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  1. Dee


    Did MM mention Mel in a Kilt..... HOT DAMMMMMMMM! Although I am thinking Liam Neeson and Billy Connelly in Kilts along with MARK O"SHEA! BUt then again Theres SEAN CONNERY............ Oh YE HAWWWWWWWWW WILL SOMEBODY FAN ME PLEASE BEFORE I FAINT! MY HEART IS AFLUTTER!!!!!!
  2. Count me in for prayers...and HUGS
  3. Materials Needed: Balloon newspaper water flour candy tissue paper Blow up a balloon the size you want it. Fill with candy. Then get a lot of newspaper. Tear or cut them into strips. In a bowl mix water and flour. Make it kind of thick, like waffle batter, but not too thick and clumpy. Just mix it well and your ready to dip the newspaper strips. Take one strip of newspaper and coat both sides. Wipe of the excess and then put the strip on the balloon. Cover as much of the balloon as you can. (I usually put the balloon in a pot to keep it steady.) After several hours-or maybe not until the next day-the strips should be dry enough to turn the balloon over and put as many strips and you can. Keep doing this until you have enough layers to make the piñata hard. I try to start several days before I need the piñata in case the drying goes slowly. Decorate the outside with the tissue paper.
  4. Rose Potpourri- First, spread fresh rose petals in a thin layer on a cookie sheet. Put the sheet in cool, dry place for several days, away form direct sunlight. When the petals are crisp and brittle and crumble easily, pour them in a container that has a tight fitting lid. Add five drops of rose oil and five drops of *glycerin. Close and gently shake for a few seconds. Do this every day for 14 days. On the 15th day, add one tablespoon each of cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice. Shake one last time and then enjoy!! *You can find glycerin in the cosmetics aisles or ask the pharmacist. Various Potpourri Blends Experiment making your own potpourri blends. In general, mix 4-6 different flowers and leaves and 3-4 herbs and spices to make a botanical blend. You'll need about 2 cups fixative for 4 cups of dried materials. Add one or more essential oils to the fixative drop by drop to simply moisten, not saturate, the fixative. Here are just a few of the many fragrant blends you can make. Rose Blend This distinctive perfume of rose oil is mixed with a fixative of orris root, then blended into a combination of rose petals, yellow pansies, myrtle, purple statice, and red pepperberries. Winter Blend This is a spicy and woodsy potpourri that uses calamus root as the fixative, bayberry oil, and a blend of purple delphiniums, seed pods, white gompherena, and cedar chips or shavings. Almond Blend A hint of almond is achieved when bitter almond oil is added to an oak moss fixative and blended with woodland mix of honesty pods, white gomphrena, bits of bark, and gold sprayed leaves. Strawberry Blend Orris root is the fixative for this potpourri of myrtle, white gomphrena, rose petals, and rose hips. Strawberry oil mixes with the natural scent of the roses to create a strong and pleasing summer fragrance. Spice Blend Cinnamon oil and calamus root fixative serve up the spice that makes a nicely piquant potpourri filled with a mix of textures and exotic blossoms of yellow static, cockscomb, myrtle, hibiscus, orange rind, and juniper berries. Lavender Blend The sweet, long-lasting scent of lavender makes a good base for many potpourris. Unless the dried lavender has a particularly strong scent, add lavender oil to an oak moss fixative to add depth to the fragrance. Then mix with lavender, myrtle, blue static, and rosebuds for a richly scented traditional potpourri.
  5. Uses: The corn bags are used as ice packs or heating pads. Materials: Whole kernel Deer Corn, found at feed stores for $4-$5 per 50 pounds. It is good to make the bags in quantity so that you use all the corn. Unless you have animals that eat it. Fabric: Use cotton, terry cloth, flannel, or t-shirt material. Use enough for the desired size of your bag. Instructions: Cut enough fabric for your desired size of corn bag. (an 8-in. square is a good size) or you may like a rectangle shape, long enough to fit around your neck. Design the bag for your particular aches and pains. Then sew around 3 sides with the fabric inside-out. After you have completed this. Turn the fabric right side out, and fill with corn. You will want to use enough corn, that when the bag is laying flat on the table, there is enough corn to cover the bottom. Now its time to sew the fourth side of the bag. Carefully tuck the raw edges inside and sew. This can be done on a sewing machine or by hand. Use and Care: You can store these bags anywhere depending how you intend to use them. For an ice pack, place the corn bag in the freezer, and store it there for as long as you want. It should be cold enough after freezing for about an hour. Do not wash the corn bag, if is soils you can cut it open and make another one, or make a slip cover to go over it. For a heating pad, place the corn bag in the microwave and heat for about 2 minutes depending on the size of your microwave. Practice until you know the correct setting, so that you don't get burned. After some use, the aroma of corn (almost popcorn) will come through for additional soothing qualities. The corn bags could be heated & put in the foot of your bed to warm up a cold night. Just use your imagination! These make wonderful inexpensive gifts too.
  6. Basic Cake Mix 8 cups all-purpose flour 5 cups sugar 1/4 cup baking powder 1 tablespoon salt 2 cups shortening that does not require refrigeration In a large bowl stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. With pastry blender, cut in shortening until mixture resembles very fine crumbs. Divide mix into 5 equal portions (about 19 oz. or 3-1/2 cups each). Place in airtight containers; label. Store in a cool, dry place up to 6 weeks. (Or place in freezer containers; seal and freeze up to 6 months. To use, allow mix to come to room temperature.) Makes 17-1/2 cups (5 portions) mix.
  7. Scottish Shortbread Mix 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 3/4 cup powdered sugar 1/4 tsp. salt In a medium bowl, combine all the ingredients, blending well. Store in an airtight container. Attach this to the Jar Scottish Shortbread Makes 16 pieces 1 cup butter, softened 1 package Scottish Shortbread Mix Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F. Knead the butter into the shortbread mix and press the mixture firmly into an 8-inch pie plate, or shortbread mold. Bake for 1 hour. The shortbread should be pale in color, not browned. Cut into wedges while still warm.
  8. Meatballs In Mushroom Gravy 1 1/2 pounds ground beef 2 large eggs, beaten 1/4 cup milk 2 slices white bread, crusts removed and crumbled 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup onions, chopped 2 teaspoons flour 1 teaspoon cooking oil 1 1/2 cups beef broth 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano, crushed 1 teaspoon sweet paprika 1 4-ounce can mushrooms, drained and sliced 1 cup plain yogurt 2 teaspoons chopped parsley Preheat oven to 375 F. In a large bowl, combine the eggs and milk. Stir in bread crumbs and salt. Add ground beef and mix well. Shape into about 40 (1.5 inch) meatballs, then place in a shallow baking dish. Bake in oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until cooked. Drain on paper towels. In a large skillet, cook chopped onions in hot oil until tender. Add flour, then continue cooking for 1 more minute. Add meatballs to the skillet along with beef broth and oregano. Cover and simmer for about 10 minutes. Remove meatballs from pan and transfer to a serving dish. Add sliced mushrooms to the sauce, then bring to a boil. Reduce heat, then stir in plain yogurt and paprika. Season the sauce with salt and pepper, then pour over the meatballs. Garnish with chopped parsley. Serve with mashed potatoes, noodles or rice
  9. Basic Refrigerator Ice Cream 1 1/2 quarts (12 serve.) Turn freezer to coldest setting before beginning this recipe. From this one basic recipe, you can make 14 different flavors of ice cream. 1 cup sugar 2 tsp. cornstarch 1 qt. milk 3 eggs, separated 2 tsp. vanilla 1 cup heavy whipping cream Mix sugar and cornstarch in top of a double boiler and gradually stir in milk. Add egg yolks and beat until frothy. Set over simmering water and heat 15 minutes, stirring now and then at first in vanilla. Beat egg whites to soft peaks and fold in. Pour into 2 refrigerator trays and freeze until mushy. Spoon into a large bowl, beat heard until fluffy, then beat in cream. Spoon into 3 trays and freeze until firm. (Note: for extra smoothness, beat once more before freezing until firm.) Variations: Berry Ice Cream: prepare as directed but reduce vanilla to 1 tsp. and add 2 cups any crushed, sweetened-to-taste berries (fresh, frozen, or canned) along with beaten egg whites. Banana Ice Cream: Prepare as directed but reduce vanilla to 1 tsp. and add 2 cups pureed ripe bananas (about 6 medium-sized bananas) along with egg whites. Pineapple Ice Cream: Prepare as directed but reduce vanilla to 1 tsp. and add 3 (8 oz.) cans crushed pineapple (un-drained) along with egg whites. Peach or Apricot Ice Cream: Prepare as directed but reduce vanilla to 1/2 tsp. and add 1/2 tsp. almond extract; mix in 2 cups peach or apricot puree along with beaten egg whites. Orange Ice Cream: Prepare custard mixture as directed, using 3/4 cup sugar and 3 cups milk. Add 1 (6 oz.) can thawed frozen orange juice concentrate and 1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice; omit vanilla. Proceed as directed. Chocolate Ice Cream: Add 2 (1 oz.) squares coarsely grated unsweetened chocolate to hot custard mixture and stir until melted. Reduce vanilla to 1 tsp. and proceed as directed. Burnt Almond Ice Cream: Prepare custard mixture as directed, using 1/2 cup sugar; caramelize 1/2 cup sugar and mix in along with vanilla called for. Proceed as directed, mixing 1 cup coarsely chopped toasted blanched almonds into beaten frozen mixture along with whipped cream. Butter Pecan Ice Cream: Prepare as directed, mixing 1 cup coarsely chopped, butter-browned pecans into beaten frozen mixture along with whipped cream. Pistachio Ice Cream: Prepare as directed but reduce vanilla to 1 tsp. and add 1/2 tsp. almond extract. Tint mixture pale green before freezing. Mix 3/4 cup coarsely chopped pistachio nuts into beaten frozen mixture along with whipped cream. Peppermint Ice Cream: Prepare as directed but omit vanilla and add 1/4 tsp. peppermint extract; also mix 1 1/2 cups finely crushed peppermint candy into beaten frozen mixture along with whipped cream.
  10. Honey Blondies Makes 16 squares 1 cup Honey 3/4 butter or margarine, softened 1 egg 1 tsp. vanilla extract 2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips or Carob chips 1/2 chopped toasted pecans In a medium bowl, cream honey and butter until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla. Add flour and baking powder; mix until combined. Fold in chocolate chips and pecans. Spread batter into a greased 9x9-inch square baking dish. Bake at 350°F for 40 minutes, or until wooden pick inserted near center comes out clean. Allow to cool completely. Cut into squares.
  11. Its Home Made Pizza Night at our house! I make a double cheese Pepperoni and veggie Pizza Also have small salads For dessert: Its the Friday Night Banana Split, Hot Fudge and Caramel Ice Cream Sundaes with ALL the Trimmings. And some nice icy cokes that have chunks of ice floating in them. Total Cost per Person for this meal evens out to about 1.37 per person.
  12. DebbieLee I will come and cook for you. I will bring my own Yak and perhaps a couple of SQUAB aka pigeon and cook you up a dandy Yak Toe Pigeon Eye Stew... LOL
  13. Wow I am impressed Lowie. Don't you think the macrobiotic diet is strict? I know a doctor who swears by it though and my own medical doctor is turning vegetarian so she and I compare foods, vitamins and other at the health food stores. I don't mind the veggie dishes at all and I eat mostly lacto myself. I have been trying to make a vegetable broth but haven't had much luck making it tasty. You wouldn't happen to have a recipe would you? By the way I sent you some dry sloppy joe mix packets and some other dry food packets along with a couple of books in the mail yesterday. You can make veggie sloppy joes. Let me know when you receive them. The postmaster said it may take 6 to eight weeks or more even though I mailed them out air express.
  15. Dee

    My Website

    A BIG ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH TO YA SENNY! Nice site and great info.... You wouldn't by any chance be one of those Colorado Kilt wearing Carpenters would you ?
  17. How do you like being a Vegan Lowie? I love the bean soups and stews, the veggie burgers and other items that are vegan. My niece is of get this Italian Japanese descent and she is training to be a chef so she tests her veggie tempura and other veggie dishes out on me when I can eat. Her Japanese granny taught her the fine art of japanese cooking while my mother has taught her many Italian dishes. I grew up eating mostly fruits and veggies because thats the way my grandparents ate with their families in Italy so sometimes I don't really miss meat at all. Beef and I do not get along so I make myself something else when Mr. Reci wants a nice steak. I stick mostly to eating cheese and some dairy products, lots of veggies and perhaps some chicken and turkey at times. I love a good turkey soup. Many of the vegan foods we have in the states taste pretty good. I have some vegan Italian Sausage, Bacon, Pizzaburgers, Garden and Chili Vegan Burgers and other Items in my freezer and they are great. I love the vegan bacon and usually make a bacon sanny when I can eat. Then I pick on peanuts and grains. How are the vegan products in your country as far as expense and taste?
  18. For a Tasty Snack that the Kids can help you Make.... English Muffin Pizza 6 English muffins; split 6 oz Tomato paste or pizza sauce Oregano Garlic powder Basil (optional) Topping: Soy cheese substitute Mushrooms Onions Green peppers Olives Place English muffin halves on an ungreased baking sheet and spread each half with tomato paste. Sprinkle with oregano, basil and garlic powder. Arrange toppings; sprinkle with cheese substitute. Freeze two hours, or until firm. Wrap individually. Return to freezer. To heat, bake unwrapped at 450 F for 12 minutes.
  19. Black Forest Cheesecake Squares 1 pk Fudge marble cake mix 1/4 c Oil 3 Eggs; divided 3 pk (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened 1/2 c Sugar 1/2 c Dairy sour cream 1/2 c Whipping cream 1 cn (21 oz.) cherry pie filling Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease 13 x 9 inch baking pan. Reserve 1 cup dry cake mix and swirl pouch; set aside. In large bowl, combine remaining cake mix, oil and 1 egg at low speed until dough forms. Press in bottom and 1 inch up sides of greased pan. Bake for 8 minutes. In large bowl, beat cream cheese until smooth and creamy. Add 2 eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Blend in reserved 1 cup cake mix, sugar, sour cream and whipping cream at low speed. Beat 3 minutes at medium speed until creamy. Reserve 2 cups cheese mixture. Spoon remaining cheese mixture over crust. Add reserved swirl pouch to reserved cheese mixture; blend well. Spoon chocolate mixture evenly over cheese mixture. Bake for 30-40 minutes until edges are set and center is almost set. Do not overbake. Run knife around sides of pan. Cool to room temperature on wire rack. Spoon fruit filling evenly over top of cheesecake. Refrigerate several hours or overnight before serving. Store in refrigerator. Makes 48 bars
  20. Beef and Rice Crisp 1 lb Lean ground beef 1 c Coarsely-chopped onion 1/2 c Coarsely-chopped green pepper 2 tb Ketchup 1/4 ts Salt 1/2 ts Dry mustard 1 1/2 c Cooked rice 1 c Milk 1 (10 oz) can cream of Mushroom soup 1 1/2 c Shredded Cheddar cheese 1 ts Worcestershire sauce 2 c Corn flakes, coarsely crushed 3 tb Butter, melted Saute beef, onion and green pepper in a large frypan until meat is browned; drain off any fat. Blend in ketchup, salt and dry mustard. Turn meat mixture into a 2 quart round casserole; spread rice on top. Gradually stir milk into mushroom soup. Stir in cheese and Worcestershire sauce. Pour over meat and rice layers. Combine crushed corn flakes and butter; sprinkle evenly over casserole. Bake in preheated 375 degree F oven 35 to 40 minutes or until hot and bubbly. Makes 6 servings.
  21. Apple Sauce Meat Loaf 2 lb Ground turkey 1 Egg; slightly beaten 1/2 c Quick-cooking oatmeal (not instant) 1/3 c Unsweetened applesauce 1/2 c Finely chopped onion 1/3 c Corn kernels (optional) 1/4 c Minced red bell pepper 1/4 c Minced flat-leaf parsley 1 tb Worcestershire sauce 2 ts Salt; or to taste Freshly ground black pepper 1/4 c Ketchup 1 ts Prepared mustard In a large bowl, combine the turkey, egg, oatmeal, applesauce, onion, corn, red pepper, parsley, 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper and mix just until the ingredients are blended. Using a 10-inch non-metal pie plate, form the meat into a circle about 8 inches in diameter and 2 inches high. Combine the ketchup, mustard and 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce in a small bowl. Spread it over the top of the meat loaf. Cover the top with wax paper, place the dish in the oven and cook the meat loaf on 100 % power (high) for 10 minutes, rotating the pan after 5 minutes. Remove the dish, carefully take off the waxed paper, and let the meat loaf stand for 10 minutes before slicing.
  22. I taped the Two fat Ladies cooking Marathon on Sunday and they cooked with alot of quail and squab and other gamey meats. Do you cook with alot of game? Some of those dishes looked really good. I had to laugh when they went to the Prince Charles Duchy Farms to get a piece of beef. Jennifer wanted to see Prince Charles because she had cooked for him at one time. The head of the Duchy wouldn't bother the Prince... Jennifer and Clarissa are something else. Its too bad Jennifer passed away. She was a great cook!
  23. Sometimes I take some leftover sloppy joe mix and mix it with cooked elbow macaroni and put some cheese on top to melt into the mix and macaroni. Mr. Reci likes this. You can use cheddar or mozzarella cheese or both on top of the dish. Is Quorn a form of vegetarian protein supplement Lowie?
  24. My brother brought me a venison roast and some fresh rainbow trout so I am going to freeze the trout and make a nice Venison Roast for dinner. SO the menu for today at the Reci House is: Marinated Venison Roast, roasted with onions, carrots, shallots, fresh mushrooms and baby red potatoes. The marinade is made from olive oil, vinegar, thyme, rosemary, italian seasoning, fresh cloves of garlic, salt and pepper. I let the roast sit overnight in most of this marinade and then I baste it across the meat, veggies and potatoes while they are baking. I am also making Green Beans, tomatoes and garlic cloves in the crockpot. This veggie simmers all day long and is a meal in itself. Watermelon for dessert The roast was free and the veggies were also free I bought a seedless watermelon last evening along with potatoes. Green beans and tomatoes besides garlic also came from my brothers garden. The Meal cost less than 80 cents per person.
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