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Everything posted by Dee

  1. I have never read the book but watched the movie many times. Its a classic for sure. ------------------
  2. Has anyone received their free books yet? Keep signing up every month as they choose a different book each month. Lowie I will send you my copies that I receive. ------------------
  3. Can I ask what they are about Dee? ------------------
  4. How about every Sunday have a poetry posts ladies? If agreed we will start this Sunday ------------------
  5. I like Charles too Dee! Its too bad he couldn't have married his hearts desire when he was younger. All the hurt, anger and loss that could have been spared. ------------------
  6. I loved the Queen Mum and I think Fergie is great! She sure keeps things lively. I wish she and Andrew would get married again. They seem to be the perfect couple married or not married! ------------------
  7. Is it true that you have to register your tv's with the police station and can only own a couple of tv's. Also do you have to pay tax to the Government just to watch the BBC? ------------------
  8. We have over 150 Channels and most of them are crap! ------------------
  9. BROWN STONE FRONT CAKE 2 cups brown sugar 1/2 cup butter 3 egg yolks 1 cup sour milk or buttermilk 1 cup chopped walnuts 1/2 tsp. allspice 1 cup stewed raisins 2-1/2 cups flour 1 tsp. soda 1 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 3 egg whites, stiffly beaten Sift flour and spices together. Add baking soda. Cream butter and sugar. Add egg yolks. Add dry ingredients and milk alternately. Add nuts and raisins and egg whites. Bake at 350 until done. ------------------
  10. Old-Fashioned Pickles 1 medium onion, thinly sliced 1 large cucumber 1 cup vinegar 2/3 cup water 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt pinch of pepper 1. Put the onion slices into a one-quart glass jar that has a lid. 2. With a fork, scrape down the length of the cucumber; repeat, going all around it. Slice the cucumber and add it to the jar. 3. Combine the remaining ingredients in a bowl, then pour into the jar. 4. Cover the jar and refrigerate for at least 24 hours before serving. ------------------
  11. Hardtack is an old-fashioned flatbread or sea biscuit that was popular with pioneers and sailors because it was lightweight, compact, tasty, and stored well. And it is just as delicious today and handy, too, for hiking, backpacking, or snacking. Here is a recipe for hardtack: 4 cups flour (white, whole wheat, graham, rye, barley, or any combination of flours you like) 1 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup shortening 2 cups buttermilk, yogurt, cream, or sweet milk 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 1. Preheat oven to 400° and measure into large bowl. 2. Mix well and form dough into a ball, then divide dough and roll out a small portion (about the size of a tennis ball) at a time. 3. Roll dough on lightly floured surface as thin as you can. The thinner you roll it, the better the hardtack will taste. 4. Sprinkle rolled-out dough lightly with salt if you wish, cut to any shape desired, and place pieces close together on greased cookie sheet. 5. Bake until edges begin to brown. Remove cookie sheet from oven, turn hardtack over, and bake until it is crisp and dry and lightly browned. 6. As soon as the hardtack is baked, put on rack to cool. Store hardtack in airtight container, and it will stay fresh as long as it is kept dry. This pioneer hardtack is delicious served plain or with jam, peanut butter, cheese, meat spreads, or whatever you like. Try seasoning the crackers by adding onion powder, cheese, barbecue sauce, bacon bits, herbs, or spices to the dough. ------------------
  12. 2 1/3 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves 1 teaspoon cinnamon 3/4 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup shortening 2 cups brown sugar 2 separated eggs 1 teaspoon soda 1 1/4 cups sour milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 cup chopped nuts Sift together flour, baking powder, spices, and salt. Cream shortening and gradually add 1 cup brown sugar and then add egg yolks in one brisk beating. Dissolve baking soda in sour milk and add alternately with flour mixture. Pour batter into an 8" square pan. For icing, beat 2 egg whites until stiff and gradually add 1 cup sifted brown sugar. Beat until mixture forms peaks. Add vanilla. Spread over batter and sprinkle 1/2 cup chopped nuts on top. Bake at 350° for 25 to 30 minutes. ------------------
  13. Washboard Cookies 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup white sugar 1 cup shortening 2 eggs 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 cup boiling water 1 cup shredded coconut 1 teaspoon vanilla 4 1/2 cups flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder Cream together sugars and shortening and beat in eggs. Dissolve soda in boiling water and add to above mixture. Blend in coconut and vanilla. Sift together flour, salt, baking powder, and blend into mixture. Drop by spoonfuls onto greased cookie sheet and flatten with fork. Bake at 375° for 15 minutes. ------------------
  14. Honey Candy 2 cups honey 1 cup sugar 1 cup cream Combine all ingredients and cook slowly to a hard-ball stage. Pour onto buttered platter. When cool enough to handle, grease hands and pull until a golden color. Cut into pieces. ------------------
  15. You will need: 3 cups self-rising flour 2/3 cup powdered sugar 1/3 cup milk 1 cup cold water corn oil (for frying) In a bowl, mix sugar and milk. Add flour. Gradually stir in the water until the flour is moistened and the dough forms. Turn the dough out on a lightly floured surface; knead until dough is well mixed. Roll to a 10 inch square and about 1/2 inch thickness. Cut into 12 rectangles. In a deep saucepan, heat some oil at 375 F. and fry the dough 2-3 minutes or until medium brown. Turn often as you are frying. Drain on a paper towel and sprinkle with powdered sugar. ------------------
  16. Potato Pudding: You will need: 3 large potatoes 3 eggs (separated) 1 cup granulated sugar 1/4 cup flour 1 tsp. salt 1 cup cream 1/2 fresh lemon (juice squeezed, and rind grated) Boil, mash and cool the potatoes. Mix with egg yolks. When well blended, add egg whites, (which have been well beaten and combined with sugar) flour, salt, cream, and lemon, juice and grated rind. Bake in a buttered dish until firm. Serve with sugar and cream. Also, they are good when they are topped with fresh berries, sweetened and crushed. Oven: 350 F Time: 30 minutes (or until firm) ------------------
  17. PIONEER STEW INGREDIENTS: 1 gal. canned beef, browned (can add more meat if you want a more "meaty" stew) 3 bunches celery, diced 4 large onions, chopped 1 gal. canned whole kernel corn 3 two-pound bunches of cleaned and diced carrots 5 lbs. scrubbed and diced potatoes 4 Tablespoons instant chicken bouillon (may need to adjust depending on potency of bouillon) 6-8 cups of broth from cooking vegetables (if more broth is needed, use chicken broth) Flour for thickening broth (Hint: season vegetables lightly, if at all, when cooking because beef and bouillon will be salty.) ------------------
  18. Spotted Dick? Is it a pudding and what is it made of? I was watching a rerun of The Two Fat Ladies cooking show and the late Jennifer Patterson made mention of it. ------------------
  19. Sorry to hear about the fire but relieved to hear no one was hurt. Thoughts and prayers are with you. ------------------
  20. You Go Girl! ------------------
  21. I like mine plain dipped in milk or a doggy smothered with Wendy's Chili. Can you tell I have a thing going with their chili Ed? ------------------
  22. Dee

    Nicholas is walking

    Baby's first steps are great! Don't let that cute look fool you though. Now that Baby has discovered he can stand and move around his little brain is working on overtime. ------------------
  23. Your all in our prayers and thoughts Dear Ed and Peg. We are all here for you and know that we love you- Annie
  24. 1. Don't let it run while brushing your teeth or shaving. Use a glass of water to rinse your mouth or rinse off your razor. 2. A shower uses only 7 gallons of water. A bathtub can use up to 70 depending on the size of the tub. You can take it a step further and install a low flow shower head. 3. Do not use your toilet as a trash can. A regular toilet uses 5-7 gallons per flush. If you install a low flow toilet your family can save up to 55,500 gallons annually. 4. Insulate your hot water heater. 5. Don't use your dishwasher or washing machine unless they are full. OUTSIDE 1. Only water your landscape before 10:00 AM 2. Use 4" of mulch around your plants. 3. Check your sprinkler system weekly. 4. Keep the blade on your lawn mower sharpened. If you mow with a dull blade you damage your grass which calls for more water. 5. Use only native plants when landscaping. The plants that are grown in your area typically use less water. ------------------
  25. You know Hilly I think they have bone meal tablets in the health sections in the market. This is an ingenious way to get it without spending alot of money on tabs. ------------------
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