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Posts posted by Darlene

  1. If I remember correctly Vic, Annarchy and I discussed doing that but it would have been an incredibly laborious job...and then the question arose, "Which ones do we archive or not?" so we decided to just move the whole kit and caboodle!

    • Like 3
  2. Yeah, never a dull moment around here.  We had used GoDaddy to host our site for many, many years.  Yesterday, I got an email saying that we were over our quota so they had turned off our site.  There was no warning, no notice, they just turned it off.  I got ahold of Annarchy and she called them but they were unwilling to work with us at all.  They wouldn't let us upgrade our package or anything except spent $1500/month on a dedicated server that would have had nobody else but us on it.


    Forget that.


    Thankfully, the people that designed our message board program also have hosting packages so we decided to move MrsS to a new server with a new company.  The good news is that instead of only having 1gb allowance, we now have 5gb allowance so we have plenty of room to grow.


    Sorry about the site interruption, but as I said, we had no fore warning and no time to let anyone know before they shut the site down.


    A very special and heartfelt thank you to Annarchy for always getting us through these rough spots.  Hopefully, all the hassels we've had with GoDaddy in the past are over for her.


    It feels so good to have MrsS back online :)

    • Like 5
  3. I have experienced the appliance issues too.  Mine did not survive as long as yours did, but I had to live for 6 months last year without a refrigerator.  I dumped $700 trying to fix it and finally gave up.  I didn't have the money to replace it and then my stove went on the blitz and that put me over the edge.  Thankfully, the stove issue was a bad outlet and when my parents found out about the fridge, they purchased one for me.


    Humbling times are always difficult to bare.  I'll be praying for you.

  4. I talked with Annarchy this morning and she will be helping me do some spring cleaning here at MrsS.  I'd like to condense some of the forums (not losing any, just making everything more streamlined) and give the site a 'fresh coat of paint'.


    Once we figure out how we're going to re-organize everything, if you come in during the middle of 'construction', please don't be dismayed.  I promise the work we'll be doing will streamline and be easy to continue to navigate.


    Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know before we started so that it didn't surprise everyone once we get started.

    • Like 2
  5. I was browsing around the control panel today, just checking things out, innocently clicking here and there and before I know it, I think I accidently changed the background colors.  It's not that I don't like it better than the blue, and I don't know if it's permanent, but I have no idea what I've done or how I did it...sheesh lol


    I want to update MrsS but not like this so please be patient while Annarchy rescues me lolol

    • Like 1
  6. We're still working on it, or should I say poor Annarchy is dealing with the headache of it all. She had to pay our server people to move the site to the new server because it wasn't working properly when she tried to do it. They've told her 7-10 days they'd have it done. Makes me mad...why pay money if you have to wait so long. Unbelieveable.

  7. That really annoys me with Google Annarchy. I didn't realize that all the other search engines have us clear. I dislike google immensely. sheesh


    Anyway, we're going to upgrade our server and Annarchy will thankfully handle the tech stuff. Once she gets that handled and we get back up online (it can take up to 24 hours to propogate the new server ID around the world), we'll get our beloved Annarchy to upgrade our message board and then hopefully we'll be done with all these issues, at least for a while.


    Give A a hug next time you run into her...I'd be lost without her ((((annarchy))))

  8. I wanted to give everyone an update :)


    I've been talking with Annarchy about this deceptive site warning everyone is getting, trying to figure out exactly what we need to do to get the site up and running normally again. She's had some suggestions and I've checked into other things but we should be making a decision in the next few days.


    I'm so sorry this is happening to everyone and I pray we'll be able to get this fixed soon.

  9. *darlene peeks out from under her cave covers and looks around...*


    I see snow capped mountains that mirror their reflection in pristine lakes surrounded by grasslands that cradle the sheep that are grazing. If I look in another direction I see coastlines whose waters remind me of the coastlines in the Bahamas. When I turn a little more I see someone coming towards me. They are running and waving their arms. As they get closer I can finally hear what they are saying. I am momentarily stunned as I listen to them say, "........."

  10. ...but I thought it might be fun to play along. I'm going to start a 'story line' and who ever wants to, can add to the 'story'. In the past, these have been a lot of fun and caused me to "LOL", literally :).


    Ok, here goes...


    "I wonder if there is some bear DNA in me. As the weather has gone from warm and balmy breezes to cold and biting winds, I find myself wanting to retire to my cave and hide from everything until the Spring rolls around and I'm once again happy to venture outside. Since the family would never tolerate me living in an isolated cave for 4-5 months out of the year I think that I'll....."


    Who would like to add the next paragraph? :0327:



  11. The next 2 weeks are going to be slammed for me. My youngest son is visiting from Shanghai and I'll be going to Miami for my dad's 80th birthday so it'll be a little while yet before we get the site where it needs to be. The good thing is that with us going into the fall/winter months, that's a slower time for me so it'll help me to have more time to focus on these things.


    As others said, no politics. As far as religion, I don't see it as religion...for me it's discussion about our relationship with Him. Long story short, the only thing that will never be removed from this site is an openness to talking about Him. I would think that there are a zillion reasons that many might not find our site attractive and if it's discussions about Him that is the cause of it, I'm sorry but that won't change.


    In a funny way, that would cause me to be fired lol because I can't talk long without bringing Him into the discussion because He is the thread that weaves the fabric of my life :)

  12. I can't get the link to open but I need to ask a client friend of mine about these. He was head of Agriculture for the state of TN for his career and I vaguely remember him saying that there was a period in their life cycle when they were easiest to control or get rid of.


    Note to self: take more notes :)

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