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Everything posted by Dee

  1. 1. ASCORBIC ACID ICE MILK (for when you feel a cold coming on) 8 oz. pitted dates 1/2 C. boiling water 1 C. cold water 1 C. milk or yogurt 1 tsp. grated lemon peel 4 tsp. lemon juice 1 to 2 tsp. powdered vitamin C Blend dates and boiling water in a blender until the dates are puréed. Stir in other ingredients and freeze until almost firm. Beat the mixture until smooth, then pour it into a 9-inch square pan. Cover the pan with plastic wrap and freeze the ice milk until firm. 2. ACHING BODY LINIMENT 2 oz. powdered goldenseal 1 qt. rubbing alcohol Mix together and store in a glass bottle for a week, shaking well every day. 3. ACHING LEGS OR SHOULDERS RUB 1 oz. oil of camphor 4 oz. sweet almond or sesame oil Mix well. This is excellent if the skin feels itchy or dry. This will keep for several months if placed in an airtight bottle. or sesame oil Mix well. This is excellent if the skin feels itchy or dry. This will keep for several months if placed in an airtight bottle. 4. ALL-PURPOSE LINIMENT (for sprains, bruises, rheumatism, neuralgia) 2 oz. tincture capsicum (red pepper) 2 oz. extract lobelia 1/8 o oil of wormwood 1/8 oz. oil of rosemary 1/8 oz. oil of spearmint 5. AMISH SORE THROAT REMEDY Light corn syrup Small amount warm water Mix the corn syrup and warm water, using just enough warm water to thin the corn syrup. Have child or adult gargle with the mixture. It is very safe if a child swallows it. 6. ARTHRITIS/GOUT OIL 1 T. fresh crushed rosemary 3 tsp. celery seeds, crushed 1 large chile pepper, crushed 250 ml oil (any but canola) Sterilize a clear glass jar. Place all ingredients into the jar. Close tightly. Shake, then place in a sunny spot for 10 days, shaking every day. Strain into dark sterilized jars. This is great for gout, arthritis and other aches and pains. 7. ARTHRITIS RUB 1 pt. rubbing alcohol 1 oz. spirits of peppermint 1 oz. olive oil 1 oz. wintergreen 1 oz. witch hazel 1 oz. pine oil 50 menthol crystals Mix well, then store in a tightly covered glass jar. Rub on affected areas. BACK RUB 2 T. coconut oil 10 drops essence of ilang-ilang Place in a bowl and blend the ingredients well. Coconut oil is non-greasy and is semi-hard at room temperature. This makes one rub. 9. BAKED-IN-A-CAN HEALTH BREAD 1 1/2 C. whole wheat flour 1 C. all-purpose flour 3/4 C. plus 1 T. wheat germ 1/2 C. instant nonfat dry milk 1/2 C. raisins 2 T. granulated sugar 1 T. baking powder 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 3/4 C. water Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease two (1-pound) shortening cans or other 2 1/2 cup cans. Mix all ingredients except 1 tablespoon wheat germ and the water in a medium-size bowl. Stir in water just until blended. Spoon into cans; smooth tops and sprinkle with remaining 1 tablespoon wheat germ. Bake 1 hour and 20 minutes or until tops are golden brown and pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cover tops with foil the last 30 minutes of baking if they brown too much. Unmold and cool top side up on a rack. 10. BASIL ACNE REMEDY 2 to 3 tsp. dried basil leaves 1 C. boiling water Steep basil leaves in water for 10 to 20 minutes. Cool, then apply to face with a white cotton ball. 11. BLEMISH REMEDY 1 part rose water 1 part witch hazel Mix and chill mixture in the refrigerator. Apply to blemishes with a clean cotton ball. The witch hazel soaks up oil to speed healing. The rose water softens the skin. 12. COLD SOAK (for sprained or aching muscles or joints) 1/4 oz. peppermint oil 2 trays ice cubes 1 gal. hot water Keep this mixture in the refrigerator and use whenever necessary to soak aching muscles or joints. 13. COUGH SYRUP (to relieve sore throat and clear congestion) 1 oz. fresh horehound herb 2 oz. water 1 T. powdered slippery elm 1 to 2 oz. honey Add horehound to the water. Boil down to one ounce of liquid. Strain and mix into the slippery elm and honey. Take no more than 2 tablespoons every two hours, and only use for a few days. o one ounce of liquid. Strain and mix into the slippery elm and honey. Take no more than 2 tablespoons every two hours, and only use for a few days. 14. CONSTIPATION DRINK 1/2 C. olive oil 1/2 C. orange juice Mix and drink at night. 15. DARK CIRCLES UNDER EYES To lighten dark circles under your eyes, wrap a grated raw potato in cheesecloth and apply to eyelids for 15-20 minutes. Wipe off residue and apply an eye cream. Results: Circles will lighten and skin tighten. 16. DECONGESTANT INHALANT 1 C. water 2 tsp. powdered eucalyptus leaves 2 tsp. powdered rosemary leaves 2 tsp. powdered pennyroyal leaves and flower tops Bring water to boil in a saucepan. Add herbs and simmer on low heat. Turn off heat and remove pan to a heatproof surface. Inhale the vapors deeply. p>Bring water to boil in a saucepan. Add herbs and simmer on low heat. Turn off heat and remove pan to a heatproof surface. Inhale the vapors deeply. 17. DECONGESTANT TEA 1 C. boiling water 1 tsp. mixture of thyme, ground ivy and hyssop Pour boiling water over the 1 teaspoon mixture. Steep for about 5 minutes; strain and drink at onset of a cold or if you are congested. yssop Pour boiling water over the 1 teaspoon mixture. Steep for about 5 minutes; strain and drink at onset of a cold or if you are congested. 18. DIARRHEA REMEDY Grate one ripe apple. Allow the pulp to stand at room temperature for several hours until considerably darkened before eating. The oxidized pectin present in the fruit is the same basic ingredient found in Kaopectate® brand diarrhea medicine! 19. FLAX SEED TEA (for fever and cough) 1 pt. soft or rain water Small amount pulverized licorice root 1 oz. unbruised flaxseed Boil the water, then pour over flaxseed and licorice root. Place the container near, but not on, the fire for several hours. Strain through a double layer of cheesecloth. Make this fresh every day. This is an excellent drink for fever accompanied by a cough. 20. WILD CHERRY COUGH SYRUP AND DECONGESTANT Cover the bottom of a crockpot with wild cherry bark. Add enough honey to cover the bark. Set the crockpot at the lowest setting, then cover. Let the mixture cook for two (2) days, stirring every now and then. After two days, strain the mixture and use the resultant syrup as cough syrup and/or decongestant. 21. VEGETABLE JUICE LAXATIVE 1 C. tomato or vegetable juice 1/4 C. carrot juice 1/2 C. sauerkraut juice Mix and drink. If you like, you can pour this over ice, or add Tabasco sauce for a spicier drink. 22. RHEUMATISM DRINK 3 oranges 3 lemons 3 grapefruit 3 tsp. cream of tartar 1 T. Epsom salt 1 qt. boiling water Cut the fruit up and let stand in a large jar for 24 hours. Add cream of tartar, epsom salt, and boiling water, then let stand for another 24 hours. Squeeze the mixture with your hands. Press through a coarse sieve. Take a wine glass full before each meal. 23. REHYDRANT (for children with severe diarrhea) This remedy rehydrates children who have severe diarrhea. It has been said that if this remedy were not available, approximately 1.5 million children would die each year. 1 liter water 2 T. sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 24. NATURE'S PENICILLIN (to soothe a cough or sore throat) 24 cloves garlic Raw honey Peel the garlic cloves and put them in a medium-size jar; add honey, a little at a time over a couple of days, until the jar is full; then set it in a sunlit window until the garlic has turned somewhat opaque and the honey tastes strongly of garlic. Take a teaspoon every few hours or whenever necessary. 25. IODINE ANTISEPTIC WASH (reminiscent of Bactine®) 1 tsp. iodine 3 T. isopropyl alcohol Combine iodine and alcohol and store in a pump-type spray container. Label, and use for minor cuts, scratches, and abrasions. 26. HOREHOUND COUGH DROPS 4 handsful fresh or frozen Horehound leaves or 2 handsful dried leaves 1/2 tsp. crushed aniseed, fennel seeds or licorice root tea 3 crushed cardamom seeds 12 oz. white sugar 12 oz. brown sugar 1 pt. water 1 bowl ice cold water Place the herbs in a pint of simmering water for 20 minutes on low heat. Strain the liquid into a small bowl, pressing the herbs to express all the "juice." Return the liquid to the pan, adding both sugars. Over a medium flame, boil until the sugar is dissolved. To make the drops: drop 1/2 teaspoon of the mixture, which should be a syrup, into the cold water. When the syrup hardens, immediately add the syrup in 1/2 quantities to the cold water, removing immediately with a slotted spoon. Wrap individual drops in 2 inch squares of wax paper, twisted at each end, until ready to use. Keep refrigerated until needed, then suck on the drops and let their soothing qualities calm a sore throat or stuffy nose. CAUTION: Do not use more than 12 drops in one day as diarrhea may occur. Do not use licorice if you have high blood pressure. 27. INFECTION REMEDY 1 T. comfrey root 1 C. water 1 T. fennel seeds If cut or scratch becomes infected, boil this solution, let it cool somewhat, then soak wound in it. 28. INHALATION THERAPY Headache Put 2 drops lavender oil on a warm washcloth. Drape it over your face, lie down for five minutes and breathe deeply. Nervous Tension and Anxiety Put 1 drop vanilla oil and 1 drop tangerine oil on a warm washcloth. Drape it over your face, lie down for five minutes and breathe deeply. Sleep Put 2 drops lavender, jasmine or chamomile oil on a warm washcloth. Drape it over your face, lie down for five minutes and breathe deeply. 29. OATMEAL SOAK (for sunburn or dry, tired skin) 1 C. oatmeal (regular - not instant) 1/2 C. powdered orrisroot Crush oatmeal flakes a little so they will release their minerals when you add them to water. Mix with orrisroot and place in the center of a plain piece of fabric. Tie into a ball. Take the ball into the bath and, after it has soaked awhile, rub it over your skin. The ball can be used over again as many times as it seems to do its job. 30. POWERFUL EXTERNAL LINIMENT (for congestion, sprains, etc.) 1 T. cayenne pepper 1 pt. cider vinegar Boil gently for 10 minutes. Do not strain, and bottle while it is hot. This is a powerful, stimulating external application. AS ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE USING ANY OF THE INGREDIENCE LISTED HERE!
  2. 1. CITRUS DEODORANT 2 parts baking soda 2 parts white clay 1 part dried powdered lemon or orange peel Mix all together well. Dust on whenever necessary. 2. DANDRUFF PREVENTATIVE 1 part vinegar 1 part water Mix, then use by parting hair and applying to scalp with cotton 3. DIAPER RASH REMEDY 1/4 C. cornstarch 2 T. finely powdered chamomile flowers Put cornstarch and chamomile in a small jar; cover, and shake to mix. Remove the lid and use a hammer and nail to poke small holes in the lid. Replace lid. Every time you change the baby's diaper, shake the mixture on baby's bottom until evenly dusted with a thin coating. 4. HEALING HAND LOTION 1 part bay rum 1 part liquid camphor 1 part glycerin Mix well and apply to hands. 5. HEALING DUSTING POWDER 1 part goldenseal powder 1 part dry clay Mix, bottle, and label. Use when there is a problem with moisture or a rash, such as athlete's foot, diaper rash, or crotch itch.
  3. CHAPPED FACE LOTION 4 oz. rosewater 1 1/2 tsp. glycerin 1 1/2 tsp. sodium borate 2 oz. geranium water 1 oz. camphor water Combine all ingredients. Store in a tightly covered, wide-mouth, opaque jar.
  4. BABY POWDER 1 oz. powdered chamomile 1 oz. powdered marigold flowers 1 oz. oat or oatmeal powder 1/2 oz. comfrey root powder 1/2 oz. powdered eggshells 1/2 oz. cornstarch (optional) Sift through a very fine sifter, then bottle. If heat rash is a problem, add cornstarch
  5. Epil Stop Citrus Hair Remover- THUMBS DOWN Like all other sprays this one doesn't work either. Its a waste of your money.
  6. KFC Honey Barbecued Chicken Wings. THUMBS DOWN These were terrible. Salt poured on top of honey sweetner. NASTY!
  7. STEAM IRON MINERAL DEPOSIT REMOVER 1 part water 1 part white vinegar Fill the steam iron with water vinegar. Let it steam for several minutes, then disconnect and let set for 1 hour. Empty and rinse out with clear water.
  8. FLAME EXTINGUISHER (for campfires) 2 tsp. baking soda 2 tsp. salt 1 qt. water Mix all ingredients in a spray bottle. Spray directly on base of fire.
  9. RAINBOW MALLOW EGGS Source: Recipe and Image used with permission from Wilton.com Mini Egg Pan Vegetable cooking spray 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin 3 T. colored sugars: yellow, pink and violet 1 1/4 C. water, divided 2 C. granulated sugar 1 tsp. Wilton Clear Vanilla Extract Spray Mini Egg pan with vegetable cooking spray. Spoon 1/2 teaspoon of desired colored sugar into each cavity. Rotate pan to cover area and shake out excess. In a small bowl, stir together gelatin and 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons water. Let stand 5 minutes or until gelatin is set. Combine sugar and remaining 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons water in medium saucepan over low heat. Stir until sugar crystals are dissolved and liquid is clear. Brush sides of pan with water to keep crystals from forming. Let cool 15 minutes. Combine gelatin and sugar water in mixer bowl; add vanilla extract and beat at highest speed for 10 to 12 minutes or until mixture is light and fluffy and ribbons dropped from beater hold their shape on the surface of the mixture. Pour mixture into prepared pan, level if necessary. Sprinkle colored sugar on marshmallows. Refrigerate overnight. To remove from pan, gently slide mallow eggs out of pan. Turn out onto serving plate. Garnish with green tinted coconut, if desired. Makes 18 eggs.
  10. 1. CARROT SHEET CAKE 4 eggs 1 C. vegetable oil 2 C. sugar 2 C. all-purpose flour 2 tsp. baking soda 1/4 tsp. baking powder 2 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp. salt 3 C. shredded carrots 2/3 C. chopped walnuts In a mixing bowl, beat eggs, oil and sugar until smooth. Combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and salt; add to egg mixture and beat well. Stir in carrots and walnuts. Pour into a greased 15 x 10 x 1-inch baking pan. Bake at 350ºF for 35 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack. Frosting 8 oz. cream cheese, softened 1/2 C. butter or margarine, softened 1 tsp. vanilla extract 4 C. confectioners’ sugar 2/3 C. chopped walnuts Beat cream cheese, butter and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl until smooth; beat in sugar. Spread over cake. Sprinkle with nuts. Yields 24 to 30 servings. The frosted cake may be frozen. 2. APPLE BREAKFAST CAKE Serves 100 8 lb. golden delicious apples 1 C. lemon juice 7 lb. oat bran muffin mix 16 large eggs 1 qt. cold water 1 1/4 C. brown sugar 1 1/4 qt. all-purpose flour 3 T. cinnamon 1 T. vanilla extract 1 tsp. salt 2 1/4 C. butter or margarine 1 1/2 C. walnuts 1 C. butter or margarine, melted Peel and core apples. Finely chop and slice 2 quarts. Place in separate containers and sprinkle with lemon juice. Place muffin mix in mixer. Combine eggs and water. Gradually add to dry ingredients while mixing on low. Mix until dry ingredients are moistened. Add chopped apples. For topping, combine and mix together brown sugar, flour, cinnamon, vanilla, salt, 2 1/4 cups butter and walnuts until crumbly. Portion one half of batter (3 quarts) into each of two 18 x 26 x 1 inch sheet pans. Evenly sprinkle batter with 2 1/2 cups topping, top with 1 quart sliced apples, 1/2 cup melted butter, and 1 1/2 cups topping. Bake at 375 degrees F for 30 minutes or until lightly browned. Cut each pan into 50 portions. 3. HERBED BARBECUE CHICKEN Serves 50 2 (50 oz.) cans Campbell's Condensed Tomato Soup 2 1/2 C. sugar 1 qt. cider vinegar 2 C. vegetable oil 1/4 C. mustard, prepared 1 tsp. pepper 1/4 C. chili powder 1 tsp. ground cumin 1/4 C. oregano leaves, crushed 1/4 C. basil leaves, crushed 2 tsp. garlic powder 1/4 C. parsley flakes, dried 50 (4 oz.) chicken breast halves, skinless, boneless 1 C. green onions, chopped In large bowl, mix soup, sugar, vinegar oil, mustard, pepper, chili powder, cumin, oregano, basil, garlic powder, and parsley. Reserve 3 quarts plus 1 cup. Store covered in refrigerator at 40 degrees F or lower. Pour remaining soup mixture over chicken. Store covered in refrigerator at 40 degrees F or lower overnight. Remove chicken from marinade. Discard marinade. Lightly oil 2 sheet pans (26" x 18 x 1"). Place chicken on sheet pans. Bake at 350 degrees F. Bake until internal temperature is 165 degrees F or higher for 15 seconds and chicken is no longer pink, about 20 minutes. To make sauce: In saucepot heat reserved soup mixture. Heat to 140 degrees F higher for 15 seconds. Hold chicken and sauce at 140 degrees F or higher. Portion sauce using 2 oz ladle (1/4 cup) over 1 chicken breast half. Garnish with green onions. Serve with rice, orzo, or noodles. 4. POTATO SALAD FOR ONE HUNDRED Salad 25 lb. potatoes 2 C. onions, chopped 2 doz. eggs 4 C. celery, chopped Boil potatoes in skins and hard boil eggs. Cool, peel and chop them. Add onions and celery. Dressing 2 qt. salad dressing 1 C. cider vinegar 1/2 C. prepared mustard 1/3 C. salt 1 qt. half-and-half 1 T. pepper 1 C. granulated sugar Combine ingredients, mixing well. Add to potato mixture. 5. SLOPPY JOES FOR ONE HUNDRED 20 lb. ground beef 12 (26 oz.) cans tomato soup 7 T. brown sugar 7 T. lemon juice 10 onions, chopped 14 T. Worcestershire sauce 10 (32 oz.) bottles catsup Salt, to taste Pepper, to taste Brown beef with onions (will fit in electric roaster). Drain off fat. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Salt and pepper to taste. Simmer 1 hour before serving. 6. MACARONI SALAD Serves 100 6 gal. water 1/3 C. salt 5 lb. 4 oz elbow macaroni 3 lb. mayonnaise or salad dressing 1 lb. shredded carrots 1 lb. chopped celery 8 oz. chopped fresh onions 8 oz. undrained sweet pickle relish 2 T. black or white pepper 2 T. dry mustard 2 tsp. salt 1 T. paprika Heat water to rolling boil. Add salt. Slowly add macaroni. Stir constantly, until water boils again. Cook for 10-12 minutes or until tender; stir occasionally. DO NOT OVERCOOK. Drain well. Add mayonnaise or salad dressing. Mix. Add carrots, celery, onions, pickle relish and seasonings. Toss lightly. Garnish with paprika. Cover. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Serve portions with a 1/2 cup scoop. 7. HEAVENLY DINNER ROLLS 2 (1/4 oz.) pkg. active dry yeast 1/4 C. warm water (110ºF to 115ºF) 4 C. warm milk (110ºF to 115ºF) 1 C. sugar 1 C. shortening 7 to 7 1/2 C. flour, divided 2 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. salt Melted butter or margarine (optional) In a mixing bowl, dissolve yeast in water. Add milk, sugar, shortening and 4 cups flour; beat until smooth. Cover and let rise in a warm place for 2 hours. Add baking powder, baking soda, salt and enough remaining flour to form a soft, slightly sticky dough. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use. Turn onto a heavily floured surface; pat to 1/2-inch thickness. Cut with a biscuit cutter or drop by 1/4 cupsful onto greased baking sheets. Cover and let rise until nearly doubled, about 30 minutes. Bake at 350ºF for 10 to 15 minutes or until lightly browned. Brush tops with butter if desired. Dough may be refrigerated up to 3 days. Punch down each day. Yields about 5 dozen. 8. BARBECUED CHICKEN Serves 100 2 1/2 C. chicken stock 2 oz. dehydrated onions 7 lb. 3 oz. catsup 2 tsp garlic powder 1 lb. 8 oz. brown sugar, packed 48 lb. chicken, cut-up For barbecue sauce: Simmer chicken stock and onions over medium heat for 5 minutes. Add catsup, garlic powder, and brown sugar. Simmer 15-20 minutes, stirring frequently. Set aside. Rinse chicken in cold water. Drain well. Arrange 25 pieces of chicken on each sheet pan (18 x 26 x 1 inch). Brush 3/4 to 1 quart of barbecue sauce over chicken in each pan. Bake uncovered until tender, checking frequently. Cook in conventional oven at 425 degrees F for 45 minutes or 375 degrees F in convection oven for 30 minutes. Transfer to steamable pans for serving. BARBECUE SAUCE FOR CHICKEN For 100 chicken halves. 1 gal. cider vinegar 1/2 gal. cooking oil 1 (2 oz.) bottle Tabasco® sauce 1 (4 oz.) box black pepper 1 (1 7/8 oz.) box crushed red pepper 1 (3/4 oz.) jar onion powder 1 (2 oz.) bottle liquid garlic 2 lb. salt 100 chicken halves Combine all ingredients except chicken halves in saucepan. Simmer. Sprinkle chicken halves lightly with additional salt. Place chicken on grill. Baste after first turning. Turn and baste chickens frequently until done. Basting sauce may be prepared ahead and refrigerated, tightly covered, for up to 1 month. 9. CHICKEN 'N' RICE DELIGHT Serves 70. 9 C. uncooked rice 17 C. chopped cooked turkey or chicken (chopped chicken meat is available frozen in bags) 3 C. broth 2 batches Creamy Chicken Gravy To cook rice, bring water to boil (around a tablespoon each of margarine and salt may be added). Stir in rice. Boil 15 to 20 minutes in covered kettle, stirring occasionally. Drain rice. Combine rice and gravy in electric roaster. If preparing a day ahead, this mixture may be partly cooled before adding meat. Stir in chopped meat and add broth as needed. Heat slowly, stir away from sides. Add broth if mixture becomes too thick. When cooking turkey or chicken, season generously with poultry seasoning. Serves 70 people. Fills one electric roaster. Cook's tip: Cook, chop and freeze fowl ahead of time. Use the broth later in the casserole and gravy. Creamy Chicken Gravy 3/4 C. butter 3/4 C. flour 1 1/2 tsp. salt 2 tsp. celery salt 4 C. chicken broth 2 C. milk 1/8 tsp. pepper Melt butter; remove from heat. Stir in flour. Slowly stir in broth and milk. Cook over low heat. Cook 2 batches. 10. CRANBERRY PUNCH 3 pt. honey 3 qt. hot tea 4 (48 oz.) bottle cranberry juice 1 gal. orange juice 3 pt. lemon juice 4 (2 liter) bottles grapefruit-lime soda, chilled Dissolve honey in tea. Cool. Add cranberry, orange and lemon juices; chill. Just before serving, add soda. Yields 90 to 95 (1/2 cup) servings. 11. BEEF TIPS ON RICE 20 lb. beef stew meat, cut into 1-inch cubes 2 T. salt 5 tsp. pepper 5 tsp. dried thyme 15 (10 3/4 oz.) cans condensed cream of mushroom soup, undiluted 4 C. water 4 C. chopped onion 2/3 C. chopped fresh parsley 2 1/2 tsp. browning sauce (optional) 6 1/2 to 7 lb. long grain rice, cooked Combine beef, salt, pepper and thyme; mix well. Place in five greased 13 x 9-inch baking pans. Bake, uncovered, at 400ºF for 15 minutes; stir. Bake 15 minutes longer; drain. Combine the soup, water, onion, parsley and browning sauce if desired. Pour over beef; mix well. Cover and bake at 350ºF for 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until the beef is tender. Serve over rice. Yields 75 servings (3/4 cup rice and 3/4 cup beef with sauce). 12. SMOKY BARBECUE SAUCE This makes enough to serve 200 people. 5 to 6 medium onions, chopped 4 C. vegetable oil 5 bottles catsup 1 large and 1 small bottle Worcestershire sauce 3 cloves garlic, chopped 1 (16 oz.) box brown sugar 1 large and 1 small bottle liquid smoke Sauté onions and garlic in oil. Add sugar. Add catsup, liquid smoke and Worcestershire sauce; simmer for 1 hour or more. SERVES 100 Information, Tips, Lessons 100 servings 2 ga Applesauce 3 ga String beans 2 ga Baked beans 24 lb Beets (cooked) 2 lb Butter 12 Loaves of bread (1 lb loaf) 10 lb Coleslaw cabbage 30 lb Carrots (cooked) 2 ga Peas 75 lb Fried chicken 35 lb Chicken a' la King 15 bn Celery 1 lb Coffee (for 100 cups) 6 lb Cranberries (raw) AND------ --6 lbs of sugar. 6 c Cocoa or hot chocolate 13 qt Ice-cream, bricks 14 qt Ice-cream, bulk 40 lb Ham/beef/pork/veal roast. 30 lb Meatballs 32 lb Hamburger 35 lb Pork chops 45 lb Baked ham 14 bn Lettuce heads for salad 17 pk Jell-O (3 1/2 oz packets) 6 lb Macaroni 1 ga Pickles 35 lb Raw potatoes (mashed) 4 ga Punch, (1/2c per person) 5 lb Rice 2 qt Salad dressing 3 lb Cube sugar 1/2 lb Tea 65 lb Turkey roast 25 lb Wieners These individual items will serve 100 people. So if you are entertaining hopes this helps out. 13. 100 DOZEN SUGAR COOKIES 12 lb. shortening 11 qt. sugar 72 eggs, well beaten 1 qt. milk 24 qt. flour 2 cup and 1 Tbsp. baking powder 1 cup salt 1 cup vanilla Cream shortening and sugar until light, using medium speed. Add eggs and milk. Add flour sifted with baking powder and salt and vanilla. Keep mixture in refrigerator, rolling a small amount at a time. Cut with a 2 1/2 inch cutter. Sprinkle with sugar. Bake on a greased baking sheet at 360 degrees for 10 minutes. 14. Au Gratin Potatoes for 50 This recipe for the potatoes will feed 50 instead of the 30, of course, the portions are small so extra could probably be used. The portions called for in the book are 5 ounces. 12 pounds potatoes Salt to taste 1 gallon white sauce (recipe follows) 2 pounds grated cheddar cheese 6 ounces buttered bread crumbs Peel and cube the potatoes, add salt to taste, boil until tender but not overcooked. Drain well. Add the white sauce and the cheese. Mix well but gently. Place in 2 pans, 12"x20"x2". Sprinkle the bread crumbs over the top of the potatoes (extra grated cheese can also be sprinkled) bake 400: for about 25 minutes. Medium White Sauce 1 gallon whole milk, warmed but not boiling 8 ounces flour, may need a little more 1 pound unsalted butter or margarine 1 Tbsp dry mustard 1 1/2 Tbsp salt White pepper (optional) Melt the butter in a large saucepan. Remove from heat and add the flour; stir until smooth. Add salt and dry mustard. Add the hot milk gradually whisking constantly. Cook and whisk until smooth and boiling. Boiling will thicken the sauce. This will take about 15-20 minutes 15. Vegetable Beef Soup for 50 Categories: Soups, Quantity Yield: 50 Servings 8 lb Boneless beef chuck; cut -into 1/2-inch cubes 1 cup All-purpose flour 1 Tbsp Salt 2 tsp Pepper 1/2 cup Cooking oil 4 Garlic cloves; minced 2 Bay leaves 2 tsp Dried thyme 6 qt Water 4 can (15 oz ea) tomato sauce 1 can (46 oz) tomato juice 12 Beef bouillon cubes 2 cup Medium pearl barley 2 lb Potatoes; peeled and cubed 1 1/2 lb Carrots; sliced 1 lb Cabbage; chopped 1 lb Onions; chopped 1 Bag (16 oz) frozen green Beans 1 Bag (16 oz) frozen peas Toss beef with flour, salt and pepper. In a large Dutch oven, brown the meat in batches in oil; drain. Transfer to a large stockpot or soup kettle; add garlic, bay leaves, thyme, water, tomato sauce and juice, bouillon and barley. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer 1 hour. Add vegetables; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until vegetables and meat are tender. Remove bay leaves. 16. Cracker Barrel Meatloaf (for a large crowd!) 10 lb. ground beef 30 oz. onion, chopped 1/4-inch square 1 lb. diced green bell peppers 10 eggs 5 T. salt 1 1/2 T. pepper 1 1/2 qt. diced canned tomatoes 2 1/4 c. grated biscuit crumbs Place all in large bowl, mix completely with gloved hand. Place in 3 loaf pans. press down with spoon. Bake at 300F in convection oven for 60 minutes. Remove from oven and invert each loaf over 8-inch wire rack to drain grease and juice. Spread 1/2 cup of catsup over each loaf. Cut into portions 5 to 6 ounces each and keep warm. Makes 42 five ounce servings. Yields 42 servings. 17. Lasagna for a crowd 6 pounds of ground beef 2 pounds of Italian sausage 4 cups of chopped onions 4 cloves garlic, minced 4 pounds of canned tomatoes 30 ounces of tomato sauce 6 tablespoons of parsley flakes 6 tablespoons of sugar 4 tablespoons of salt 4 teaspoons of crushed basil 4 pounds of creamed cottage cheese 2 cups of grated Parmesan cheese 4 tablespoons of parsley flakes 4 tablespoons of salt 4 teaspoons of crushed oregano 32 ounces of lasagna noodles, cooked and drained 3 pounds of Mozzarella cheese, shredded 2 cups of grated Parmesan cheese Cook and stir ground beef, pork, onion and garlic in roaster until meat is browned and onion is tender. Drain off fat. Add tomatoes and sauce, 6 tablespoons parsley, sugar, 4 tablespoons salt and basil. Simmer 1 1/2 hours. Heat oven to 350 degrees, mix cottage cheese, 2 cups Parmesan, 4 tablespoons parsley, 4 teaspoons salt and oregano. In four 9 x 13 x 2 inch pans, layer noodles, sauce, Mozzarella cheese and cottage cheese mixture; repeat layers, reserving enough sauce for thin top layer. Spread sauce over top; sprinkle with last 2 cups Parmesan. Bake uncovered 45 minutes. Let stand 15 minutes after removing from oven. Serves 50. 18. Spaghetti for 100 --- 6 pounds ground beef 2 cups chopped onion 16 garlic cloves, minced 12 cans(29 oz each) tomato sauce 4 cans (18 oz each)tomato paste 1/4 cup salt 3 TBS sugar 2 TBS each;italian seasoning, dried basil and oregano 13 pounds spaghetti, cooked and drained --- in a large stock pot brown beef, onion, and garlic; drain. add tomato sauce and paste, salt,sugar and seasonings;bring to a boil. reduce heat;cover and simmer for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally. serve over spaghetti. yeild:100 servings(about 50 cups sauce) --- Note: For a Spaghetti only dinner, I think this would only feed about 40-50 people. --- 19. Baked Beans for 100 4 (7 lb.) cans Van Camp's Pork and Beans 5 lb.. thick cut bacon or slab bacon 4 or 5 lg. bell peppers, cubed 4 or 5 lg. white onions, chopped 1 sm. jar French's mustard 1 or 2 lb.. dark brown sugar 1/4 c. vinegar 1/4 c. wine To taste: garlic, Lea and Perrins, black pepper --- Fry bacon very crisp after slicing into 1 inch wide pieces. Pour off grease, but save enough to prevent beans from sticking and to add flavor. Brown onions and peppers lightly in bacon grease and pour all into large pot. Add the cans of beans, bacon and all the rest of the ingredients. Cook over low heat for about 2 hours. --- Return to SERVES 100+ 20. Meatballs and Gravy 40 pounds hamburger 20 C. bread crumbs 6 Tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce 6 Tbsp. salt 4 tsp. pepper 40 eggs 20 C. milk Mix together well. Use ice cream scoop to form meatballs. Place on cookie sheet close together. Bake at 350 degrees for about 1 hour. Can freeze for later use. Milk Gravy for above meatballs: 5 pounds margarine 4 pounds flour 5 gallons milk 3/4 pound beef base 1/4 C. salt 2 T. pepper 1/2 C. dry onions (optional, or omit the salt and use onion soup mix to taste.) Melt butter, blend in flour, add beef base and mix well. Add milk and seasonings, stir until slightly thickened then add meatballs. You can serve over potatoes, noodles, rice biscuits if you wish. This recipe could be adjusted to make Italian meatballs, by adding some garlic and oregano, then serve with a spaghetti type sauce. Serves 150 21. Campfire Beans --- 4 gal. beans, already cooked 10 lb. onions, chopped 5 lb. bacon 6 boxes dark brown sugar 1 gal. barbecue sauce 8 bell peppers --- You can do this on your stove or over a campfire! --- Clean an old washpot real good. Rub it completely inside with cooking oil. Heat pot with good pile of hot coals until hot. Put in bacon; cook a bit. As soon as it has a clear look, begin to sauté onions and peppers. Stir around until partially cooked. Add beans, brown sugar and barbecue sauce. Keep a pile of coals around pot and stir often to avoid scorching Cook until done. 22. Lasagna (Serves 90, Makes 6 Steam Table Pans) 4 lb. lasagna noodles 15 lb. ground beef 3 cups chopped onion 1/2 tsp. anise 3 Tbsp. crushed oregano 1 tsp. garlic powder, salt and pepper 2 cans Italian Spaghetti Sauce (# 10 cans) 15 eggs 10 lb. cottage cheese, 1 1/4 lb. parmesan cheese grated 1 tsp. each, salt and pepper, 3 Tbsp. parsley flakes tomato juice, optional 10 lb. grated mozzarella cheese Four pounds lasagna, use 8 noodles per pan, cook in deep pot. Lots of boiling water, salt and small amount of oil. Do not overcook. Drain and let stand in cold water until ready to assemble. Cook ground beef. Add chopped onion while cooking. Season with 1/2 teaspoon anise, 3 tablespoons crushed oregano, 1 teaspoon garlic powder, salt and pepper to taste (start with 1 teaspoon pepper and 2 of salt). Keep meat well crumbled as it cooks. Use medium heat and stir often, small amount of water may be added. Do not brown. When nice and crumbly and when pink is gone, add 2 (No. 10) cans Italian or spaghetti sauce. Mix well and set aside. Beat eggs, add cottage cheese, small curd and Parmesan cheese, add salt, pepper and parsley flakes. Spray coat steam table pans, layer noodles (4 noodles make a layer). Put layer of meat tomato sauce, then layer of cottage cheese mixture, sprinkle with grated Mozzarella cheese on top. Repeat layers, ending with generous layer of Mozzarella cheese. Bake at 375 degrees for 35 minutes. Should be bubbly. Let set 10 or 15 minutes before serving. Each pan serves 15 generously. This may be frozen and reheated. If you think more liquid is needed, add tomato juice over top while baking. 23. Cabbage Rolls 5 lbs long grain rice 2 gal water 2 TBS salt 2 TBS cooking oil 1/4 cup cooking oil 4 large onions 3 cup cooling oil 1 lb butter 1/2 cup celery, finely chopped 10 lbs ground beef 1/4 cup parsley, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced salt to taste 2 tsp. pepper 50 lbs cabbage, medium heads 3 stalks celery, cut up 1 large onion, sliced 1 - 46 oz. can tomato soup 3 cans water 3 stalks celery, cut up Rice: Wash rice in cold water three times or until water comes off clear Add 2 gallons cold water, salt, 2 TBS oil. Bring to fast boil, cook 1 minute, cover, turn off heat, let stand until water is partially absorbed but not more than 10 minutes. The rice will only be partially cooked. Drain and rinse with cold water. Add 1/4 cup oil , mix. Cool. Filling: Fry 4 chopped onions in 3 cups oil until soft. Add butter, onions, finely chopped celery and parsley, and garlic to cooled rice. Mix well. Add meat, mix well. Season with salt and pepper Cabbage: Remove entire core from cabbage. In a large deep pan, bring water to a boil, add cabbage heads and cook slowly until leaves are soft and take off leaves, place in colander to drain. Cut off hard center from each leaf. Cut large leaves into 2 sections. On the bottom of an 18 x 24 x 2" roaster, make a bed using large cabbage leaves, 3 cup up celery stalks and sliced onion. Make cabbage rolls by placing a generous spoonful of the filling on each cabbage leaf: roll. Arrange rolls in layers, sprinkle each layer with salt (No more than 3 layers for best results) Combine soup with 3 cans of water, pour over cabbage rolls. Protect top from scorching by covering with a few large leaves and 3 cup up celery stalks, cover roaster tightly. Bake at 325 degrees for at least 4 hours, or until both cabbage and filling are cooked. Not sure of the exact yield. Nice ethnic addition to a buffet. 24. Swedish Meatballs for a Crowd 30 lbs. hamburger 15 eggs 5 qt. warm milk 5 qt. dry breadcrumbs 1 c. brown sugar 1/4 c. allspice 1/2 c. salt 1/3 c. onion 2 tbsp. pepper 1/2 c. nutmeg Mix all ingredients well. Use scoop #16 and brown on large 18 x 26 inch trays. Lift into deeper pans and cover with very brown gravy. Cover and bake 1 hour at 300 degrees. Serves 150 (2 each). Gravy: 3 1/2 gal. broth or water 1/2 c. beef base 1 c. brown sauce 3/4 c. salt 2 tbsp. pepper Thicken with Roux made from butter/flour. 25. Garlic Cheese Bread for 150 - 200 6 cups grated Parmesan cheese 1 cup dried oregano 1 cup dried parsley flakes 3 cups butter or margarine softened 12 garlic cloves minced 3 cups vegetable oil 18 French bread loaves cut into 1/2" slices 18 pounds shredded mozzarella cheese Combine Parmesan, oregano and parsley; mix well and set aside. In a large mixing bowl, beat butter and garlic. Gradually beat in oil until smooth. Spread over one side of bread. Place with buttered side up in greased large shallow baking pans. Top each slice with 1/4 cup mozzarella. Sprinkle with Parmesan mixture. Bake at 400°F for 10 to 12 minutes or until the cheese is melted and top is lightly browned. Serve warm. Makes about 150 servings (2 slices each 26. Meat Loaf for 120 40 lb. ground beef 16 eggs, lightly beaten 8 cups old-fashioned oats 5 c. tomato juice 3 large onions, chopped 1/3 c. salt 2 Tbsp. pepper Sauce: 3 c. water 1 1/2 c. ketchup 6 Tbsp. vinegar 2 Tbsp. prepared mustard 2 Tbsp. brown sugar. Combine loaf ingredients and shape into 16 loaves. Place into loaf pans. Combine sauce ingredients and pour 3 Tbsp. over each loaf. Bake at 350 deg. for 1 1/2 -2 hrs. until meat is thoroughly cooked with no pink showing. Baste once while cooking with remaining sauce 27. Baked Chicken that serves 250 people Serves 250 Very easy- big flavor and moist too. --- 200 lbs cut-up chicken 63 standard sized pkgs dry onion soup mix 16 lbs apricot jam 25 qts low calorie Russian salad dressing --- Sprinkle onion soup mix in bottom of pan. Put chicken skin-side-down. Spread with jam, and pour dressing over it. Bake at 350° for 2 hours; turn chicken and bake another hour. 28. Tea Sandwiches for a Crowd When you need to make small tea sandwiches for a crowd, here is a general guide line. The following amounts make enough sandwiches for 300 people, about 800 small sandwiches in total!!! Now this is for a Tea NOT a Luncheon. This will allow about 3 small sandwiches per person. Suitable for an afternoon Wedding, Funeral, or a Social Tea at a School or a Church. Amounts that you will need for Finger, Ribbon or Rolled sandwiches. 12 large sandwich loaves, sliced lengthwise, (get the bakery to do this) order ahead of time 6 white and 6 brown loaves and have them sliced to order. A variety of fillings. 4 dozen eggs, hard boiled - make a filling with salad dressing and seasonings. 1 lb. of ham or roast beef, ground - mix with salad dressing, ground sweet pickles and a little bit of pickle juice. 1 1/2 lbs. cream cheese - Mix with salad dressing, spread on bread, sprinkle with well drained chopped maraschino cherries. Make into rolls. (Need 12 oz. jar red, 6 oz. jar green cherries) 1 1/2 lbs. Velveeta - Mix with salad dressing, make into rolls with dill slices or olives, (takes about 4 per slice) 3 tins of shrimp - Mix with salad dressing, roll. 2 large tins of salmon - mix with chopped celery, salad dressing and seasoning. Roll centered with a well drained dill spear. These should be tightly rolled in wax paper (it seems to keep them better than plastic wrap) and refrigerated until cut. Makes approx. 800 tiny sandwiches. For a Tea, you will also need: Small bite sized cookies or squares (bars) approx. 3 per person. If a volunteer project, 25 people each bringing 3 doz. dainties will do it. Also required: 2 lbs. tea 3 lemons sliced thinly (to serve with the tea) 3 lbs. sugar cubes 3 quarts of cream or milk 1/2 gallon sweet pickles 1/2 gallon dill pickles 29. How to Plan a Dinner Plain or Fancy! If you have more tips to add to this, please contact me. (e-mail address is on Growlies main page) How To Plan a Spaghetti Dinner Most spaghetti dinners are either used as a fund raiser or as very inexpensive 'everybody can afford to attend' type of get-to-gethers. First of all you need to decide how much people would be willing to pay and how much of that you can justify using as food costs. If you go really fancy, you could serve fresh pasta. I haven't done this but I've been told that pasta can be cooked ahead of time (day before), then cooled quickly in cold water, drained then toss lightly with cooking oil to keep it from sticking together, covered with plastic wrap or damp towels and stored in a fridge. (overnight- in big buckets refrigerated) and reheated briefly (a few servings at a time) in boiling water, or just pour very hot water over pasta to re heat. So, if you have the time or access to the kitchen both the sauce and pasta can be cooked ahead of time. Unless you have professional sized pots, it's easier to cook sauces in batches that would serve 25, just make lots of batches. If you are cooking pasta at the time of serving, it is very difficult to work with. The water takes a VERY long time to boil, and you can only cook 2 batches of pasta before the water gets too starchy and requires changing ... so the reheating is better. You reheat by dunking it into boiling water briefly until hot, using an insert, colander or metal basket. Have more than one pot of boiling water ready. Try this out in a small test batch. Or combine with sauce and heat casserole-style in big pans if you feel that this method would be acceptable. TIPS - Been there done that: In my experience, a 500g (+- 1lb) box of pasta feeds 4-6 hungry people, depending on how hearty the sauce is (more filling sauce = less pasta per portion). Obviously it also depends on what else you are serving - if you have a starter, salads and breads, and a dessert, you will need much less pasta. Not sure about the sauce quantities because I make my own, but about half or 2/3 of a cup per serving should be about right. See how much sauce you'd use for a pound of pasta and multiply accordingly. (BTW for a bake I would use short pasta rather than spaghetti.) ~~ We just finished with a spaghetti supper for around 200 people. We could have fed another 100 with all the food prepared. This was a first-time trial, so I wanted to have enough to feed any walk-ins. It was a fundraiser for our youth and a mission trip they are planning this summer. I worked out a very good spaghetti sauce based on things I got here and there. The thing I want to share is: our spaghetti pasta was well complemented and wanted to share our method. The evening before the supper I cooked enough spaghetti for 144 servings (based on package comments). I did 18 pounds dry spaghetti. I salted and oiled the water. After spaghetti was cooked according to package directions, I drained it and rinsed it with cold water until it was completely cold. You need to mix it around as you are rinsing so it all gets rinsed and cold. I put it in containers and oiled it once more. I did this at about a pound or so at a time so it was all equally oiled. The I sealed the containers and refrigerated them immediatly. The following evening we used pasta pans with inserts, brought water to a boil, placed already cooked spaghetti into boiling water and stirred it with a fork. Brought it to a hot temperature, then drained, placed it in a warm 200 degrees Nesco roaster. I oiled this once again, slightly and it kept very beautifully. I used olive oil for this. At the same time we had to be cooking more spaghtti. We cooked that, drained, rinsed with hot water, oiled slightly and placed in the Nesco roaster. Our supper was a success. On Sunday we reheated some of the leftover spaghetti that had be cooked on Friday evening. It was beautiful. No stick at all. Hope this helps someone. A big THANKS to Lynnsey and Joan for the above tips! FANCIER FUND RAISING OPTIONS! Caesar salad or a variety of salads, pasta with a choice of 2 sauces, one tomato/veggie/chicken or regular ground beef/tomato and the other creamy/shrimp or just plain alfredo type (shrimp optional). Problem is you have to have enough for a choice. If this is a fund raiser, the Committee should agree before hand to buy any leftovers at cost, or have some way of selling leftovers. If you just have one sauce, less chance of leftovers. Leftovers can also be donated to the food bank or frozen. Have a great dessert table, cheese cakes or some thing you can just slice and serve per person, or ask for donations for the dessert table. The Eldorado Hotel here in town, has a fabulous pasta night, here is a recipe that I've created ( here ), it is very close to the one that they serve ( add meat/ chicken/ shrimp etc. as you desire) This is really good, a classier dish than usual yet not that expensive. If you have contact with someone with a restaurant, you could ask them to purchase a big bag of frozen baby shrimp (5 #) about $30. that would perk things up. You might be able to rent some kind of big chaffing dish(s) from a party rental (or borrow from a rest.) and let people help themselves to pasta and sauces. Maybe corkscrew pasta already combined with a sauce instead of spaghetti. --- Whatever is being served with the spaghetti, will have a direct effect on how much spaghetti to allow per person. Cook up a pkg. of spaghetti and see how many servings you would get out of a set weight of pasta, usually 3-5 per lb. This will vary depending on the age of the people being served and the time of day as well as if it's being served as a buffet or being plated or if it's an all-you-can-eat. Then allow a measured amount of sauce per serving. When serving the sauce scoop it onto the plates using a pre-determined measure, even if it's just a small coffee mug or measuring cup you can quickly dip into the sauce. Churches or clubs, can ask for donations towards the dinner of canned tomatoes, pkgs. of spaghetti etc. to cut costs and maybe even allow for the meal to be free or almost free. . Here is some info I found on the net with no links back to any main page, although it was something to do with a church dinner. The information is a real find so here it is, and thank you to whoever originally posted it. . Complete Spaghetti Dinner - Serves 50-60 people (Valentine’s Day fund-raiser) Spaghetti: 10 pounds spaghetti 10 jars spaghetti sauce 5 pounds hamburger 7 French bread 3 bottles parmesan cheese Dinner plates -- Salad: 6-7# salad mix 2 bottles Ranch salad dressing 2 bottles French salad dressing 2 bottles Italian salad dressing Salad bowls -- Dessert: 2 lb. of margarine in 1/4 lb. squares 4 cans crushed pineapple 4 white cake mixes 4 cans cherry pie filling 2 bowls cool whip Dessert plates -- To Make Cake: Spray bottom of 9x13 cake pan with Pam. (use 1 cake pan per cake.) Pour 1 can crushed pineapple in bottom of pan and smooth out. Pour one (dry) cake mix over pineapple. Layer 2 sliced cubes (1/2 c. ea. cube) of butter over cake mix. Pour one can cherries over butter. Bake in preheated oven of 350 for 40-50 minutes. Top with cool whip after it has cooled! --- Set up tables to make it look romantic. Use candles and decorate tables. Have the teens serve the people. Take their orders so you know exactly what they want on their plate. Do a "suggested donation" so if people can't afford to go, they still can to enjoy the fellowship! When we did this fundraiser, others gave more of a donation and that evened it out for those who couldn't. It was the "talk of the church" for a week! --- Sauce for 100 3 lb. hot Italian sausage 10 lb. meat loaf mix (beef, pork, veal) 10 large cans Italian "pear" tomatoes 20 medium size green peppers, chopped 10 (6 oz.) cans tomato paste 10 (1 lb.) cans regular tomatoes 20 large onions, chopped 20 cloves garlic, chopped 1/2 c. sugar 20 tsp. oregano salt and pepper to taste 1 c. olive oil - Fry peppers and onions briefly in olive oil. Remove to large kettles. Brown meat loaf mix quickly, breaking it up as it cooks. Add to kettles with tomatoes, garlic and oregano. Remove sausage from casing, break up and add mixing all thoroughly. (A wire potato masher works fine for this job.) Simmer about 2 hours, stirring as needed. Add tomato paste, sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Continue simmering 1/2 hour. Add water if needed to keep from sticking or to thin for serving. I sure hope these ideas help you out! 30. Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies one for me, one for you, two for me , one for you... --- 2/3 c. Crisco 2/3 c. butter, softened 1 c. granulated sugar 1 c. brown sugar, packed 2 eggs 2 tsp. vanilla 3 c. whole wheat flour 1 tsp. soda 1 tsp. salt 12 oz. pkg. chocolate chips --- Mix shortening and butter, sugars, eggs and vanilla. Stir in remaining ingredients. Chill 1/2 to 1 hour. Heat oven to 375 degrees. Drop by teaspoons on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake 8 to 10 minutes. Cool before removing from sheet. Yields 6 to 7 dozen. 31. Hershey's Kiss Peanut Butter Cookies 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup white sugar 1 cup peanut butter 1 1/2 cups Crisco shortening 2 eggs 4 cups flour 1 tsp. baking soda 1/4 tsp. salt 1 tsp. baking powder 36 Hershey kisses or ex. large choc. chips Cream together sugars, shortening, and peanut butter. Stir in eggs. Sift together dry ingredients. Work together all until thoroughly blended. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Roll dough into 1 inch balls and roll in granulated sugar to coat. Place balls on a greased cookie sheet and bake for 9 to 10 minutes, until they spread out and just begin to brown. Remove cookies from oven and press a Hershey's kiss gently into the center of each cookie. Return to oven and bake for another 2 to 5 minutes. Allow cookies to cool for 5 to 10 minutes before removing from cookie sheet. Makes 3 doz. NOTES : You can use extra large chocolate chips in place of Hershey kisses. 32. Big Batch Peanut Butter Cookies 4 lb sugar 4 lb brown sugar 4 lb butter 4 lb peanut butter 24 ea eggs -- (40 oz) 2 Tbsp. vanilla or to taste. 7 lb cake flour 2 oz baking soda 4 oz milk powder Creaming Method Just blend the first 4 ingred. at #1 speed. After all rest is added, #2 speed to insure incorporation for about 45 sec. Use the kisses on these cookies 33. Lots of Oatmeal Cookies --- 3 lb. brown sugar 1 1/2 lb. margarine 1 tsp. salt 1 oz. baking soda 5 eggs 1 lb. ground raisins or dates 1 1/2 lb. rolled oats 2 lb. 12 oz. all-purpose flour 2 cups milk --- Cream brown sugar, margarine gradually add eggs, stir in salt and baking soda to mix well.. Add remaining ingredients. Combine well but don't over mix. Drop by spoonful onto greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes. Makes dozens. 34. Big Batch Chocolate Chip Cookies --- 3 lb. brown sugar 2 lb. butter 1 oz. salt 1 oz. soda 1 pt. eggs (2 cups) 3 lb. all-purpose flour 2 lb. chocolate chips 1/2 to 1 lb. of chopped walnuts (optional) --- Cream together sugar, butter and eggs. Add dry ingredients and mix well. Mix in chocolate chips and nuts. Drop by spoonful on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes. 35. Monster Cookies For Me? --- 12 eggs 1 Tbsp. corn syrup 2 lb. brown sugar 4 c. granulated sugar 8 tsp. soda 1/2 tsp. salt 1 lb. soft margarine 1 Tbsp. vanilla --- 18 c. oatmeal 1 lb. M&M's 1 lb. chocolate chips 3 lb. peanut butter, smooth or crunchy --- Cream together margarine and brown sugar stir in peanut butter and corn syrup and white sugar, add vanilla, salt and soda, beat in eggs, two at a time. Mix in oatmeal, M& M's and choc. chips until well combined. Use ice cream scoop to drop mixture on ungreased cookie sheet. --- Bake at 350 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes, about 6 cookies per sheet. Makes 6 dozen huge or at least 12 dozen regular cookies. ---
  11. I think some home made pizza will taste neat with a handful of chips and sour cream with onion dips Fresh Fruit for my hunny whose cute as a bug Keep him healthy and fit so I can give him many hugs Total cost for this meal is 1.20 cents To work off that cheese We will have to jog around the fence
  12. When do you start your tomato and other plants?
  13. I live on South Mountain so I can't wait to try this Dee in Autumn. I have been thinking of having Cappy get me a portable greenhouse so that we can fresh veggies even in winter.
  14. I'm a scrapper I have to admit! But for all the right reasons! With some lovin attached! SO I have the best of Both Worlds.
  15. About 14 for me. Maybe when the Ferrous Sulfate starts to kick in I will be able to do more.
  16. You always have a place to stay when you come to NY Mare and Cavey! The chess board has been all set up for ages and of course I can get all the games down from the game closet!
  17. Splenda- The best sugar substitute on the market. THUMBS UP! I made some Blueberry Muffins from scratch and used Splenda instead of sugar and I couldn't tell the difference. Even Cappy Likes them. I also used Splenda to sweeten the Strawberries in Strawberry Shortcake. This is an excellent product. I recomend it!.
  18. Smuckers Sugar Free Jelly and jams. THUMBS UP IF YOU ADD 1 PK OF SPLENDA PER SERVING. This jelly was a bit bland for me so I decided to use 1 packet of Splenda and I mixed it in 1 tsp of the jelly and spread it on toast. The results turned out very well and with the splenda added it tasted like regular jam.
  19. DUST CLOTHS 2 C. hot water 1/4 to 1 C. lemon oil Dip 18-inch cheesecloth squares in a solution of hot water and lemon oil. Squeeze out excess liquid and let air-dry them. Store in a covered metal can.
  20. TAILOR'S CREASE REMOVER 1 1/2 oz. rubbing alcohol 8 oz. water 1/2 oz. fabric softener Mix. Spray on hemline or trouser crease and press dry. This is the professional method used by tailors.
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