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Everything posted by lumabean

  1. I hope you feel better soon, and that you eventually figure out what's causing this. There do seem to be a lot of mystery bugs going around.
  2. LOL, he learned a tough lesson there
  3. Congrats, Dogmom, seeing the scale number go dow is motivation 1/6/2013: 30 minutes jogging + several repetitions with some weights (3 lb ones) 1/7/2013: 1 hour and 30 minutes of jogging 1/8/2012: 30 minute walk + 30 minutes of an assortment of stretching, light weights, aerobic type attempts
  4. I'd love to know how people do it. I was thinking about this the other day. The jars of yeast I buy don't have a super long shelf life, and I was thinking, gee what would we do in a when I'd inevitably run out of yeast. Somewhere not that long ago I read mention of people capturing their own yeast, but it didn't go in detail on how it's done, just that it's done. I wonder too if the wild/captured yeast imparts any unique flavor to the bread?
  5. Everyone's doing so great! I started later than I had planned ... the family drama got the best of me .. grrr. I went running back to my besties, Ben & Jerry. Sorry fellas, I have a feeling I am going to be seeing less of you two. 1/6/2013: 30 minutes jogging + several repetitions with some weights (3 lb ones) 1/7/2013: 1 hour and 30 minutes of jogging
  6. Happy Birthday, Dee! Have a great day!
  7. I think you will do a great job Her wanting to learn is a big motivator in itself, and I've noticed that the younger kids seem to get so much more in to things they're interested in. I wouldn't be surprised if the young girl's attention span and dedication exceed what her teen sister's would be.
  8. He sounds adorable His description reminds me of my cat
  9. My day started early, got bills paid online, took are of the pets, did a bit of cleaning, put 9 trays of frozen vegertables in the dehydrator, and then before I forged ahead to ds's room to clean (he said he already did it himself ... yet it still looks as though a tornado blew on threw ... boys!) I had a bit of a detour of babysitting for a short time, now back to the daily routine. DH called to say hours at work have been cut back, so he will be leaving at 1 this afternoon. I think that will give him and ds time to fly the new remote control helicopter ds got for Christmas. Probably some laundry in my future this afternoon too, followed by some ironing. I've also been looking for nearby LDS canneries. So far, no luck. I did see that there's one 2-3 hours from mil's house (I think if it's not too far out of the way it may be possible to stop there on the way home -- if they allow non-members, that is). Later on, I want to work on a bandage I am trying to crochet, I was watching a Katzcradul video on YouTube and learned that there are places that accept knitted and crocheted bandages for lepers. Sounded like a good way to do something for someone in need -- I don't get out much so this would work out well since I can do it from home. Granted, I am at a very pokey pace, but I am trying
  10. I've got to get in on this one. A few months ago, I stopped exercising and it started showing quickly, I'm tired, cranky, chubbier -- for awhile, I was doing fantastic, and was feeling great too. Then I got lazy, and the yo-yo began again. So count me in
  11. I love the peppermint sticks (the "Bob's Sweet Sticks", that sort of melt/dissolve are my favorites). When I'm not feeling well, peppermint does help a lot. The other day I stored up some candy the other day in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers. I figure if things are bad at some point, a little treat could be a big pick-me-up. Chocolate is usually something I only really like at certain "times" of the month, otherwise, I can do without chocolate for the most part, I more like the fruity or peppermint options.
  12. I see it going together if it's something I am going to buy anyway -- which I admit, I will. I like sweets, I like having a quick treat on hand, and if I can save money while doing it, all the better I
  13. I hope they feel better soon. I also think there's something going around that is resistent, I've been sick since the end of September of this year, also coming and going with a fever, some days I will start to feel better, then wham, same if not worse. Just finished antibiotics and steroids -- no improvement. Praying for your granddaughters to be well soon.
  14. I hope everything went well with kitty's surgery, and that your daughter is doing okay with it all. :hug:
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