretail.com/ for Merchandising Corporation of America (MCA) · Various in-store retail merchandising services. (USA) News America Marketing · Publishers of the FSI SmartSource Magazine. They provide shelf space support to supermarkets, drug and mega merchandisers. (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Europe, Latin America, Pacific Rim, USA http://www.newsamerica.com/ Northeast Support Services, Inc. · Build displays, new products cut-ins, shelf resets, store audits, resets, assemble store fixtures, POP. (USA: New England, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania)http://www.nessinet.com/ Retail Merchandising Services · Provides merchandising services exclusively at Target. (USA) http://www.rmservicing.com/ Rocky Mountain Merchandising · Resets, mystery shopping, cut-ins, tagging, signage and audits. A sister company to Classic Demos. (USA: CO, ID, MO, NM, NV, TX, UT, WY http://www.rockymm.com/ SPAR Group · All forms of in-store merchandising. (USA) http://www.sparinc.com/
  9. Secret shoppers are people who visit businesses posing as customers, evaluate the service they receive, and complete an evaluation form. Business owners and managers use these reports to insure their employees are practicing good selling techniques and providing quality service to their customers. Do not send any money to anyone for information. Visit the following sites for info from these nationally known and reputable companies. There is no obligation and there is no cost, ever. Sites are broken into "USA only" and "International" companies. It's best to sign up with all of these companies, as they will contact you when they have a shop in your area. List of Businesses: A&A Merchandising Ltd. · A fully integrated marketing services company that implements marketing programs at the retail level. (Australia, Canada, USA). http://www.aamerch.com/ A Closer Look, Inc. · Focus on the hospitality industry. They are a reimburesment only company. They do not pay a fee to their shoppers. http://www.a-closer-look.com/ACL/index.html A Top Shop · Shops are paid on a flat fee basis. Most shops pay $10-20 per hour. Some shops include benefits such as reimbursement for meals, movie tickets, merchandise, hotel stays, etc. http://www.atopshop.com/ Visit restaurants, retail stores, and entertainment complexes like amusement parks or gamerooms. Site has listing of available jobs. At Acra: http://www.secretshopacra.com/ Runs mystery shopping services for restaurants, bars, golf courses, health clubs and hotels around the USA. Assignments available for mystery shoppers, hotel evaluators, and viewpoint/exit interviewers. http://www.baiservices.com/ Best Mark: Their clients include restaurants, retail stores, casinos, shopping malls, banks, and hotels. Site has listing of available jobs. www.bestmark.com http://www.shopaudits.com/ for Campus Consulting for US and Canada. Clients range from bookstore chains to financial services companies to shopping centers Capstone Research · In-person and telephone mystery shop programs, store audits and customer intercepts nationwide for service providers and manufacturers - including financial, food service, specialty retailers, and manufacturers of consumer products. http://www.capstoneresearch.com/ Captain D's Seafood · Internal mystery shopping program for Captain D's and Shoney's. http://www.captainds.com/ Certified Reports, Inc. (CRI) · Mystery shopping, theater checks and evaluations, and auditing. Site has listing of available jobs. http://www.certifiedreports.com/ CV Marketing Research Inc. · Autos, appearal, jewelry, and restaurant shops. (Canada, USA) http://www.cv-market.com/ Eyes r us: They do mystery shopping, merchandising and market research. Mystery shops pay between $8.00 to $30.00 plus reimbursement. Most mystery shops require a digital camera. http://www.eyesrusinc.com/ · Mystery Shopping, as well as Shelf Stocking, Pricing, Stickering, Placing of Coupons, Point of Purchase Material, Display Building, Resets, Inventory. (AR, KY, LA, MS, TN) · Mystery Shopping, as well as Shelf Stocking, Pricing, Stickering, Placing of Coupons, Point of Purchase Material, Display Building, Resets, Inventory. (AR, KY, LA, MS, TN) The field force at: http://www.thefieldforce.com/ Full Scope Mystery Shopping · Restaurants, retail businesses and other service businesses.http://www.fullscopemysteryshopping.com/ G3 Mystery Shopping · Looking for people who want to be career mystery shoppers. (formerly Sparagowski & Associates) http://www.sparagowski.com/ Greet America, Inc. · Nationwide for services which include greeting consumers at various venues for either credit solicitation or sampling, and visiting retail establishments for activities such as mystery shopping, placing take-ones, information distribution, etc. http://www.greetamerica.com/ http://www.intelli-shop.com/. IntelliShop · Mystery shopping, web site reviews, pricing surveys, audits, and more. Jack's Mystery Guest · Shops Jack in the Box restaurants. http://www.jacksguest.com/
  10. Dee


  11. Dee

    New TAG game

    I am Tagging the Feisty Snowmom! She has the cutest little girl giggle under big heart of gold of hers. Snowie your a real blessing to others, I just have to make a double tag here! Mare and I are Fresca Soulmate Queens! Mare your so saucy. You remind me of a spirited arabian or an earth mother with a wildflower crown in your hair I have got to make this a triple tag... sorry everyone Twila- Girl you are a scrapper and a sweeetie all at the same time! You have a great sense of humor and a hidden compassion for others... Its a pleasure to know you... if anyone is missing a front whitepicket gate fence from their fr yards Twi might be the person that has it... : )
  12. The Chinese served these " delicacies" to President Richard Nixon when he went to China in 1971. Can you imagine, although he said they were very good!
  13. I agree with Lois, Westy! I would live down there too. It reminds me of a path in the woods in the fall quaint and lovely. Just imagine how the spirits of the pioneer women and how they cooked on the trails as they traveled out west using cow chips for fuel. I have many books and diaries written by women pioneers and their lives were so hard. I can't imagine living they way they did.
  14. Dee


    "They'd, WHEW! Thats a heavy plate you've been holding kiddo. Things will look up for you. Just keep looking up!
  15. AMISH STORE! AMISH STORE! We will let you know when we will be in the area and Take ya all out to lunch. I still have yet to visit Mark Twains gravesight. I know it sounds freaky but Twain is my idol and I would like to see his final resting place. Its on my list of things to do. My sister graduated from St. Joes Nursing School years ago but I am sure the city has changed since then.
  16. Dee

    DOOL part 23

    Hey Cavey how about swinging by Upstate NY and picking Cappy and me up. Can Cappy hook our van to the back of the bus? We love to off road and go exploring especially up north. I will make sure we bring our guitars and my fiddle if your planning on having a sing song on the bus as we travel. I will be bringin 2 big picnic baskets filled with fancy cookies and cupcakes and other sinful snacks and for Mare I will bring some of the best wines she ever tasted in a cooler thats filled with chicken speidies for BBQing at Bridgies. I think I will throw in a couple pans of home made lasagna, some home made garlic bread and a big ol chocolate fudge sheet cake. We can eat all the way up to Bridgies, eat when we get there and eat on the way home. We EYEtalians love to eat and Feed people! Everyone save your appetites
  17. Dee


    Your in our prayers and thoughts Dee... HUGS- Reci and Cap
  18. Is it hot there out your way. I am not going to complain about the weather especially after all the rain we have had. Are there any Cherry Orchards out your way? I would love to send Cappy Cherry Picking so we could can some for the winters month. There's nothing around Bingoville except strawberries right now. There is a eco village outside of Ithaca that grows all their own things but I think its just for the villagers. I would like to get up to the co-op in Ithaca one of these days. I was going to ask you do you know where that Book Barn is located out your way. It supposedly is a barn filled with all kinds of discount books at very very low prices. We are going to travel out you way to an amish dairy co-op store to get some products. I will also probably hit up a roadside bakestand or two to buy some of the delicious Amish baked goods. Stay Cool!!!!!!!!!!!! Reci
  19. Dee


    Thanks to all who posted here! Hugs to you all!
  20. Serves 6-8. 4 cups fresh cut green beans -OR- 2- 10 oz. pkg. frozen cut green beans 2 T. chopped onion 1/4 tsp. dill weed 1/2 lb. Velveeta cheese spread, cubed 1/4 cup croutons Heat oven to 350F. Cook beans with onion & dill weed; drain. Add Velveeta; mix lightly. Place in 1 quart casserole; top with croutons. Bake at 350F, 12-15 minutes.
  21. I wash the plastic material that the bacon lays on and I use it to cut stencils as its the perfect kind of plastic material for cutting stencils. Twila also had another good idea. Use this plastic to make templates for quilting .
  22. Dee


    You know Becca when I read about tragedies such as your cousin I as a mother relive the pain of my own daughters tragic passing along with feeling your families heartache. We aren't suppose to bury our children they are suppose to bury us. There is no timetable for grieving especially in circumstances such as your aunt is dealing with. The memories of our loved ones are always alive in our hearts even after they are gone so this will be of comfort to her. The most important thing right now is for you and your aunt and your family to take care of yourselves and above all be compassionate with yourself. The initial hurt of this tragedy is as an open wound that over time heals and turns into a scar. The scar is a constant reminder of the wound and will be with with your aunt for the rest of her life so let her grieve while you do your own grieving from this terrible loss. Life is always " Under Construction." Its time to slow down and take one day at a time. Your aunt will grieve longer than others so be loving with her as well as being kind to yourself. You and your Aunt and family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of you!
  23. You get a handheld scanner in your home. Each time you go to the store, you scan the barcodes on all the items you buy as you unpack the bags. When you put the scanner back in the craddle, it dials an 800 number and records your purchases. For doing this you get points with are redeemable for gift certificates. In talking to them before I signed up, I found out that if you scan all your groceries and are a very diligent shopper for them you get about 100 points per month. That was pretty accurate. I started doing this 7/01 and to date I have 2137 total points. And what are the points good for? You can use them right away or build them up for better rewards. For 250 points you can get a coupon good for one video rental. That's about a $5 value. 600 points is about a $10 gift certificate to certain stores. 2500 points is about a $50 gift certificate to certain stores. So basically it equates out to $.02 per point. You get 100 points as a bonus when you first start and soon as you start and there are all types of contests to win more points. So, we're looking at $25 per year to quickly scan your groceries as you put them away. Seems fair to me as this would take an hour+ total over the whole year. Their website has no info. If you would like an application call 1-800-528-7383.
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