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Posts posted by Darlene

  1. I really appreciate everyone's feedback. There's some good ideas and suggestions. I talked to Annarchy for a few minutes yesterday about this and she's raring to go! I'm excited to clean and update the site :)

  2. lol not to worry...no orange or purple or wild colors. Just something soft and soothing but a bit happier.


    It's interesting that Jeepers mentioned the Flu Clinic because I had the same thought yesterday. I think we made that forum originally when the bird flu was such a scare. We can definitely broaden it. I think we can flesh out other forums to be more inclusive also.


    Thanks for sharing your thoughts though. It's good to know that they pretty much mirror mine :)


    Note to self...make sure any colors we do keeps bandwidth low.

  3. I have a few ideas I'm thinking about for MrsSurvival so I figured I'd share some of them with you. These ideas are only preliminary but I'd like to update our site.


    I love the logo of the house and flowers etc, but I'd like to update the tan background. I'd like something easy on the eyes that is relaxing and peaceful...something that is a little happier.


    I'm thinking about condensing some of the forums. I remember Gunplumber suggesting that a couple of years ago lol. I haven't gone through all the forums but things like Urban/Country Homesteading might be able to stay seperate but under a 'Homesteading' forum...make sense?


    Some of the forums would stay stand-alones like RURR, Streams in the Desert, Sunporch, etc but I think it would be nice to condense the forums while potentially still keeping them seperate.


    Anyway, the above is a couple of things that I've been thinking about for the last couple of weeks. I'll obviously have to get with Annarchy because she's our lifeline to doing things right in the programming area (ok, I confess...I did go into the control panel to see if I could figure out how to play with the forum colors but got too confused lolol).


    Any thoughts?

  4. Sheesh, y'all are way ahead of me. Mine is only about shoulder high. Getting close but not quite yet. How do you time picking it at that 'perfect moment'? I always either try to pick too soon or way too late :(

  5. I got on yesterday for the first time! I did not know time had passed so quickly.

    I thought it was only last year that you paid two years!!

    No, y'all had pitched in and I paid for 1 year....this time I did pay for 2 years because it's a hassle to do this every year lol

  6. I wanted to let everyone know what happened when MrsS went down the other day...


    I got a call from Annarchy that MrsS was down and when I began to look into it I found that the domain registration had expired. All the renewal notices had gone to an email addy that I rarely use anymore so I missed the notice. I called registration immediately, went ahead and paid for 2 years and they told me the site would be up in half an hour. Not too shabby.


    Well, 4 hours later the site was still down for me...the next morning it was still down so I called the registration people again who explained that the site had to 'propogate' around the world since the ip address number had been temporarily cut off.


    It was wierd how some people in the country had no problem getting in and yet others couldn't get in for a while. Regardless, I just wanted to let everyone know what had happened and hopefully this won't happen for another 2 years because we're paid up till then...sheesh.


    I apologize for the inconvenience and confusion this caused for everyone. Thankfully Annarchy is on the ball and knew very early on that something had happened and contacted me immediately.



  7. sheesh! You don't realize how fat you are till you see yourself in a picture lololol...time to diet and I just got through eating some pretzels lolol.


    I LOVED the 4wheeler video John...that had me cracking up all over again :)


    You did good capturing the essence of some of the things we do on the farm...good job!

  8. Wormie is probably still in his car driving northwest as fast as he can to be reunited with his beloved wife, dufflebag full of goodies I sent back with him for the two of them.


    MomM and MrMomM are driving northeast, back to their beloved home with suitcases full of goodies I sent back with them.


    AO5FG is probably already back home, settling back in with her beloved family and hopefully enjoying the goodies I was able to share with her.


    I figured this would be a perfect time to take a few minutes to share with everyone here at the site what my perspective was...what my experience was with those that came to the MrsS get together...


    Originally, I had started planning this particular get together because it had been the allotted 2 years since the last one. In the beginning many people expressed interest and planned on coming but life has a way of throwing one curve ball or another and regrettably, several were unable to attend. Some of the 'regular' attendees were unable to attend for one reason or another and I had begun to think that perhaps it was not God's will that we hold a get together this year. I didn't move on that thought, just pondering it and before I knew it, there was less than a week before everyone would arrive.


    I called MomM to talk with her about it. I knew that her and MrMomM were definitely coming so I wanted her thoughts on a smaller, more intimate crowd vs the larger crowds in previous get togethers. She expressed a sincere desire to come and I realized that the get together wasn't based on the number of people who attended, but rather those that God would bring for His reasons.


    I had a game plan laid out on all that we would do....lots of cooking :) and lots of time spent on making various body care products...soap, lotions, etc. We did all that and more but what I didn't have planned was the intensely special way in which everyone touched my heart. There was something unique with this small gathering that I've never experienced before and I found myself falling more in love with each person individually...the friendships deepening, the bonds solidifying and the appreciation that God had crossed our paths ran high.


    Some things are meant to be and can defy our plans and expectations. This is one of the reasons I've learned that His way is always better and I'm so grateful we were all able to gather together.


    While MomM and I were talking this morning, she made a suggestion that surprised me because I had already been contemplating the same things. There really is something special when we gather together and I cannot find any legal documents that state we can only gather every 2 years, and that we can only gather in the Fall :). Her and I decided that we feel in our hearts that another MrsS get together is in order...sooner vs later. :)


    With THAT said, we're going to plan on having another gathering this coming Spring...probably March or April. It would be so nice if y'all could come so check your calendars and we'll figure out a date that is best suited for the majority. Springtime in the mountains is absolutely gorgeous and instead of winding down for the season, we're winding up for the season so there will be a ton of fun things we can do. If anyone is interested in learning beekeeping, I'll definitely be working on the hives, etc etc etc.


    Anyway, I'm sure wormie will tell lots of lies about his time here and MomM and MrMomM will tell lots of truths. AO5FG will be a good referee for keeping wormie on the straight and narrow and hopefully somewhere along the way, y'all will get a glimpse into that something special that wants to defy the written word that we shared together over these past few days :).

  9. Spies are not allowed here plus they would have to get past our formidable security. We take shifts walking the property well armed with the best guard dogs available. Nope not even a fly can get through the net we have thrown over this place. The pictures I have taken will have to be sent out by a secret contact I have in place and I will pick then up at a later date. I hope everyone has the decoder ring handy, they will need it later. :ph34r:







    See I have to use Darlene's sign in just to get this info out to ya'll

  10. God's timing is always impeccable :). I've been needing to move my Angus and Jerseys to my feed man's farm to have them bred for about 2 months. Last week, I had made arrangements to do it yesterday, not thinking about everyone coming to the get together. When Wormie showed up, the light bulbs went off and I suddenly knew I was not alone in this endeavor :). Wormie may have been a little rusty roping cattle but it came back with a flood as he struggled with the calf who wanted to go in one direction as he tried to lead her in another.


    Of COURSE it just took a woman's touch because I would get behind the calf and give her a gentle push (shove) in the right direction and off she'd go. We finally got her loaded into the trailer and off we went. Corralling the Angus was a little bit different. You don't lasso a 1500lb mama cow. We bribed them with grain and carted them off too.


    All in all, I couldn't have done it without his help :) although it was hysterically funny at times lolol.

  11. I have a small fenced little yard off the great room door that everyone goes in and out that would work for her. My brother brought his 2 dogs this past Spring and we worked it out and they had a great time. She'll be secure and won't be able to get out and none of mine will be able to get to her :)


    I'll have a litter of pups at that time so they'll be in the front yard, although they would be fine with your girl.

  12. Forgot to ask a "major" question...if the WE2's come are they allowed to bring Abby-girl with them?


    Who is Abby-Girl? If you're talking about a cat, that's fine...I'm allergic to them though :). If you're talking about a dog, that's fine too...just know that I'm a dog breeder and all my dogs guard my livestock so let me know if it's a dog so I can make special arrangements for her.

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