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Everything posted by Dee

  1. After you have brewed that last cup of tea you can get out of your teabag don't throw the bag away. Boil a pot of water and cut open the tea bag and add the tea leaves in the pot. Stir and boil for one minute then shut the flame off and use the ingredience a wondeful scented Herbal Facial Sauna
  2. 1. I found it convienient and less messy is if I put flour in one of these empty cheese containers and when I am cooking I keep it near the stove in case I have to thicken up a sauce or gravy. All I do is sprinkle in the flour or cornstarch without the mess of dumping a whole bag of flour or box of cornstarch in the pot. I also keep one of these in each bathroom but have them filled with baking soda so when I clean the tub and toilet and sinks this shaker bottle of baking soda comes in a very handy cleaning solution.
  3. Sloppy Joe Pie 1 pound ground beef 1/2 cup chopped onion 1 can (8 oz) tomato sauce 1 can (8 3/4 oz) whole kernel corn, drained 1/4 cup water 1 envelope sloppy joe seasoning mix 1 can (10 oz) refrigerated biscuits 2 TBS milk 1/3 cup cornmeal 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese, divided In skillet, brown beef with onion; drain. Stir in tomatoe sauce, corn, water and sloppy joe seasoning. Cook over medium heat until bubbly, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Seperate bisuits and roll or flatten each to a 3 1/2 inch circle; dip both sides into milk and then into cornmeal. Place seven biscuits around the sides and three on the bottom of an ungreased 9 inch pie plate. Press the biscuits together to form a crust, leaving a scalloped edge around rim. Sprinkle with 1/2 cup cheese. Pour into meat mixture. Bake at 375*F for 20 to 25 minutes or until crust is deep golden brown. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Let stand for 5 minutes before serving. Serves 7
  4. 1. Baked Potatoes Refried Beans Fresh Sweet Corn Chocolate Marshmallow Sundaes Basmati Rice Dressing Grilled Apricot Chicken Banana Grape Cup with Yogurt Cheesy Zucchini Macaroni Garlic Bread Waldorf Salad Strawberry Freeze Chicken and Rice Casserole Steamed Green Beans Citrus Fruit Salad Grilled Chicken and Potato Dinner Caraway Corn Bread Pea and Summer Squash Soup Cherry Oatmeal Crisp Hamburger Whip Up Steamed Broccoli Apple Salad Italian Vegetable Rice Soup Colusa Corn Muffins Apple Cobbler Lentil Soup Mixed Salad with Pesto Blue Corn Muffins Quick Blueberry Cobbler Quick Chili Dogs Corn, Tomato and Onion Salad Fresh Applesauce Quick Ravioli Caesar Salad Easy Pear Tarts Quick Spaghetti Yellow Squash Steamed Broccoli Quick Peach Dessert Steamed White Rice Lemon Carrots Ginger Tofu Citrus Fruit Salad Vegetable Chicken Noodle Soup Grilled Cheese Sandwiches Honeyed Fruit Salad Chicken and Rice Casserole Prep: 5 min, Cook: 1:05. 1 tsp. vegetable oil 2 lbs. skinless chicken pieces 2/3 cup instant rice 1/3 cup chicken stock 1/3 cup water 5 ounces cream of mushroom soup Preheat oven to 400°F. Heat oil in a heavy flameproof skillet or Dutch oven over medium high heat. Sauté chicken 2 minutes per side, turning occasionally. Add remaining ingredients and bake 1 hour, covered. Per serving: calories 342, fat 5.4g, 15% calories from fat, cholesterol 132mg, protein 54.4g, carbohydrates 14.7g, fiber 0.3g, sugar 0.2g, sodium 342mg, diet points 7.7. Hamburger Whip Up Prep: 10 min, Cook: 10 min. 7 ounces macaroni, or other small pasta 1 lb. ground beef 1/2 cup mayonnaise type salad dressing 4 cups spaghetti sauce 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese Cook pasta in boiling salted water 8-10 minutes until al dente. Heat a heavy nonstick skillet over medium high heat. Sauté ground beef 5 minutes, stirring frequently until browned. Add mayonnaise, spaghetti sauce and pasta. Reduce heat to medium and simmer until heated throughout. Serve with Parmesan. Per serving: calories 727, fat 36.5g, 46% calories from fat, cholesterol 89mg, protein 33.3g, carbohydrates 64.8g, fiber 5.2g, sugar 7.2g, sodium 1402mg, diet points 17.0.
  5. A turkey breast sandwich and some vegetable soup will make the meal simple but tasty to boot A muffin or two for dessert will do Because tomorrow we eat at my sisters Easter Dinner Feast So I am saving my appetite for her big banquet dinner I will surely come away from her table A lot less thinner!
  6. Thanks for Posting Lois... these are great tips!
  7. Isn't anyone interested in this kind of exchange? I know its a holiday week and everyone is busy but feel free to post your feelings on this. Thanks...
  8. Dee

    Hey Twi...

    Oh Twilllllllll
  9. Hi Rose glad to see your post! I was just thinking about you the other day.... Glad to hear your ok and what an adventure you must be on. Things can only get better from now on...love ya, Reci
  10. Dee

    Hey Twi...

    How Bout that Picket Fence
  11. Hey count me in... I am always willing to learn new things!
  12. If its at all possible I would like to see a book exchange here on Mrs. S. How about some feedback? If this comes about I hope all you readers will participate in this book exchange club. This is a great way to recycle books we have read and pass them on to others to read and continue to pass on. Postage shouldn't cost that much and perhaps something can be worked out between parties concerning postage.
  13. From our house to yours, we wish all the members, mods of Mrs. Survival and Darlene a very Happy Easter.
  14. As you can tell I like real life adventures although I like Stephen King and so many many others. I just can't get into those romance novels for some reason while my sister in law adores them. I love historical books too especially on England, Scotland, Ireland, France and Italy although I am reading about the Hapsburg Dynesty at the moment and I purchased an excellent biography on Napoleon after seeing the made for tv 2 part movie on A&E. Glad your here MomFitz and participating in the forum.. come on over to the other forums if you get a chance to visit and post!
  15. Scott Towels- THUMBS UP! They are very durable and hold up to anything.
  16. THUMBS DOWN ON THE THREE MAJOR LOCAL TV STATIONS, NBC, ABC AND CBS! I don't know about all of you but I am tired of the reality shows and the shows that contain alot of violence. What ever happen to family programs on these three major networks?
  17. AT&T Long Distance Calling. A BIG THUMBS DOWN! 8 times I tried to call England this week and Att local phone company kept hooking me up to an overseas operator who I kept getting cut off from. This was after I tried to call straight through! POOP! on this long distance service. I am going to look into other long distance services.
  18. Heres one more use for dryer sheets after you use them several times. Take them from the dryer to the clothing drawers till they lose their smell then take them rinse them off with water and soak them in a mixture of vinegar and water and use them as cleaning towels around the house. Put them in a plastic container and keep moist.
  19. 1. Mr Clean Wipes: THUMBS UP/ with suggestion. These work fairly well but the chemical smell on my hands after using them stays with me for a couple of days and the material that the wipe is fashioned from is kind of cheesy. Make it a bit stronger.
  20. If you have a leaking vase, try coating the inside with a thick layer of paraffin.
  21. Floor squeaks can be silenced by dusting talcum powder or dripping glue into the cracks.
  22. Have a hole in your favorite pair of jeans? Just turn them inside out and iron the tape over the hole. Even lasts through washings. - Have warts? Put on a piece of duct tape over a wart for about 6 weeks. When removed, the wart should be gone. Keep a roll of duct tape in the console of your car. It works perfect to hold cups of coffee or soft drinks. - Use duct tape around screens and storm windows. In the summer, it helps keep the insects from squeezing in between the screen and frame. In winter, it helps cut off the cold air coming between the window and the frame. The tape make take off some of the varnish when pulled it off, but just revarnish or paint the frame. - Put duct tape around slippery handles of garden tools, vacuum cleaner wands, etc. to get a better grip.
  23. Use it in your bathroom for storing rolled up towels. With a little bit of imagination you can turn this rack into a charming display besides a storage space. Paint the rack and add touches of dried flowers and ribbons around the outside of the rack. Or hot glue sea shells around the outsides of the rack and make a mock fishing poll or anchor to Tie at the bottom of the rack.
  24. Carry ripe fruit such as plums apricots etc in egg cartons when going on a picnic. Milk will keep fresh allday if a good pinch of baking soda is added. Relieve itching from insect bites by rubbing with a cut raw onion, a dab of ammonia or a crushed aspirin pasted with water. Lettuce will keep well if washed and wrapped in very damp kitchen paper. The hotter the day, the greater the evaporation, the crisper the lettuce. Cut a capsicum into rings and cook eggs inside them on the BBQ, saves white running and looks and tastes great. Cut sandwiches will remain fresh if wrapped in lettuce leaves, then aluminium foil - especially if made the night before. To keep salads fresh before they are needed, invert a saucer in bottom of bowl, juices will run underneath. Ants don't like talcum powder sprinkle wherever they are
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