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Everything posted by Dee

  1. Make a Pine and Cranberry Candle Cradle CREATING THE POT • Hot glue pieces of pine all the way around a terra-cotta pot, allowing the greens to extend about 1 to 2 inches beyond the rim of the pot. • Tie a piece of sheer burgundy ribbon around the pine in a knot. CREATING A PINECONE CIRCLE • Create a string of pinecones by wrapping the end of a piece of wire around the base of the first cone, moving over a few inches to wrap the next cone until you have a string. • Bring the two ends together, forming a circle the same circumference as the top of the pot. FILLING IT UP • Insert the pillar candle into the terra-cotta pot. • Place the pinecone ring over the candle and let it rest on the rim of the pot. • Fill the space between the candle and the pot with loose cranberries. Use various-sized pillars and pots to add interest to your tabletop. ------------------
  2. INGREDIENTS: It is nice if your ingredients are organic, but is not vital, except for the comfrey - you want to make sure that that it is pesticide free stuff. 1 cup Olive oil 1/3 cup beeswax 6-10 fresh comfrey leaves (if you keep a plant around you'll have an endless supply!) You can also use fresh aloe vera - scrape the gel from 2-3 leaves. METHOD: Cook this in a double boiler - a glass bowl or jar in a pot of *gently* simmering water works great. Start by mixing the beeswax into the olive oil, and letting it melt fully, before adding the comfrey. Add comfrey and let the mixture cook gently for about 1 1/2 hours. It must never get really hot, but just warm. Strain, using 3-4 layers of cheescloth. Decant into dark glass jars, and refrigerate most of it. Some can be kept in your diaper bag, and some by the change table, of course. It will last for months in the fridge. If you want to add aloe, do so just before the mixture is strained. Essential oils are added after straining. ------------------
  3. INGREDIENTS: Equal parts Grated pure plain soap bar like Ivory or Castile Arm&Hammer So Clean! super washing soda 15-20 parts hot water METHOD: Place the soap in a saucepan with just enough water to cover. Heat until dissolved, stirring constantly. Pour the dissolved soap into a large container filled with the hot water. Mix well then add the washing soda and stir lots more. Soap will thicken into a gel as it cools and should be stirred before each use. Keep covered. Use about 1 cup per regular load of laundry. ------------------
  4. "Green" Cleaners All Purpose Cleaner - Combine in a clean spray bottle: Two teaspoons of borax Two teaspoons baking soda 1 quart water Window and Glass Cleaner - Combine ingredients in clean spray bottle: 1 part vinegar 1 part water. Oven Cleaner: 3 parts baking soda 1 part water nylon scrubber elbow grease Combine baking soda and water and use like a paste with the scrubber and your elbow grease. For really stuck on stuff, instead of three parts baking soda mix half baking soda half salt (increases abrasiveness). Keep baking soda off the heating element. Floor Cleaner: 1/2 cup baking soda 1 gallon warm water Dissolve baking soda in warm water and apply with rag or mop. For extra disinfecting add 1/2 cup borax. Fruit Cleaner - Mix in sink, and scrub and rinse vegetables well with: 3 parts baking soda 2 parts water Drain Cleaner: 1 cup baking soda 1 cup salt 1 quart boiling water Blend together and pour down drain followed by boiling water. Let set several hours or overnight. Scouring Powder - Sprinkle baking soda directly on a sponge or rag. Toilet Bowl cleaner - Scouring powder (see above) Sprinkle in baking soda and brush as you would a scouring powder, or if the toilet is stained try mixing: 1/2 cup baking soda 1/2 cup vinegar. Beware, it bubbles. Tub and Tile Cleaner - Scouring powder ( See above) If mold and mildew are present try adding enough water to the baking soda to make a paste. Dip a toothbrush in it and scrub the area. Room Deodorizer - Mix in a clean spray bottle: 4 Tablespoons baking soda 1 quart warm water Carpet Deodorizer - Sprinkle carpet with baking soda and vacuum as usual. Furniture Polish - Mix together: 1 part olive oil 1 part lemon juice Apply lightly with a soft cloth. Don't make much more than you need. It doesn't store well. Hardwood Floor Polish/Shine - Mix: 1 part vinegar 1 part olive oil or vegetable oil. Apply to the floor, then rub it in well. Brick and Stone Cleaner: 1 cup of white vinegar 1 gallon of water. ------------------
  5. Tips, Tricks & Stain Removal -"Green" Cleaning Black Scuff Marks on Floor - Try rubbing with a typewriter eraser. Or try using a detergent that contains ammonia. Scrub lightly with a plastic scouring pad. If that fails rub lightly with extra-fine steel wool. Then wax or polish. Hairspray works on them also. Just spray with hairspray and wipe off. Also works on ink and black marker drawings. Dusting - Use a makeup brush for dusting keyboards and telephone plus knickknacks. Heat Marks in Wood Furniture - Glass rings will disappear if you rub them with mayonnaise and white toothpaste. Wipe area dry, then polish entire surface. Scratches in Wood Furniture - Break pecans or walnuts in half and rub on spot for about 30 seconds until nut feels warm. Spilled Wax - place a paper towel over melted wax on the sofa/carpet, then iron - the wax will melt into the towel. Glue - you just need to put some vinegar drops in the container, and shake it and it will turn very soft and very easy to work with. For sticky residue left behind from price tags, stickers, etc., rub the area with a little baby oil (or any oil-based substance) and then wipe with a dry or damp cloth. The residue should come right off! Lost Contact Lenses - If you drop your contact lenses in a carpet and you don't find it, put a nylon sock in the beginning of the vacuum cleaner and turn it on, vacuum the area and the contact lenses will stick to it and will be very easy to find. To Make Fabric Softener go a Long Way - Pour fabric softener into a mason jar until it is half full, add water to fill, then cut sponges into decent size blocks and put into mason jar. Throw a sponge or two into the dryer to save a lot. Wallpaper Removal - Prepare a solution with equal parts of hot water and vinegar then you take a sponge and wet the wall paper generously, and you do this three times and it will loosen easily. Sharpening Scissors - If scissors are dull, cut into sandpaper. Shoe Shine - For a spur-of-the-moment job, rub your leather shoes with the inside of a banana peel; then clean and buff with a paper towel or napkin. "Wool Pills" on your bed sheets? - Simply spread them on the bed and brush them with sandpaper. This will remove all the lumps. Using Too Many Baby Wipes? - Try using bathroom tissue, and baby oil. Baby Spit-up on your Shirt - Try putting dry baking soda on a damp cloth and rub on the spot. Eliminates the odor. Crayon on Painted Walls - Try rubbing with toothpaste or an ammonia-soaked cloth. Rinse and Dry. Or sometimes hot water and dish soap will work. Chewing Gum on Clothing - Soften with egg white, then brush. Gum in Hair - rub peanut butter in it. Chewing Gum on Rugs or Upholstery - Rub with an ice cube, and pull gum off when hard. Mark left can be removed with rubbing alcohol. Hard Brown Sugar - Put a few apple slices peel side up (or bread ), into airtight container overnight. Sugar will be soft by morning. For immediate use place sugar in pan, warm in oven on low heat. Ball Point Pen - Can be removed from wool's, cottons, terylene by using a dry cloth and rubbing alcohol. Blood Stains - Pour peroxide on before washing. Carpet Stains - Put 1 part white vinegar mixed with 1 part water in a spray bottle. Spray directly on stain, let sit for 5 min. or so, then clean with a brush or sponge using warm soapy water. Try ordinary Windex window cleaner to remove simple stains from carpet or car floor mats. Rust on Fabric - Squeeze lemon juice on the spot, and let sit out in the sun. Tar Marks - Soak a piece of white rag in eucalyptus oil and rub on the affected area until the lather is quite clean. This method is suitable for the most delicate materials. Or try using peanut butter. Grass Stains - Usually will come out with vinegar before laundering. Wine/Grape Drink or Other Spills on Carpet - pour on salt to absorb all the fluid. Let it dry completely ( 1 or 2 days ), then just vacuum away. Burned or Scorched Food - will wipe off easy if you soak in automatic dish detergent for a while before you try to scrub it out. Works best with hot water, but cold will do the job. To Clean a Thermos Bottle - Fill with warm water, add 1 teaspoon baking soda. Let this stand overnight. Your Coffee Maker - Will reward you if you wash it periodically with a quart of water plus 3 tablespoons of soda. To get your coffee maker to run faster run vinegar through to unblock passage of liquid. Rinse pot well with ice cubes and salt. Make sure the pot is cooled before doing this or the glass will break from temperature change. Make sure it's back to room temp before using it again. Drain Cleaner - pour 1/4 c. baking soda down drain, then follow with 1 to 2 c. vinegar. Mug Stains - To clean coffee/tea stains, just rub the inside with salt. Kitchen Grease - Rub powder on spot before washing, make sure the powder is absorbed. It doesn't need to be done immediately. Fish Odor - Put dry mustard in dish soap to eliminate it. Onion, Garlic, Fish or Other Strong Odor on Hands -Rub your hands with the back of a Stainless Steel Spoon to take the smell away ------------------
  6. Make your own Baby Oil MIX TOGETHER: 1/4 cup cooking grade almond oil 10-15 drops lavender essential oil Make your own Bum Wipe Solution and Baby Wipes Whenever possible, use all-natural ingredients. Most ingredients in are available at health food stores. It's fun to experiment and come up with your own recipe, too, by mixing & matching ingredients from the different recipes, or adding your own special touch. NOTES: Main Ingredients are: Water: Best to use distilled. Tap water goes moldy quickly. Soap: Baby shampoo is a favorite, but baby wash, or liquid soap (like Castile) are also recommended Oil: Usually baby oil - helps to slide poopies off Fragrance&Other: Essential oils are used both for their fragrance and other intrinsic properties specific to each oil - (i.e. tea tree oil-antibacterial). Vinegar is said to help slow down mold growth. GENERAL METHODS: For dry wipes: Simply mix the ingredients into a spray bottle, and use with flannel wipes or washcloths. I have even used fleece, though the cheaper kind will get pilly. For wet wipes: You can use an empty commercial wipes container or any plastic lidded container. Mix the ingredients in a separate container. Place the wipes in the container, then then add the solution, and invert a few times to make sure the wipes all get sufficiently moistened. Use just enough solution to moisten. Extra solution can generally be kept refrigerated. Use flannel wipes or heavy-duty paper towels for disposable wipes.( i.e. Bounty-cheaper ones will fall apart) For upright containers: Cut a roll of paper towels down the center with a knife. Remove the cardboard tube from the paper towels and place in container. Add solution, and after inverting to moisten, if the container has a hole in the lid, thread the first towel from the *interior* of the roll up through the hole. For box type containers: Fold flannel wipes to fit or cut a roll of paper towels down the center with a knife. Tear the paper towels off and stack them up, folding to fit, ideally with a flap to make picking up each one easier. Place the stack of wipes or towels into the container, then add the solution and invert to moisten. Wipes Recipes 2 cups water 1 tbsp baby shampoo or baby wash 1 tbsp baby oil 1 cup water 1 tsp baby oil 2 drops tea tree essential oil 2. 1 cup water 1 tbsp liquid castile soap 1 tbsp baby oil 3. 2 cups water 2 tsp. baby shampoo 1/4 cup aloe vera gel 1 tbsp. calendula oil 5 drops lavender essential oil 5 drops tea tree essential oil 4. 4 cups water 1 tbsp baby shampoo, baby wash, or liquid soap 1-3 drops essential oil 1/4 tsp pure liquid lanolin 1 tbsp. liquid glycerin 5. 1 cup water 1 tbsp. Baby Dr.Bronner's liquid castile 1 tbsp. apricot oil or almond oil 2 drops tea tree essential oil 5 drops lavender essential oil 6. 1 cup distilled water 1/2 cup alow vera gel 2 tbsp. calendula oil 2 drops tea tree essential oil 2 drops lavender essential oil 2 tbsp. vinegar 7. 2 cups water 2 tsp. baby shampoo 1/4 cup aloe vera gel 1 tbsp. calendula oil 3 drops tea tree essential oil 3 drops lavender essential oil ------------------
  7. Every once in a while sprinkle wood ashes over the soil you will use to plant next summers bounty. Ashes are about 50 percent to 75 percent lime and help control the ph levels in soil. ------------------
  8. If your outside weeding during the summer and don't want to sit on the ground or cart a lawn chair around heres what you can do: Nail a small board to an old empty paint can and you have an instant portable seat. ------------------
  9. Here are just a few of those famous Burma Shave slogans that were scattered on billboards along the highway in the 50's. 1. Shaving brushes You'll soon see 'em On a shelf In some museum Burma-Shave 2.His cheek Was rough His chick vamoosed And now she won't Come home to roost Burma-Shave 3.The place to pass On curves You know Is only at A beauty show Burma-Shave 4.On curves ahead Remember, sonny That rabbit's foot Didn't save The bunny Burma-Shave 5.A whiskery kiss For the one You adore May not make her mad But her face will be sore Burma-Shave 6.When Super-shaved Remember, pard You'll still get slapped But not so hard Burma-Shave 7.Burma-Shave Was such a boom They passed The bride And kissed the groom 8. To kiss A mug That's like a cactus Takes more nerve Than it does practice Burma-Shave 9. The whale Put Jonah Down the hatch But coughed him up Because he scratched Burma-Shave 10. She will Flood your face With kisses 'Cause you smell So darn delicious Burma-Shave Lotion 11.Bracing as An ocean breeze For after shaving It's sure To please Burma-Shave Lotion 12.The ladies Take one whiff And purr-- It's no wonder Men prefer Burma-Shave Lotion 13.For early Morning Pep and bounce A brand new product We announce Burma-Shave Lotion 14.Unless Your face Is stinger free You'd better let Your honey be Burma-Shave 15.The band For which The grand stand roots Is not made up of Substi-toots! Burma-Shave 16.A beard That's rough And overgrown Is better than A chaperone Burma-Shave 17. She eyed His beard And said no dice The wedding's off-- I'll COOK the rice Burma-Shave 18. We've made Grandpa Look so trim The local Draft board's after him Burma-Shave 19. The bearded devil Is forced To dwell In the only place Where they don't sell Burma-Shave 20. Cattle crossing Means go slow That old bull Is some Cow's beau Burma-Shave ------------------ [This message has been edited by reci (edited November 29, 2002).]
  10. Oh Homesteader How lucky to meet Sir Edmund Hillary. What an honor. And Lunch with Al Gore thats a topper ( not Tipper) bad pun here, EdandPeg. ------------------
  11. This year has certainly flown by fast. Too fast! ------------------
  12. A friend sent me this story through e-mail. No matter our circumstances our focus should be on the season and why we celebrate it. To some we share the religious aspects of the holiday and to others we share the secular side to the holiday. Include in our prayers or thoughts in this holiday season our family, friends, those who we don't know, who are without and those with too much. Keep the President and his family and other government officials in our thoughts and prayers and Most of all pray for those young men and women who are here and abroad protecting our country from harm. May the Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and yours this holiday season and in the coming New Year. The Big Wheel In September 1960, I woke up one morning with six hungry babies and just 75 cents in my pocket. Their father was gone. The boys ranged from three months to seven years; their sister was two. Their Dad had never been much more than a presence they feared. Whenever they heard his tires crunch on the gravel driveway they would scramble to hide under their beds. He did manage to leave $15 a week to buy groceries. Now that he had decided to leave, there would be no more beatings, but no food either. If there was a welfare system in effect in southern Indiana at that time, I certainly knew nothing about it. I scrubbed the kids until they looked brand new and then put on my best homemade dress. I loaded them into the rusty old 51 Chevy and drove off to find a job. The seven of us went to every factory, store and restaurant in our small town. No luck. The kids stayed crammed into the car and tried to be quiet while I tried to convince whomever would listen that I was willing to learn or do anything. I had to have a job. Still no luck. The last place we went to, just a few miles out of town, was an old Root Beer Barrel drive-in that had been converted to a truck stop. It was called the Big Wheel. An old lady named Granny owned the place and she peeked out of the window from time to time at all those kids. She needed someone on the graveyard shift, 11 at night until seven in the morning. She paid 65 cents an hour and I could start that night. I raced home and called the teenager down the street that baby-sat for people. I bargained with her to come and sleep on my sofa for a dollar a night. She >could arrive with her pajamas on and the kids would already be asleep. This seemed like a good arrangement to her, so we made a deal. That night when the little ones and I knelt to say our prayers we all thanked God for finding Mommy a job. And so I started at the Big Wheel. When I got home in the mornings I woke the baby-sitter up and sent her home with one dollar of my tip money-fully half of what I averaged every night. As the weeks went by, heating bills added a strain to my meager wage. The tires on the old Chevy had the consistency of penny balloons and began to leak. I had to fill them with air on the way to work and again every morning before I could go home. One bleak fall morning, I dragged myself to the car to go home and found four tires in the back seat. New tires! There was no note, no nothing, just those beautiful brand new tires. Had angels taken up residence in Indiana? I wondered. I made a deal with the owner of the local service station. In exchange for his mounting the new tires, I would clean up his office. I remember it took me a lot longer to scrub his floor than it did for him to do the tires. I was now working six nights instead of five and it still wasn't enough. Christmas was coming and I knew there would be no money for toys for the kids. I found a can of red paint and started repairing and painting some old toys. Then I hid them in the basement so there would be something for Santa to deliver on Christmas morning. Clothes were a worry too. I was sewing patches on top of patches on the boys pants and soon they would be too far gone to repair. On Christmas Eve the usual customers were drinking coffee in the Big Wheel. These were the truckers, Les, Frank, and Jim, and a state trooper named Joe. A few musicians were hanging around after a gig at the Legion and were dropping nickels in the pinball machine. The regulars all just sat around and talked through the wee hours of the morning and then left to get home before the sun came up. When it was time for me to go home at seven o'clock on Christmas morning I hurried to the car. I was hoping the kids wouldn't wake up before! I managed to get home and get the presents from the basement and place them under the tree. (We had cut down a small cedar tree by the side of the road down by the dump.) It was still dark and I couldn't see much, but there appeared to be some dark shadows in the car-or was that just a trick of the night? Something certainly looked different, but it was hard to tell what. When I reached the car I peered warily into one of the side windows. Then my jaw dropped in amazement. My old battered Chevy was filled full to the top with boxes of all shapes and sizes. I quickly opened the driver's side door, scrambled inside and kneeled in the front facing the back seat. Reaching back, I pulled off the lid of the top box. Inside was whole case of little blue jeans, sizes 2-10! I looked inside another box: it was full of shirts to go with the jeans. Then I peeked inside some of the other boxes: There was candy and nuts and bananas and bags of groceries. There was an enormous ham for baking, and canned vegetables and potatoes. There was pudding and Jell-O and cookies, pie filling and flour. There was a whole bag of laundry supplies and cleaning items. And there were five toy trucks and one beautiful little doll. As I drove back through empty streets as the sun slowly rose on the most amazing Christmas Day of my life, I was sobbing with gratitude. And I will never forget the joy on the faces of my little ones that precious morning. Yes, there were angels in Indiana that long-ago December. And they all hung out at the Big Wheel truck stop. At one time or another, we probably all have encountered someone far less fortunate than ourselves. Yeah, I know the economy stinks, taxes are rising sharply, our standard of living is suffering, but... How bad do we *really* have it? Maybe some of us can do some little thing for someone that doesn't have it so good. ------------------
  13. Wow Lowie that was quick! I think I will mail everyones out by airmail. ------------------
  14. Easy Ham Quiche 1 frozen deep dish pie shell 1 cup grated cheese- low fat chedder and swiss. 1-2 cups cubed ham 3 eggs, beaten well- I use egg beaters 2 Tbsp. flour 1 cup milk 1/4 or less cup chopped onion Bake pie shell for 8 mins in a preheated 425' oven. Remove from oven and reduce oven temp to 350'. In a medium bowl, toss cheese with flour, add remaining ingredients. Mix well, pour into pie shell. Bake 35-45 mins or until set at 350'. Let stand for 10 mins before serving. Last time I made this, I added less chicken and 1 cup broccoli. I also make it as low fat without losing any taste. ------------------
  15. Seven Layer Casserole The first layer is onion - spread as much as you think is needed The second layer is peeled and sliced potato, layer this over the dried onion. The third layer is peeled and sliced carrots, layer this over the potato. The fourth layer is a cup of frozen peas, spread them over the carrots. The fifth layer is 1/2 cup rice, sprinkled over the peas - experiment with the amount. The sixth layer is pre-boiled beef sausages, to get rid of the excess fat. I cook seven sausages for my large family - you could use less. I cook the sausages and when they are cold I get a pair of scissors and cut them into pieces the size of a coke lid. I then mix a large can of condensed tomato soup with a 3/4 can of water and pour the soup/water mix over the sausage and veggie mix. I then cook it in the oven for 2 and a half hours in a moderate oven or you can experiment and microwave it. then I take it out and (7th layer)sprinkle grated cheddar cheese over the top of the sausages and put back in the oven till the cheese has melted nicely to a golden brown ------------------
  16. Layer in a casserole dish: browned ground meat (hamburger, lamb, turkey, whatever you want) Vegetables, traditionally peas, but I use a bag of frozen mixed veggies, or a can of mixed veggies, and mashed potatoes (I use Real, that only need water added) heat at 350 F. till hot in the center. ------------------
  17. Soak 1 cup of dried white beans in 3 qts cold water with beef bouillon. Save 1 1/2 qts of liquid when you drain the beans. Cook the beans in this liquid for 3 to 4 hours. Skim. In a skillet, cook in 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 chopped large onion, 1 clove garlic,( minced fine), 3 sprigs parsley, (minced), 3 large carrots, (diced) 3 stalks of celery (diced---including leaves), 1 cup finely shredded cabbage, 1 cup diced raw potatoes. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring often. Add the beans and 1 cup cooked macaroni, 1 tbsp salt, 1 cup stewed tomatoes, and 1/4 tsp of pepper. Simmer everything together for 15 minutes. Enjoy! ------------------
  18. Ingredients: 1 large eggplant, sliced in 1/2 inch pieces 1 Mozzarella cheese, grated 1 jar of sauteed Onion & Mushroom Ragu 3 eggs (beaten) 2 c. flour (Put on a lg. plate) salt and pepper Oil (enough to have 1/2 in. or better in two lg. frying pans Glass rectangle baking dish 1. Wash eggplant, cut off as much of leaf lid that you can. Slice eggplant in 1/2 or a little better rounds. Pierce it with a fork several times. 2. Coat really well in beaten eggs. 3. Press into flour. Turning over and really coating it good. (Only dip into egg once.) 4. Fry on medium to high (7-8 on electric stoves)till medium golden brown on each side. 5. Place on a lg. plate covered in paper towels. Each layer should be on several layers of paper towels. You want to press them when your finished frying to remove the grease. Please be careful not to burn yourself. 6. Layer eggplant on bottom of glass dish. It does not matter if they do not cover the entire bottom of the dish. You want two layers. 7. Sprinkle with salt & pepper. 8. Spoon on the Ragu using a little less than 1/2 the jar. 9. Sprinkle 1/2 the cheese over your first layer. 10. Repeat steps 6-9. Press the cheese down in on the top layer so the sauce comes through a little bit. 11. Place in the higher part of our oven for about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes at 325*. Watch for the color to get golden brown. Let it stand for 5 or 10 minutes before serving. ------------------
  19. Broccoli-Pasta Toss 2 cup Broccoli flowerets 4 oz Fettuccine, broken up 1 tbsp Light Olive Oil, cooking 3 tbsp Parmesan cheese, grated 1 tsp Sesame seed, toasted 1/8 tsp Garlic powder In a large saucepan cook broccoli and pasta in a large amount of boiling water for 6-8 minutes or just until tender, stirring once or twice. Drain. Add oil to pasta mixture and toss. Add cheese, sesame seeds, garlic, and pepper to taste. Toss gently to coat. Serve immediately. PER SERVING: 168 cal., 6g Pro., 24g carbo., 5g fat, 3mg chol., 72mg sodium ------------------
  20. Crab Cakes These are really good. Just be sure to fry them crisp. I eat mine with lemon my husband eats them with catsup. 2 cans crab (or salmon) 1/2 cup cornmeal 1/2 cup flour 2 Tbl. dried parsley 1 tsp. garlic powder 1 egg minced onion (opt) Combine all ingredients and mix well. Make into pancakes. Fry in approx. 3 Tbl. oil. ------------------
  21. Turkey Waldorf Sandwich Ingredients: 3/4 cup mayonnaise 1/3 cup chopped celery 1/3 cup coarsely chopped walnuts 1 teaspoon lemon juice Lettuce 3/4 pound sliced turkey breast 1 medium red or green apple, thinly sliced 8 slices firm white bread Method: In medium bowl combine mayonnaise, celery, walnuts and lemon juice. Layer lettuce, turkey, apple and mayonnaise mixture between toasted bread slices. ------------------
  22. Turkey Pie 2 c. cut-up cooked turkey (or chicken) 1 jar (4 1/2 oz.) mushrooms (if you like them) 4 med. green onions, sliced (1/2 cup) 1 c. shredded reduced-fat Swiss cheese (4 oz.) 3/4 c. Bisquick Reduced Fat baking mix 1-1/3 c. skim milk 1 c. fat-free egg product Heat oven 400 deg. Spray pie plate with cooking spray. Sprinkle turkey, mushrooms, onions and cheese in pie plate. Stir remaining ingred. with fork til blended. Pour into plate. Bake 30 to 35 min. or til golden brown and knife inserted comes out clean. Let stand 5 min. before cutting. (makes 6 serv. each with about 7 gr. of fat) ------------------
  23. Tater Tot Casserole - this seems to be a favorite of alot of familys with small children. 1 lb. ground meat (preferably very lean) 1 can cream of mushroom soup 1 can cheddar cheese soup (optional) 1 bag of frozen tater tots grated cheddar cheese Preheat oven 350. Pat hamburger into bottom of a 13x9 pan and salt and pepper. Add soup, both or just one. Smooth over meat. Place tater tots in rows on top of meat and soup. Bake for 1 hr. and last few minutes sprinkle with cheddar cheese, leave in just until melted. ------------------
  24. 2 cup Corn flakes 1 1/2 tsp Salt 1/2 tsp Black pepper 1 Egg 1/2 cup Barbecue sauce 1 lb Ground beef Measure corn flakes,then crush to 1 cup. Place crushed flakes in a mixing bowl. Add egg, 1/3 of the barbecue sauce, salt and black pepper; beat until thoroughly combined. Add ground beef; mix well. Shape into 4 oval patties, about 3/4" thick. Place in a shallow baking dish in single layer. Brush patties with the remaining barbecue sauce. Bake @ 375 degrees about 25 minutes for medium doneness. ------------------
  25. 3 pounds chicken wings -- {16 wings} Salt and pepper -- to taste 1 1/2 cups any variety barbecue sauce 1/4 cup honey 2 teaspoons prepared or spicy mustard 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce Tabasco sauce to taste -- optional Rinse chicken and pat dry. Cut off and discard chicken wing tips. Cut each wing at the joint to make two sections. Sprinkle wing parts with salt and pepper. Place wings on a broiler pan. Broil 4 or 5 inches from the heat for 20 minutes, 10 minutes for each side, until chicken is brown. Transfer chicken to Crock-Pot. For sauce: Combine barbecue sauce, honey, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, and Tabasco sauce, if desired, in a small mixing bowl. Pour over chicken wings. Cover and cook on Low for 4 to 5 hours or on High 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Serve directly from Crock-Pot. * Makes about 32 appetizers * ------------------
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