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Everything posted by Dee

  1. I thought it would be really neat if Lowlander and Star could post what their family holiday traditions and Holiday menu's and foods are at this Holiday Time of Year. ------------------
  2. BY NOW, NEARLY all of the cranberry crop has been harvested. Millions and millions of the little hard, tart ruby berries grown in the bogs of Cape Cod (Massachusetts), New Jersey, Wisconsin, Washington, Oregon, and the Maritime Provinces of Canada have been bagged fresh or earmarked for juice or canned sauce. The cranberry is a genuine Native American, Vaccinium macrocarpon, a member of the heath family and a relative of the blueberry and huckleberry. The Pequot Indians of Cape Cod called the berry ibimi, meaning bitter berry, and combined crushed cranberries with dried venison and fat to make pemmican. The Pilgrims and those who followed appreciated the wild berries but did not start to cultivate them until 1816, when a bog was planted and tended in Dennis on Cape Cod. By then, American and Canadian sailors on long voyages knew they could eat cranberries to protect themselves from scurvy -- making them a cranberry counterpart to British "limeys." ------------------
  3. TO KEEP YOUR tree from an untimely demise: To check a tree's freshness, pull your hand towards you along the branch. Needles should not fall off. When you bring your tree home, cut another 1/4 inch off the base before setting in water. Never let the water level go below the tree's base. Don't set your tree next to fireplaces, radiators, televisions, or other potential heat source. The heat will dry the tree. After Christmas, place your tree in the garden to attract birds. String it with orange slices, bread, and suet. Remove the branches and use them as mulch in the garden. A fir tree's foliage can be used for stuffing small, fragrance pillows. ------------------
  4. Snowmom I usually don't buy alot of foodstuffs at the Dollar Stores but if it looks ok I may. I had purchased Zatarains before at the Dollar Store and what I do is put the boxes in large freezer bags then put them in the freezer. I always check the dates on the stuff too. If its outdated I don't buy it and I don't by any kind of candy from there in case its wormy. I have noticed that the Dollar Stores in my area have started putting in freezers and now carry meats and juices and other frozen foods. I did get some nice Canadian Bacon for a dollar. Most of the time I am fussy though with what I buy as far as food goes. ------------------
  5. Hey Hilly, One of the Dollar Stores in my area was just selling Zatarains Boxed Rice Mixes at 2 for 1.00 dollar. They also took coupons on the mixes so I came away with 120 boxes ( mixed Zatarain Products) for free. I had dollar coupons on all the boxes. Not a bad deal. Hubby will be eatin Jambalya for years... LOL ps: I give some to food banks and to my sister and her family. ------------------
  6. Glad The tip could be of help to you Starry! ------------------
  7. You know Twi Christmas has become so commercialized that its nice to read how families find alternatives to outrageous spending when gift giving. One of the items I collect is tea pots and cookie jars. I take my DH to a local church sale every year and last year he got me a beautiful full size Christmas Tree Tea Pot in perfect condition and it had a matching cookie jar and cups and saucers- he got all for 3.oo dollars. I also collect music boxes and he found an old 18 hundreds music box of a victorian home with a victorian dressed couple dancing on the top of the box. He was rummaging through old boxes of items on the church basement floor when he came upon this 18th century treasure which we found out is worth several thousand dollars. This appraisal means nothing. The box is just lovely and goes well with my other collection of boxes. To think someone was throwing it out because they couldn't sell it for even a dollar. You got a good deal on those Hummels and the demi cups and those gowns were a steal. My sister buys her daughters prom and other gowns at different sales, has them cleaned and redoes them if need be. She has saved alot of money doing this and my neices don't seem to mind at all. Thats the in thing here now. Your story is such a wonderful story for the heart. What a treasure hunt your all on! Every time I hit one of these sales I feel like I am on a hunt too. Thanks again for sharing this! ------------------
  8. You go Homesteader! Take advantage of all those senior discounts out there in shopping land! Kohls is a great place to shop too. My sister works there and my mom bought be a 190.00 dollar bread maker and got her senior discount on it plus my sister used her employee discount to get even more taken off the bill and then my mom got a couple of 10.00 dollar gift certificates for buying the item and paying so much for it. All in all my mom spent 24.95 after tax for an over 200.00 dollar breadmaker. ------------------
  9. What Enya are you listening too Lowlander? I love that Day without Rain Album- is that the name of it? Sail away sail away sail away...... ------------------
  10. What Enya are you listening too Lowlander? I love that Day without Rain Album- is that the name of it? Sail away sail away sail away...... ------------------
  11. I don't have a box on hand Stargirl but I will get that information to you as soon as possible. I think our boxes of Grahams over here have four separate packages in the box. I crush all 4 almost into a fine powder and use all the packages. ------------------
  12. Dee

    I'm back!

    I was waiting for you to get back- glad to see you.. you were missed. ------------------
  13. (POSTED IN 2002 by RECI) Do you find that this happens in your life and is a vicious cycle constantly happening?
  14. Snowmom there is much power in prayer. Sometimes we just don't have the words to express our thoughts to others and thats ok. ------------------
  15. I'll take a box of Mars Bars Please! I will pass on the Haggis----- oh the thought...yuk ------------------
  16. I'll take a box of Mars Bars Please! I will pass on the Haggis----- oh the thought...yuk ------------------
  17. Dee


    Happygirl your saucy today! & Do you like the bow in my hair Happy? Lowy you bring up some good information. Glad you mentioned Nestles and China..I hear you on the China Thing. Alot of our major corporations are moving out of our area, laying off workers with families and no other jobs to go to, and these businesses are moving their production factories to China and Mexico where they get cheap and child labor. Its a sin ------------------
  18. For some reason I couldn't post in here before even though I tried so I hope this goes through and gets posted. I hope your son is doing much better since you first posted your post. More later. ------------------
  19. I got mine Snowy and its adorable and perfect for our Christmas Tree. Thank you so much. You know I was just thinking that when I look at your ornament I will be wondering what you will be doing on Christmas Day. Hugs and Thank you so much! Walking the Appalachian Trail in 04 ------------------
  20. Dee


    I boycott lettuce,potatoes and fresh oranges prices. I refused to buy a head of iceburg when its almost 2 dollars for a small head, and this year potato prices were very high. I use to be able to buy a 10 lb bag of taters for under a dollar and now they have gone to almost 3.00 a five lb bag. How bout you Lowy. Whatever you do don't boycott the kilt manufacturers or you'll have a riot on your hands.. ( grin) ------------------
  21. Aw......... &^%$%$^%$^ Thanks for the Smiley Flowers Deb! I'll just pull ya by the ear and sit you in the corner like I use to do to the deeevil grade school kids I had in my classes.....along time ago ya young whippersnapper ------------------ [This message has been edited by reci (edited November 13, 2002).]
  22. What does curry taste like? I heard it was sweet then I heard it was hot! Walking the Appalachian Trail in 04 ------------------
  23. These Stores are the first places I go to look for bargins. Some Dollar Stores now stock new clothing items besides sox and underware. One dollar store I went to had brand new big Cannon Bath Towels with slight irregularities ( you couldn't see them) and were selling them 2 for 1.00. I got some very pretty pastels, enough to fill 10 Bathrooms with towels left over. The girl at the counter told me they bought out a store that carried these towels and normally sold them for 8 to 20 dollars a piece depending on size. I bought 60 towels as there was no limit. Enough for almost a lifetime. They filled the bin back up when I was in the checkout line. Walking The Appalachian Trail in 04 ------------------
  24. Thats a good buy Momo especially since its a markdown. I just love those kind of finds! Walking The Appalachian Trail in 04 ------------------
  25. ITS YOU AGAIN! *(^&(((*$^*)*^%$#@#$^ LOL Thanks for the info. No wonder Diabetics get all screwed up with their diets. Use Fat Free Beef Broth Or Chicken Broth ------------------
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