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Everything posted by Dee

  1. This sounds soooooooooooooooo good. I will be making some over the weekend... along with Cats Chocolate Pie
  2. Spitty where are you???????
  3. More ideas: Cup a soups or larger dry soup mixes, canned meals like beef stew, chili's chicken and dumplings.. plus boxes of Zaterains beans and rice besides macaroni and cheese- Instant coffee in plastic container Dry Creamer in plastic bottle Powdered gatorade Tea Bags Powered Lemonade Mix presweetened Tuna in the pouches Slim Jims Home made cookies or Oreo's- to keep them fresh put a piece of bread in the cookie can along with the cookies. Try baking cookies that will fit snugly inside a Pringles can. If you make soft cookies it could help them to arrive without being completely smashed. Freshness could be an issue so be sure to wrap them up very securely with plastic wrap also If you send store bought cookies like Oreos, something that cracks easy, take them out of their package and pack them loose in Plain popped popcorn. The popcorn takes the shock of traveling and the cookies get there in great shape Small bags of potato chips and other snacks like c heese doodles. ( they stay fresher longer) Crackers and Graham Crackers Lunchables- many of these don't have to be refridgerated. Pretzels raisins Serving sized fruit and pudding cups with the pop off lids Nuts Pop Tarts Dry Cereals Granola bars Microwave popcorn Fiddle Faddle and Cracker Jacks with the toys in them Tylenol, or Aspirin baby wipes for them to clean themselves when they can't get to the showers for two to howmany days.. batteries- get these in the dollar store small flashlights pens and paper along with some stamps some disposable cameras- sometimes you can get these free online. Toilet paper Baby WIpes Eye Drops Sunblock Soap like Ivory or Irish Spring Funny as it may sound, Clorox wipes. Just in case the bathroom needs a little extra spot cleaning. Also useful for the bunk area. Summer Sausage Cheese that is shelf stable dried fruits Vitamins maple syrup in plastic container just add water pancake mix Chef Boyardee products- serving sizes crackers, crackers and more crackers... like cheese its You can get alot of this stuff in the Dollar stores Send out smaller packages instead of one big care package a couple of times a month if its possible. Postage will be cheaper in the long run Send US Stamps and envelopes too along with paper and pen for the fellows to write home. Send vhs tapes of tv show comedys from home like " everybody loves raymond, My big fat greek life, and others. You can get tapes in the dollar stores also.
  4. I am just wondering how everyone is today! As for myself I am tired of winter weather. I would like to take Phil the groundhog and make him into a nice stew for predicting more winter weather for the next several weeks. You think in March the weather would start to lighten up a bit!
  5. If you get a nice paper towel like Scotts did you know that you can reuse them more than once. Use one sheet the first time and then wash and rinse and hang it on your dish rack to dry then reuse. I do this all the time and I save money.
  6. I'm not sure what your asking Loggy with the first question. I don't see why you couln't roll newspapers outside. You make a good point about using them like paper towels. I still wash my windows with newspapers.... and vinegar!
  7. Old Fashioned Recipes for Household Items & Chores Mending China Pound flint glass very fine, then grind it on a painter's stone with the white of an egg; it will not break in the same place. Writing Ink Take four ounces of Nutgalls, Coperas and Gum Arabic, each two ounces, one quart of rain water; mix and shake up well, and often. If it is set in the sun, it will be the sooner fit for use. Shoe Blacking Take I quart of good vinegar, four ounces Ivory Black, one table spoonful of sweet oil, one gill of molasses, 1-2 an ounce oil vitriol; the vitriol to be put in last, and well stirred together. To Destroy Flies Take half a tea spoonful of black pepper made fine, a tea spoonful of brown sugar, a table spoonful of cream; lay in a plate and set it for them. Get Rid of Bed Bugs Dissolve one ounce of succotrine aloes in a gill of spirits, this will clear several bedsteads, with a trifling cost--mark the breadth of a finger with the solution, round the foot of each bedpost. To Bleach Cotton The first operation consists in scouring it in a slight alkaline solution; or what is better, by exposure to steam. It is afterwards put into a basket, and rinsed in running water. The immersion of cotton in an alkaline ley, however it may be rinsed, always leaves with it an earthy deposit. It is well known that cotton bears the action of acids better than hemp or flax; that time is even necessary before the action of them can be prejudicial to it; and by taking advantage of this valuable property in regard to bleaching, means have been found to free it from the earthy deposit, by pressing down the cotton in a very weak solution of sulphuric acid, and afterwards removing the acid by washing, lest too long remaining in it should destroy the cotton. To Bleach Wool The first kind of bleaching to which wool is subjected, is to free it from grease. This operation is called scouring. In manufactories, it is generally performed by an ammoniacal ley, formed of five measures of river water and one of stale urine; the wool is immersed for about twenty minutes in a bath of this mixture, heated to fifty six degrees; it is then taken out, suffered to drain, and then rinsed in running water: this manipulation softens the wool, and gives it the first degree of whiteness, it is then repeated a second, and even a third time, after which the wool is fit to be employed. In some places scouring is performed with water slightly impregnated with sop; and, indeed, for valuable articles, this process is preferable, but it is too expensive for articles of less value. Sulphuric acid gas unites very easily with water, and in this combination it may be employed for bleaching wool and silk. To Bleach Silk Take a solution of caustic soda, so weak as to make only a fourth of a degree, at most, of the areometer for salts, and fill with it the boiler of the apparatus for bleaching with steam. Charge the frames with skeins of raw silk, and place them in the apparatus until it is full; then close the door and make the solution boil. Having continued the ebulution for twelve hours, slacken the fire, and open the door of the apparatus. The heat of the steam, which is always above 250 degrees, will have been sufficient to free the silk from the gum, and to scour it. Wash the skeins in warm water; and having wrong them, place them again on the frames in the apparatus to undergo a second boiling. Then wash them several times in water, and immerse them in water somewhat soapy, to give them a little softness. Notwithstanding the whiteness which silk acquires by these different alterations, it must be carried to a higher degree of splendour by exposing it to the action of sulpheric acid gas, in a close chamber, or by immersing it in sulphurous acid, as before recommended for wool. Excellent perfume for gloves Take of damask or rose scent, half an ounce, the spirit of cloves and mace, each a drachm; frankincense, one quarter of an ounce. Mix them together, and lay them in papers, and when hard, press the gloves; they will take the scent in twenty-four hours, and hardly ever lose it. To perfume clothes Take of oven-dried best cloves, cedar and rhubarb wood, each one ounce, beat them to a powder and sprinkle them in a box or chest, where they will create a most beautiful scent, and preserve the apparrel against moths. To preserve brass ornaments Brass ornaments, when not gilt or lackered, may be cleaned in the same way, and a fine colour may be given to them by two simple processes. The first is to beat sal ammoniac into a fine powder, then to moisten it with soft water, rubbing it on the ornaments, which must be heated over charcoal, and rubbed dry with bran and whiting. The second is to wash the brass work with roche alum boiled in strong ley, in the proportion of an ounce to a pint; when dry it must be rubbed with fine tripoli. Either of these processes will give to brass the briliancy of gold. To make cement for metals Take of gum mastic, 10 grains,--rectified spirit of wine, 2 drachms. Add 2 ounces of strong isinglass glue, made with brandy, and 10 grains of the true gum ammoniac. Dissolve all together,and keep it stopped in a phial. When intended to be used, set it in warm water. To make red sealing wax Take of shell-lac, well, powdered, two parts, of rosin and vermillion, powdered, each, 1 part. Mix them well together and melt them over a gentle fire, and when the ingredients seem thoroughly, incorporated, work the wax into sticks. Where shell-lac cannot be procured, seed-lac may be substituted for it. The quantity of vermillion may be diminished without any injury to the sealing wax, where it is not required to be of the highest and brightest red colour; and the rest should be of the whitest kind, as that improves the effect of the vermillion. Black sealing wax Proceed as directed for the red wax, only instead of the vermillion substitute the best ivory black.
  8. 1. Wheat Chowder Ingredients 2 C. diced carrots 1 C. boiling water 1/2 C. diced salt pork 4 T. onion 1 T. flour 2 C. cooked wheat 1 tsp. salt dash of pepper 2 C. milk 1 T. chopped parsley To cook wheat berries, place in a saucepan of water and bring to a boil. Cook til the berries are tender and chewy. Cook carrots in water until tender. Fry the pork until crisp and drain fat. Keep 3 Tablespoons fat. Add onions and brown lightly in the reserved fat. Stir in flour and thicken. Add all other ingredients and mix until well blended. Add bit of water if too thick. Potato Cheese This is a very old recipe used before and during the Civil War, especially in the South. Select 5 pounds of good white potatoes. Boil them, and when cold, peel and mash them using a masher or ricer. To five pounds of this pulp, which must be very uniform and homogeneous, add a pint (8 ounces) of sour milk or buttermilk, and salt to taste. Knead well, cover it, and let it remain three or four days, according to the season [longer in cold weather, shorter time in warm]. Knead them again after 3 or 4 days and place them in baskets. They will loose their moisture in the baskets. Place them over something to catch the moisture. Dry them in the shade, and place them in layers in large pots or kegs, leave for two weeks. The longer they sit, the better they become. Keep in a very dry place, in air tight containers. 3. Rose, Rhubarb and Strawberry Jam Ingredients: 2 lb Rhubarb, trimmed weight 1 lb Small strawberries - slightly underripe 1/2 lb highly scented rose petals 1 1/2 lb Sugar 4 sm Juicy lemons-leave seeds in Instructions: Slice the rhubarb and layer it in a large bowl with the whole hulled strawberries and the sugar. Pour on the lemon juice, cover and leave overnight. Pour the contents of the bowl into a 2 quart saucepan. Add the lemon seeds tied in a muslin bag and bring gently to a boil. Boil for 2 minutes then pour the contents of the pan back into the bowl. Cover and leave in a cool place over night once more. Put the rhubarb and strawberry mixture back into the pan. Pinch out the white tips from the bases of the rose petals and add the petals to the pan, pushing them well into the fruit.The white tips are bitter, so remove them completely. Bring to the boil and boil hard until setting point is reached, then pour into warm sterilized jars. To determine if the setting point has been reached: plunge a metal spoon into the boiling mixture, lift it out and allow it to drain off the spoon. If it sheets over the entire spoon as you are allowing it to drain, then drizzle some on to a cold glass plate. If it does not sheet, then boil longer. Allow this to cool and check for thickness and consistancy. Makes 6 or 7 half pints.
  9. OK LOWIE! I am going to start scanning this evening... to your email. I know him in passing Debs...Did you ask me about free icecream Debbielee? Let me know.
  10. Homemade Pancake Syrup 2 c. water 1 c. sugar 1 tsp. vanilla OR maple flavoring Cook water and sugar together until slightly thickened. Remove from heat and add flavoring. Store covered in the refrigerator. ____________________________________________________________ Oatmeal Fritters To use up leftover cooked oatmeal: to each cup oatmeal add 1 egg,2 tablespoons flour and 2 tablespoons milk. Fry on hot skillet; spread with honey and eat. _______________________________________________________ Homemade Graham Crackers 350 degrees 10-15 minutes makes about 6 dozen crackers 1c. shortening 4 c.wheat flour 1c. brown sugar 1tsp. soda 1c. white sugar 2tsp.bakingpowder 1c. honey 1/2 tsp. salt 2c. white flour 1c.sweet milk 1tsp.vanilla Cream shortening and sugar until fluffy.Add vanilla. Sift flour. Measure and add salt, soda, and baking powder. Sift again. Add sifted dry ingredients alternately with milk. Mix thoroughly after eachaddition. Chill dough overnight. The next morning, turn out on a floured board and roll as thin as possible. Cut in squares. Place 1" apart on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees until golden brown.
  11. Peanut Butter Bread 2 c flour 4 t baking powder 1 t salt 1/4 t baking soda 1/4 c honey 2/3 c peanut butter 1 1/4 c milk Sift the first 4 ingredients together. Mix the milk into the peanut butter very well, blend in the honey. Add the peanut butter mixture to the dry ingredients and beat well. Turn into a buttered loaf pan. Bake at 350* F for 45 minutes. Tastes even better on the second day!
  12. Unleavened Bread (Hardtack) Make a stiff mixture of the following ingredients: 1 1/2 c graham flour (or whole wheat) 3 c unbleached white flour 1/2 c cornmeal 1/2 c shortening 1 1/2 c milk 1 t sugar 1 T salt Lightly grease several cookie sheets, sprinkle them with four. Dust a piece of dough about the size of a walnut with flour, plce it in the middle of the cookie sheet, and slightly fltten it with your hand. Now roll the dough out to cover the surface of the baking sheet, rolling it as thinly as possible. Dust the dough with flour as needed to prevent sticking. You may want to use flour sock on your rolling pin. Trim off any excess dough from around the cookie sheet, return it to the dough pan. Bake the unleavened bread in a 400* F oven. The the edges brown, turn it over, crefully. Continue baking until the flat bread is almost as stiff as cardboard. Turn it once more, and when the bread is actually as stiff as cardboard, remove it from the oven. It may be eaten when freshly baked and hot, but can be stored indefinitely if kept dry. Break the bread in pieces and store in an airtight container.
  13. [Please think twice before using these remedies as a few of the ingredients are now known to be poisonous.] HEAL SORES OR CRACKS IN THE SKIN OF MAN OR BEAST: Use pine tar to Coat the sore area well to keep off insects and promote healing. SLACKED LIME: dust on animal cuts to seal injured area and promote healing. FOREIGN OBJECT IN THE EYE: Drop a flax seed into the eye. The particle in the eye will stick to the flax seed and the flax seed is easy to see and remove. COUGH REMEDY: 2-3 drops of kerosene on a tsp of sugar. COUGH REMEDY: Equal parts of oil of peppermint, friars balsam and tincture of red lavender. Mix and use drop by drop on a tsp. of sugar to alleviate the condition. COUGH SYRUP: 1 tsp Honey 1 tsp glycerin juice of 1 lemon Mix well and use when needed. CANKER AND COLD SORES: Collect the berries from wild rose bushes and make a tea from them. (These berries may be picked and dried for winter use.) Drink a little of this when you feel a canker or cold sore coming and it should clear up. (This is nothing more than vitamin C.) A little pot ash daubed on a cold sore will also clear it away. SUNBURN AND STEAM BURNS: Sprinkle area with vinegar. DYSENTERY AND DIARRHEA: Take a liberal amount of black pepper on a tsp and cover this with thick cream and take this to relieve the situation. Toast bread until almost burned pour boiling water over this. Drink the brown water for diarrhea. PIONEER LINIMENT: Beat one egg slightly and measure the beaten egg. Add to the egg the exact amount of turpentine as egg and the exact amount of apple cider vinegar as the egg. Mix altogether well and store in a covered jar. This is very good for Arthritic and Rheumatic pain. HONEY: Honey has been used through the years to cure many things. Taken internally, it has been known to relieve arthritis. Externally it is good first aid for wounds and burns. Bacteria will not live in honey. [Editor Note: This was before we learned about honey being able to harbor botulism.] Burn Salve (1860) 1 tea cupful lard 1 tea cupful mutton tallow 1 tea cupful olive oil beeswax the size of an egg resin the size of an egg 2 tsp carbolic acid Dissolve all ingredients on the stove except the olive oil and carbolic acid, which you add upon removing from the heat. Mix well and store in covered jar. Flu Ointment (used for epidemic of 1918) 2 large jars white Vaseline 2 oz. turpentine 1/4 oz. menthol crystals 2 cakes of camphor gum 1/3 oz. oil of peppermint 1/4 oz. eucalyptus 1/4 oz. oil of wintergreen Melt and mix well over low heat and store in covered jars. Black Currant Tea (An infallible remedy for a sore throat) 1 Tbsp black currant jam or jelly juice of half a lemon 1 pint boiling water sugar to taste Simmer altogether for 15 min. the hotter you are able to drink the tea the better. Mustard Plaster You have to be careful with mustard plasters. If not very careful you can get a real bad burn! Good for chest colds Use the white of an egg instead of water with the dry mustard. The egg will prevent blistering of the skin. Mix egg white with half dry mustard half flour, cover the mustard mix on a cloth or paper. Cover the plaster with gauze or soft cloth and hold in place on chest with tape.
  14. To cure a sick headache: This arises from acidity, or over-loading the stomach. When it is not from over eating, all that is necessary is to soak the feet in hot water about 20 min., drinking at the same time an herb tea, such as pennyroyal, catnip, or mint; then get into bed, cover up warm and keep up a sweating process for about an hour, by which time relief will have been attained. To cure baldness: The decoction of box-wood successful in garden borders, success in cases of baldness is thus made: take of the common box which grows in garden borders, four large handfuls of stems and leaves; boil in three pints of water in a closely covered vessel for a quarter of an hour and let stand in a covered earthenware for ten hours or more; strain and add an ounce and a half of eau de cologne or lavender water to make it keep. The head should be well washed with this solution every morning. To cure a sore throat: five spoons of the syrup of elderberry; mix with one spoon of honey and as much powdered sal prunella as will lie on a shilling. Take a teaspoon frequently. Bright eyes: To give brilliancy to the eyes, shut them early at night and open them early in the morning; let the mind be constantly intent on the acquisition of benevolent feelings. This will scarcely ever fail to impart to the eyes an intelligent and amiable expression. Remove freckles: An excellent wash for freckles is made by scraping some horseradish very fine and letting it stand for some hours in buttermilk, then straining and using the wash morning and night; OR: powdered nitre, moistened with water and applied to the face morning and night will soon remove freckles without injury to the skin. To make the hair curl: 1 lb. olive oil, 1 dr. oil of origanum, and 1 ¼ drs. oil of rosemary. Mix and apply. Pain in the back: Apply a plaster and take daily balsam of copaiba; or apply garlic and hogs lard to the feet.
  15. Six, nice, plump, ears of corn, uncooked; grate from the cob. beat 1 egg, stirring into it 1 tablespoon each of flour and milk, season with salt and pepper. Put about a teaspoon of butter into a suitable pan for frying, having mixed in the corn also, drop the mixture into the hot butter, one spoon in a place, turning them so as to fry brown. Serve hot, for breakfast.
  16. Potato pudding: Rub through a colander 6 large or 12 middle-sized potatoes; beat 4 eggs, mix with 1 pt. of good milk; stir in sugar and seasoning to taste, butter the dish and bake for ½ hour. To be eaten with butter.
  17. Grilled Rib-Eye Steaks with Roasted Red Peppers 2/3 cup olive oil 2 tablespoons minced fresh thyme 2 tablespoons minced fresh savory or 2 teaspoons dried 4 teaspoons mashed anchovy fillets 4 14- to 16-ounce rib-eye steaks (each about 11/2 inches thick), trimmed of excess fat 3 red bell peppers 3 yellow bell peppers 2 green bell peppers 4 garlic cloves, minced 2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley Whisk 1/3 cup oil, thyme, savory and 2 teaspoons anchovies in 13x9x2-inch glass dish to blend. Add steaks; turn to coat. Let stand at room temperature 1 hour, or cover and refrigerate overnight. Char all peppers over gas flame, in broiler or on barbecue until blackened on all sides. Enclose peppers in paper bag 10 minutes. Peel, seed and cut peppers into 1/2-inch-wide strips. Mix 1/3 cup oil, 2 teaspoons anchovies and garlic in large bowl to blend. Add peppers. Season with salt and pepper. (Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and chill. Bring peppers to room temperature before continuing.) Prepare barbecue (medium-high heat). Remove steaks from marinade; pat dry. Sprinkle steaks with salt and pepper. Grill steaks to desired doneness, about 6 minutes per side for medium-rare. Transfer to cutting board. Let stand 5 minutes. Cut steaks diagonally into thin slices. Divide meat among plates. Spoon peppers next to meat. Pour any juices from cutting board over peppers. Sprinkle with parsley and serve. Serves 8.
  18. Quick and Easy Chicken Spaghetti Boil Chicken until done. Remove the chicken from broth, cool and debone. Boil your spaghetti in the chicken broth (I also add chopped onion here). Mix your cooked spaghetti, and the following: 1 can cream of onion 1 can golden mushroom 1 can cream of celery 1 can rotel tomatoes 1 can cream of chicken If this is a little dry, you can add some more chicken broth to this mixture. Add your chicken and put in casserole dish. Cover with lots of velveeta cheese and bake at 350 for about 30 min or until cheese is melted and heated through. Enjoy!
  19. Nature Made points program? I bought quite a few Nature Made vitamins last week during Kroger's super doubles. (Almost free after coupon, then got a $2 catalina with each 2.) I noticed there was a "Wellness Rewards" code on the side of the bottles so I went to www.naturemade.com to check it out. Each code is worth a different value - all of mine were worth 70 points. When you earn 400 points you redeem them for a free product coupon (up to $7) - max one free coupon per month. I had enough points already to order my first coupon
  20. Spaghetti and Meat Sauce Tossed Salad Garlic Bread Strawberry Shortcake Total cost per plate per person: .77 cents a plate.
  21. Many good offers require forms. We list these offers, and the type of form we found, in the event you can locate or trade for these forms.) (ALKA-SELTZER) TRY ME FREE NOSE & THROAT, P.O.Box 1304, Grand Rapids, MN 55745-1304. Refund-(up to $6.99). Send a dated CRTC + the UPC from a box of Alka-Seltzer Plus Nose & Throat (20 ct Effervescent). SF 3/31/03 (BIC) DEPT. 33921, $3.00 OFF BIC REBATE, P.O.Box 52900, Phoenix, AZ 85072. Refund-(up to $3.00). Send a BJ’s CRTC dated between 6/01/02-1/31/03 + UPC from the pckg of Bic 30-ct Soft Feel Ball Pen or Mechanical Pencil. SF 2/14/03 BLUE DIAMOND FOOTBALL DISPENSER, P.O.Box 1768, Sacramento, CA 95812. Free Football Nut Dispenser. Send 12 UPCs from 12 cans of Blue Diamond Almonds. SS WSL (BUTTERBALL/EGG BEATERS/HEALTHY CHOICE/INLAND VALLEY/ ORVILLE REDENBACHER/REDDI WIP/SWISS MISS/TREASURE CAVE “WHAT WE EAT” REBATE OFFER, P.O.Box 8616, Prospect Heights, IL 60070. $2.00 + entry to sweepstakes. Send CRTC(s) dated between 10/01/02-3/31/03 –with the price of any Healthy Choice Frozen Meal + any 2 of the following ConAgra products: Healthy Choice Frozen Meals, Treasure Cave, Egg Beaters, Butterball lunchmeat, Inland Valley, Orville Redenbacher’s microwave popcorn multi-pack, Reddi-wip, Swiss Miss Cocoa. SS 3/31/03 COLGATE SIMPLY WHITE $5.00 REFUND OFFER, P.O.Box 14032, Mascoutah, IL 62224-4032. $5.00. Send store named CRTC dated between 9/01/02-6/30/03 + UPC from the carton of a Colgate Simply White Clear Whitening Gel. SF 6/30/03 (DR. SCHOLL’S) DEPT. 35076, DR. SCHOLL’S TRI-COMFORT $2 REBATE OFFER, P.O.Box 52900, Phoenix, AZ 85072. $2.00. Send CRTC dated by 6/30/94 + UPC from the pckg of any Dr. Scholl’s Tri-Comfort Orthotics. SF 7/15/04 ENERGIZER NiMH RECHARGEABLE REBATE OFFER, P.O.Box 4678, Young America, MN 55558-4678. Up to $15.00. Send CRTC(s) + POP(s) from the following Energizer Nickel Metal Hydride battery packs: (AA-2. AA-4. AAA-2. AAA-4, C-2, D-2, 9V-1), send 2 POPs- get $5.00, and/or 1 Energizer Nickel Metal Hydride battery charger- get$10.00. SF 12/31/03 FISKARS BUY 4, GET $2 REBATE, P.O.Box 52900, Dept. 12211, Phoenix, AZ 85027-2900. $2.00. Send CRTC(s) + the UPC from 1 Fiskars #7 Student Scissors + the UPC from any 3 of the following Fiskars Creative Works items: Safety Compass, Protractor, Pencil Sharpeners, Stencil Ruler, Nylon Stuff Keepers. SF NED FUJIFILM REBATE, P.O.Box 8928, Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8903. $2.00. Send CRTC dated between 1/01/02-3/31/03 + POP from 1 of the following pckg: Fujifilm 35mm 4-pack- (96 exposures), 4 rolls of Fuji Film (24 exposures or more), 24mm Nexia 3-pack (90 exposures), 3 rolls of 24mm Nexia Film (25 exposures or more). Limit 2. SF 4/15/03 GE REBATE EXTRAVAGANZA, P.O.Box 6656, Dept. 39, Douglas, AZ 85655-6656. Refund(s)- up to $30.00. Send, for each refund desired, Kmart CRTC(s) dated between 8/15/02-12/31/03 + UPC from at least 1 GE Reveal Bulb- get 50 cents per, (limit 4) + the UPC from any of the following GE Bulbs: Soft White 3-Way- get 25 cents per, limit 4; Indoor Flood or Spotlight- get $1.00 per, limit 2; Outdoor Flood or Spotlight- get $1.00 per, limit 2; Fluorescent Residential Tube- get $1.00 per, limit 2; Fluorescent Tube- get 50 cents per, limit 2; Compact Fluorescent Bulb- get $3.00 per, limit 2; Compact Fluorescent 2-pack- get $6.00 per, limit 2; Decorative Globe- get 25 cents per, limit 2; Decorative Globe 3-pack- get 75 cents per, limit 2. SF 1/15/04 GERBER GRADUATES ATTN: VIDEO & FIGURE OFFER, P.O.Box 125315, Fremont, MI 49412. Free Little People Discovering Animals video + a Little People Eddie figure-($11.99 value). Send 5 UPCs from any Gerber Graduates products. WSL SF 9/15/03 (HAAGEN-DAZS) FREE HAAGEN-DAZS OFFER, P.O.Box 8725, Young America, MN 55551-8725. Cpn for any Haagen-Dazs Pint or Bars. Send 4 Official POPs from inside SMP “Passport to Pleasure” pckges of Haagen-Dazs Pints or Bars. Limit 5 cpns. SF 6/06/03 HEFTY E.Z. FOIL AND RAGU REBATE OFFER, P.O.Box 440048, Dept. P, El Paso, TX 88544-0048. $3.00. Send CRTC9s) + the UPC from 1 Hefty E.Z Foil Pan + 2 UPCs from any two 26-oz or larger Ragu Pasta Sauce. SF 9/30/03 HELLMANN’S BIG SQUEEZE MAYONNAISE COUPON OFFER, P.O.Box 1373, Grand Rapids, MN 55745-1373. $2.00 cpn for deli meat. Send store named CRTC(s) dated between 1/02/02-4/30/03- with the price of any 2 Hellmann’s Big Squeeze Mayonnaise. SF 4/30/03 HELLMANN’S LITTLE SQUEEZE MAYONNAISE COUPON OFFER, P.O.Box 2031, Grand Rapids, MN 55745-2031. $2.00 cpn for picnic supplies. Send store named CRTC(s) dated between 1/02/02-4/30/03- with the price of any 2 Hellmann’s Little Squeeze Mayonnaise. SF 4/30/03 (INTERCEPTOR) NOVARTIS ANIMAL HEALTH, REBATE REDEMPTION CENTER, P.O.Box 3116, Wallingford, CT 06494. $5.00. Send CRTC-with the price of an Interceptor Flavor Tabs 12-Dose pckg. SF 12/31/03 KERI $2.00 REBATE, P.O.Box 6057, Young America, MN 55558-6057. $2.00. Send CRTC-with the price of any 15-oz Keri Lotion. SF 6/30/03 (KNORR) FREE KNORR NATURALS, P.O.Box 8624, Prospect Heights, IL 60070. Refund-(up to $3.99). Send CRTC + the UPC from 1 pckg of Knorr Naturals Hearty Soup. SF 6/30/03 (LIPTON) FREE LIPTON MASHED POTATO & GRAVY OR RISOTTO SIDE DISH OFFER, P.O.Box 1246, Grand Rapids, MN 55745-1246. Refund-(up to $1.99) or cpn for a free Lipton Mashed Potatoes & Gravy or Risotto Side Dishes-(up to $1.99). Send CRTC dated between 10/01/02-10/30/03 + the UPC from 1 pckg of Lipton Mashed Potatoes & Gravy or Risotto Side Dishes. SF 10/31/03 NICOTROL INHALER/NASAL SPRAY ONE MONTH THERAPY PACK $15.00 OFFER, P.O.Box 4373, Young America, MN 55558-4373. $15.00. Send a pharmacy store named & dated CRTC – with the price of a one-month therapy pack prescription for Nicotrol Inhaler/Nasal Spray. HM 6/30/03 OLD SPICE HIGH ENDURANCE BODY SPRAY COUPON OFFER, P.O.Box 900139, El Paso, TX 88590-0139. Free Old Spice Body Spray-(4.0-oz), or $2.99 cpn for larger size. Send CRTC dated between 8/05/02-6/30/03 –with the price of one 4.0-oz or larger Old Spice Body Spray. SF 6/30/03 (OLD WISCONSIN) OWS CASH REBATE OFFER, 2107 S. 17th Street, Sheboygan, WI 53081. $5.00. Send CRTC(s) + the UPC from 3 of the following Old Wisconsin pckges: 11-oz, 8-oz Snack Bites, 8-oz Snack Sticks, 8-oz Snack Slices, or 16-oz Party Summer Sausage. SF 6/01/03 (PANASONIC) DEPT. 32722, PANASONIC ALKALINE PLUS BATTERY OFFER, P.O.Box 52900, Phoenix, AZ 85072. Up to $4.00. Send CRTC(s) + the UPC from any of the following Panasonic Alkaline Plus Batteries: D,C,AA, or 9V Value Pack/Super Saver or AA/AAA8-Pack card, D or C 4-pack card, send 1 UPC-get $2.00, send 2 UPCs- get $4.00; or Blister Card/Alkaline Plus/Plus Alkaline: 9V 1-pack, or 2-pack, D/C 2-pack or AA/AAA 2-pack or 4-pack- get $1.00 per UPC, limit 4 UPCs-(up to $4.00). SF 4/30/03 PANASONIC SUPER HEAVY DUTY BATTERY OFFER, P.O.Box 52900, Phoenix, AZ 85072. Up to $3.00. Send CRTC(s) + the UPC from pckg(es) of any of the following Panasonic Super Heavy Duty Batteries: D,C, or AA Value Pack; get $1.00 per UPC- (limit $3.00), or D,C,AA,AAA, 9V Blister Card(s)-send 2 UPCs-get 75cents, 3 UPCs- get $1.50, 4 UPCs- get $2.25. SF 4/30/03 PEPCID COMPLETE 12703, P.O.Box 3719, Highland Park, MI 48203-0719. Free Pepcid Complete 15s. Send CRTC(s) + UPC from the bottom of the outer cartons of any 4 Pepcid Complete, 25’s or larger, pckges. SF 9/01/03 (RENUZIT) DEPT. #RZ008, RENUZIT SUPER ODOR NEUTRALIZER TRY ME FREE OFFER, P.O.Box 14681, Mascoutah, IL 62224. Refund-(up to $4.00). Send store named CRTC dated between 8/15/02-7/31/03 + the UPC from 1 Renuzit Super Odor Neutralizer Fine Mist Air Freshener. SF 7/31/03 RID REBATE OFFER, P.O.Box 1070, Grand Rapids, MN 55745-1070. Refund-(up to $4.50). Send store named CRTC(s) dated + the UPC from any of the following products: Rid Shampoo & Conditioner in One, Rid Mousse, Rid Egg & Nit Comb Out Gel, and/or Rid Home Lice Control Spray. Send 1 POP- get $1.50, send 2 different POPs- get $2.50, send 3 different POPs- get $4.50. SF 6/30/03 SALLY HANSEN LACROSS MULTI-PRODUCT REBATE, c/o UDS, P.O.Box 11647, Daytona Beach, FL 32120. $5.00. Send dated CRTC + the UPC from 1 of the following Sally Hansen/La Cross Nail Scissors: Cuticle Scissors #72826, Nail Scissors #72830, Nail & Cuticle Scissors #72835, Cuticle Scissors-Fine Tip #72823, or Safety Scissors #72875. SF 3/31/03 TANG MX SUPERFLY MAIL-IN OFFER, P.O.Box 490364, El Paso, TX 88549-0364. $10.00. Send 2 UPCs from any 2 pckges of Tang pouches or powdered soft drink mix + dated CRTC with the price of MX Superfly for the PlayStation 2 or Nintendo GameCube. SF 5/15/03 WISH-BONE MARINATE OFFER, P.O.Box 1232, Grand Rapids, MN 55745-1232. $2.00 cpn for chicken or beef. Send store named CRTC(s) dated between 2/01/02-4/30/03-with the price of any 2 bottles of Wish-Bone Salad Dressing. SF 4/30/03 Websites ARM & HAMMER BAKING SODA, FREE MOVIE RENTAL, P.O.Box 8056, Young America, MN 55551-8056. Free Blockbuster movie rental certificate. Send CRTC(S)-with the price of any two 1-lb boxes of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. Visit www.armhammer.com/promotion/print_form.html WSL WS 3/31/03 BELFONTE ICE CREAM CO., 1625 Cleveland, Kansas City, MO 64127. Free Belfonte Scoop. Send 6 UPCs from any ½ gallon of Belfonte Ice Cream product. Visit www.belfonteicecream.com/scoops.ihtml WS WSL (COLUMBIA TRISTAR HOME ENTERTAINMENT) GENERAL MILLS REBATE OFFER, P.O.Box 781177, Los Angeles, CA 90016. free DVD movie: Madeline, Soccer Dog, Jumanji, Bear in the Big Blue House: Party Time with Bear. Send $4.99 P/H + CRTC(s) dated between 10/01/02-10/31/03- with the price of any 2 of the following Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment DVDs: Bear in the Big Blue House: Party Time with Bear/Sleepy Time with Bear/Shapes, Sounds and Colors with Bear/Potty Time with Bear/Visiting the Doctor with Bear/Tidy Time with Bear/Everybody Special; Jay Jay the Jet Plane: Adventures in Learning/Supersonic Pals, Learning Life’s Little Lessons/Lessons for All Seasons; Maggie and the Ferocious Beast: Adventure in Nowhere Land; Fly Awy Home; Madeline; The Muppet Movie; Muppets from Space; Emmet Otter’s Jugband Christmas; Kermit’s Swamp Years; Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland; Call Me Claus; Hook; Wish Upon a Star; Matilda; Nuttiest Nutcracker; The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking; Stuart Little Deluxe Edition visit www.eatcerealgetfreedvds.com/form.html WS 10/31/03 (NATURE’S RECIPE) NR REBATE PROGRAM, P.O.Box 7217, Clinton, IA 52736-7217. Free bag of Nature’s Recipe 5 lb. dog food, or up to 8 lb. bag of cat food, or 1 free pckg of Treats, or a store credit for the original purchase price. Send CRTC + UPC from a pckg of Nature’s Recipe dog or cat food, or a canister of Treats. Visit www.naturesrecipe.com/pages/offers/ WS NED PANASONIC REDEMPTION HEADQARTERS, P.O.Box 9152, Bridgeport, NJ 08014. $20.00. Send store named CRTC dated between 10/06/02-3/30/03 + the UPC label and model # from the carton of a Panasonic KX-FHD331 Fax Machine. Visit www.panasonic.com/consumer_electronics/fax/coupon_kx_fhd331.asp WS 4/15/03 PANASONIC REBATE REDEMPTION, P.O.Box 9175, Bridgeport, NJ 08014. $30.00. Send CRTC dated between 10/15/02-3/31/03 + the UPC label with serial # from the carton of a Panasonic DVD Changer Model: DVD-CV37, DVD-CV52K, DVD-CP67K, DVD-CP67S, DVD-CP72K, DVD-CP72S. Visit www.panasonic.com/consumer_electronics/dvd_players/coupon_dvd_recorder.asp WS 4/15/03 (PEPPERIDGE FARM) REAL SIMPLE MAGAZINE, P.O.Box 60013, Tampa, FL 33680-0013. Free trial issues of Real Simple magazine + a free Time Savers Guide. Send 2 UPCs from any 2 Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry Sheets or Shells. Visit www.realsimple.com/realsimple/subscribe/puffpastry/index.html WS 7/31/03 SHARP FALL 2002 COPIER REBATE-02-51734, P.O.Box 028509, Miami, FL 33102-8509. Up to $100.00. Send CRTC dated between 11/11/02-2/28/03 + THE UPC from the carton of a Sharp digital laser copier/printer Model AL-1530CS or AL-1540CS- get $50.00, or AL-1551CS- get $100.00. Visit http://sharpelectronics.com/products/DisplayCoupon/1,1207,46,00.html WS 3/31/03 SUN-MAID RECIPE BOX OFFER, P.O.Box 4523, St. Cloud, MN 56398-4523. Free 15 recipes from the Sun-Maid Fast Fruit Recipe Collection + a designer recipe box. Send $1.50 P/H + 1 UPC from 1 Sun-Maid Raisins 15-oz or 24-oz + 1 from any Sun-Maid Specialty Fruits. Visit www.sunmaid.com/recipebox/details.html WS WSL VLASIC AGREE OR IT’S FREE OFFER, 66 Witherspoon Street, Suite 175, Princeton, NJ 08542. Refund-(up to $2.99). Send a SASE to receive the rebate certificate. When you receive the rebate certificate send a CRTC dated between 10/15/02-12/15/03-with the price of a jar of Vlasic pickles. Visit www.vlasic.com/offer.php WS 12/15/03
  22. ARM & HAMMER BAKING SODA FREE MOVIE RENTAL, P.O.Box 8056, Young America, MN 55551-8056. Free Blockbuster movie rental certificate. Send CRTC(s) with the price of any two 1 lb boxes of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. WSL SMP 3/31/03 (BANQUET) RACING OFFER, P.O.Box 1182, Grand Rapids, MN 55745-1182. Banquet Bobby Labonte die-cast replica car(s). Send, for each car desired, $3.25 P/H + 5 UPCs from any 5 Banquet frozen dinners, pot pies, or chicken products. WSL SMP 12/15/03 (BAUSCH & LOMB) GEC BROCHURE, P.O.Box 3085-G, Syracuse, NY 13220. Free eye care info + cpns + membership to Bausch & Lomb Eye Care Club. Send the completed SMP form from the carton of a .5 fl oz Bausch & Lomb Moisture Eyes SMP WSL BETADINE BRAND FIRST AID KIT OFFER, Box 2305, Dept. S, Farmingdale, NJ 07727. First Aid Kit + $2.00 cpn. Send dated CRTC(s) + the UPC from any 2 pckges of Betadine Brand First Aid products: Antibiotics ½-oz, Antibiotics + Pain Reliever ½- oz, Ointment- 1-oz, Solution-8-oz-(write the UPC#). SMP 3/31/03 CAPZASIN REBATE OFFER, P.O.Box 8707, Dept. C, St. Cloud, MN 55368-8707. $2.00. Send dated CRTC + UPC from the carton of any Capzasin P or Capzasin HP. SMP 6/30/03 FRENCH’S GOURMAYO FREE REBATE, P.O.Box 1318, Grand Rapids, MN 55745-1318. Refund-(up to $2.99). Send dated CRTC-with the price of 1 French’s GourMayo Flavored Light Mayonnaise product. SMP 6/30/03 FUJIFILM $3.00 REBATE OFFER, DEPT. A, P.O.Box 8009, Walled Lake, MI 48391-8009. $3.00. Send dated CRTC + the UPC from each videotape from a Fujifilm HQ T-120 12-pack. Limit 2. SMP 3/31/03 HEALTHY CHOICE 10 DAY CHALLENGE OFFER, P.O.Box 1776, Grand Rapids, MN 55745-1776. $10.00 in Healthy Choice cpns. Send dated CRTC(s) + 10 UPCs from 10 Healthy Choice Dinners, Solos, Duos, Medleys or Bowls products. SMP 3/31/03 HIDDEN VALLEY RANCH GARDENING GOURMET MAGAZINE OFFER, P.O.Box 29319, Shawnee Mission, KS 66201-5319. 12 Free Gardening Gourmet Magazines. Send store named CRTC dated between 10/01/02-7/31/03- with the price of 1 bottle of Hidden Valley Original Ranch dressing 16-oz. WSL SMP 7/31/03 KELLOGG’S FREE BART ACTION WATCH, P.O.Box 185906, Battle Creek, MI 49018-5906. Free Bart Action Watch. Send 3 UPCs from SMP of Kellogg’s Corn Pops, Frosted Flakes, Cinn. Crispix, Crispix, Frosted Bite Size Mini-Wheats, Honey Frosted Mini-Wheats, or Raisin Bran Crunch cereals. WSL. SMP 7/31/03 (KID’S KITCHEN) CLIFFORD STORY BOOKS, Box 1045, on Pack-B, Grand Rapids, MN 55745-1045. Clifford The Big Red Dog Book(s). Send, for each book desired, $1.50 P/H + 3 UPCs from Kid’s Kitchen products. SMP WSL (MAALOX) FREE MAALOX MOVIE TICKET OFFER, P.O.Box 4279, Ridgely, Md 21684. Free movie certificate-(up to $10.50 value). Send CRTC with the price of a full size Maalox product. Limit 4. SMP 12/31/04 PILLSBURY BIG DELUXE CLASSICS COOKIES OFFER, P.O.Box 3040, maple Plain, MN 55592-3040. Full cash refund. Send store named CRTC dated after 8/01/02 + UPC from 1 pckg of Pillsbury Ready to Bake Big Deluxe Classics Cookies. SMP 6/30/03 (SIMPLE GREEN) SIGR-UNIVERSAL ($3 LEMONT SCENT REBATE), P.O.Box 22510, Hollywood, FL 33022-2510. $3.00. Send CRTC-with the price of one 32-oz New Lemon Scent Simple Green All Purpose Cleaner. Limit 2 refunds. SMP NED These offers generally require the form, but in most cases they are very current and can be found on the packages in your Supermarket or other local stores)
  23. A-1 STEAK SAUCE RECIPE BOOK consumer information center, Nabisco Brands, Inc., P.O. Box 1928, East Hanover, NJ 07936-1928. Free copy of A-1 Steak Sauce Recipe Book. Send name & address. SM NED ARGO and Kingsford’s, Box 307A, Dept. VP, Coventry, CT 06328. Corn Starch recipes. Send name & address. SM NED BABY WATSON CHEESECAKE, INC., 601 West 26 Street, New York, NY 10001. Free Quick & Easy Dessert Ideas. Send a SASE. SS NED BARILLA “FOUR SEASONS OF PASTA” RECIPE OFFER, Dept. OP2, P.O. Box 9081, Bridgeport, NJ 08014-9081. Free Barilla Recipe Booklet ($5.95 value). Send $2.00 P/H + your name & address. SMP WSL BRYAN CORN DOG COUPON OFFER, P.O. Box 738, West Point, MS 39773-0738. 1 lb pck of Martha White Grits + the perforated circle from the front of any pckg of Bryan Bacon. SF NED CORICIDIN HBP, P.O. Box 6336, Young America, MN 55558. A wallet card guide to over-the-counter medications for people with high blood pressure. Send your name & address. SS WSL DAWN $1.00 REFUND OFFER, P.O.Box PM 315, El Paso, TX 79966. $1.00. Send your name & address + the yellow banner from the front label of SMP of Dawn Dish Detergent. WS NED ENCORE SOFTWARE $15.00 REBATE, P.O. Box 522995, Phoenix, AZ 85072. $15.00 Send Within 30 Days Of Purchase. Dated Crtc + your name, address & phone # on a 3”x5” card + UPC from the bottom of 1 of the following Encore Software box: Math Advantage 2000 Middle School, Math Advantage 2000 High School, Science Advantage 2000, Middle School Advantage 2000 or High School Advantage 2000. SMP NED FUJIFILM $3.00 REBATE OFFER, Dept. A, P.O. Box 8009, Walled Lake, MI 48391-8009. $3.00. Send Your Name & Address On A 3”X5” Card + CRC Dated By 3/31/03 + The Upc From Each Video From A Fujifilm HI8-mp 5-pack. Limit 2 Rebates. SMP 4/30/03 (GERBER) GRADUATES CEREALS, P.O. Box 125101, Fremont, MI 49412. Cpns of Gerber Graduates Foods and Juices. Send your name, address and your child’s name and birthdate. SMP NED (HEALTHY CHOICE) WHAT WE EAT REBATE OFFER, P.O.Box 8616, Prospect Heights, IL 60070. $2.00 + automatic entry to sweepstakes. Send your name & address on a 3”x5” card + CRTC(s) dated between 10/01/02-3/31/03- with the price of any Healthy Choice frozen meal + any 2 of the following ConAgra Foods products: Healthy Choice frozen meals, Treasure Cave, Egg Beaters, Butterball lunch meat, Inland Valley, Orville Redenbacher’s microwave popcorn multi-packs, Reddi-wip, and Swiss Miss Cocoa. Limit 10 rebates/entries. SMP 3/31/03 (JOLLY TIME) THE JOLLY TIMES, Dept. JT, P.O. Box 178, Souix City, IA 51102, Free 48-page history booklet of Jolly Time Pop Corn and the proud history of the American Pop Corn Company. Send your name & address + 2 POPs from 2 Jolly Time Pop Corn pckgs. HM WSL KROGER COFFEE CLUB, 1014 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202-1100. Cpn for one 11.5-13-oz can or bag of Kroger Coffee. Send your name & address + 10 POPs from any 11.5-39 oz Ground or Whole Bean kroger Coffee. SMP NED LITTLE CROW FOODS FREE PRODUCT OFFER, P.O.Box 1038, Warsaw, In 46581-1038. Cpn For 1 Free 16-oz Box Of Bakin’ Miracle Or Fryin’Magic. Send A 3”X5” Card With Your Name, Address & Phone # + 1 Upc From Any Size Shake’n Bake Or Oven Fry. Visit www.littlecrowfoods.com/products/coupon_bakin_fryin.php WS WSL (MARS/MILKY WAY/3 MUSKETEERS/TWIX) “OFFICIAL SOCCER BALL OFFER,”P.O. Box 4307, Monticello, MN 55365-4307. Free Official World Cup Soccer Ball. Send $1.95 P/H (check made to “Official Soccer Ball Offer”) + 10 Official World Cup POPs from SMP 6-Packs Bars or Fun Size Bars of Snickers, Milky Way, 3 Musketeers, Mars or Twix Cookie Bars. Also send your name, address & daytime telephone #. SMP WSL MELITTA DIRECT MEMBERSHIP & FREE COFFEEMAKER GIFT, Free Melitta 10-Cup Electric Coffeemaker or Melitta 6-Cup Manual, Classic European Coffeemaker. Purchase through the Melitta Website or by calling Melitta at 1-888-635-4882, 2 Melitta Coffees-whole Bean Prebagged 9-oz ($5.00 a bag), or pre-ground tins 11.5-oz or 10.5-oz ($4.00 a bag, or $5.00 for decaf). Visit www.melitta.com/melittadirect WS WSL (NINTENDO FRUIT SNACK) SAVE THE PRINCESS FREE OFFER, P.O. Box 1005, Grand Rapids, MN 5745-1005. Free Nintendo “I Saved the Princess” T-shirt. Send 75¢ P/H + 4 Nintendo Fruit Snack POP seals. (Indicate size: Children’s Medium, Large, or Adult Small). SMP WSL PEAK WINDSHIELD WASH REBATE, P.O. Box 777-M225, Dept. 228, Mt. .Prospect, IL 60056-7777. $1.00 per gallon, limit 4 gallons per 6 month period. Send, within 21 days of purchase, for each gallon refund desired, store named & dated CRTC(S)-with the price of Peak Windshield /wash + a 3”x5” card with your name, address, store name & your signature at the bottom of the card. SMP NED PRESTONE REBATE OFFER, P.O. Box 7623, Clinton, 52736. $1.50. Send store named CRTC + the UPC from the back of a Prestone Flush’N Fill Kit pckg. Limit rebates. SMP NED PURINA BEGGIN’ STRIPS PREMIUMS, OFFER BS 110A, P.O. Box 15450, Mascoutah, IL 62224. Free Beggin’ Strips key chain. Send your name, address and phone # on a 3”x5” card + 75¢ P/H + 5 weight circles from Purina Beggin’ Strips. SMP WSL RUBBERMAID SANDWICH SAVER OFFER, P.O. Box 915354, Longwood, FL 32791-5354. Free Rubbermaid Sandwich Saver ($1.99 value). Send 6 UPCs from any Sarge Sliced Cheese. SMP WSL SNICKERS BRAND FREE U.S. OLYMPIC CARDS OFFER, P.O. Box 4360, Monticello, MN 55565-4360. A limited edition set of 10 U.S. Olympic Cards + a bonus checklist card. Send $1.00 check or money order P/H + your name & address on a 3”x5” card + the UPC from two 6-packs of Snickers Bars or Peanut Butter Snickers Bars, or three 9-oz bags of Snickers Brand Snackers, or two 14-oz bags of Snickers Brand Snackers, or four 2.68-oz Concession Packs of Snickers Brand Fun Size Bars, or two 6-packs of Snickers Ice Cream Bars or eight King Size Snickers Bars or 15 Full-Size Snickers Bars or Peanut Butter Snickers Bars. SMP WSL SOLDER SEAL/GUNK $1.00 REFUND, P.O. Box 34217, Charlotte, NC 28234-6080. $1.00. Send your name & address and the name of the product a store named & dated CRTC + the UPC from a Solder Seal/Gunk product. Limit 2 refunds per item. SMP NED SUNDANCE BEVERAGES, INC., 333 N. Mt. Prospect Rd., Franklin Park, IL 60131. Free Sundance Party Punch recipes. Send the UPC from any 23-oz size of Sundance or Sundance Light or from any 4-pack. SS WSL (TOP RAMEN) NISSIN FOODS WATCH OFFER, 2001 W ROSECRANS AVENUE, GARDENA, CA 90249. SPORTS WATCH. SEND YOUR NAME, ADDRESS & DAYTIME PHONE # + $6.95 P/H + 18 UPCS FROM ANY TOP RAMEN PCKGES OR 3 POPS FROM TOP RAMEN 6-PACKS. SS WSL TYSON FOODS CONSUMER RELATIONS DEPT CP631 TRY ME FREE OFFERS, Box 2020, Springdale, AR 72765-2020. Refund-up to $4.49, or five $1.00 Tyson cpns. Send your name & address on a 3x5 paper + CRTC + the UPC from any Tyson boxed wings. WS WSL VITA PLUS, INC., 953 E. Sahara Ave. #22B, Las Vegas, NV 89104, Attn: Marketing Dept. 230. Up to $1. Send words Healthy Hair from triple pack, or outer wrapper with words Vita Plus from double pack, or inner safety seal on any size, Healthy Hair Vitamins + CRTC dated + name of store. $1 for triple pack, or 50¢ for trying the double pack, or any size. NED (WILD TANGS) THE FOREIGN CANDY COMPANY, 541 Black Forest Rd., Hull, IA 51239. Free Wild Tangs Character(s). Send, for each character desired, $1.50 P/H + 6 UPCs from any 1.25-oz bag or 4 UPCs from any 4-oz size bag of Wild Tangs. Indicate which character your prefer: Wild Mary, Wild Jake, Wild Annie, or Wild Willie WSL. SMP WSL
  24. This sounds good and love anything asian cuisine. Since my surgery I can't tolerate noodles and I love noodles.
  25. I love barley especially in beef veggie soup. Funny I never had that reaction to barley Cat... LOL
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