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Everything posted by lumabean

  1. ** nibbling on fudge ... 5 second rule, ya know LOL **
  2. Here are the ornament I received, and also the one I sent out (the last one in the list). I hope they come through okay (edited to add) for some reason, the second one shows up really blurry when it's clicked on, but it's not blurry in my pic on my computer .. I'll retake that one and upload again.
  3. Hmmm, I goofed, I think I overcooked the kidney beans (I was babysitting and sort of forgot they were on the stove simmering ) they were really soft, and as they're dehydrating, not just cracking, but bursting, and falling apart. I am thinking they will still be good for at the very least thickening soups with the powdery bits, and those that are remaining whole or just split can be for my bagged meals. I'll be more careful with the next batch I do.
  4. It's sobering to think of the day to day lives of the people in those situations, and how quickly anyone can find themselves in a bad way, with increasing prices, job security seeming to be a thing of the past, I can see it happening all too often to people who never ever thought they'd end up homeless. Being a renter, that reality sinks in even more -- we don't own land, a home ... we don't even own a tent (I've got it on my prep list though). This is something I am learning quickly! Being there to loan money and time, etc, can lead us to sink quickly, it's hard to say no, esp. when there are kids involved who need 'help', but eventually it has to stop. It's still hard to do though, but when the result is being in dire straights ourselves, what alternative is there (other than sinking ourselves).
  5. sounds like my cat I usually resort to ripping up pieces of scraps of paper in to a ball to toss to distract him for a few minutes at a time. a closed door simply meets with little paws reaching underneath the door, along with cries to be let in. poor fella LOL
  6. It's so sunny out today! Almost deceivingly so, lol, by the looks it's bright and warm looking, it's chilly but not bad though. I am wondering if we're going to have another mild winter afterall.
  7. It looks like a good read Congratulations on your new book
  8. it sounds as though Koa is a snow pup at heart moisture is a good thing, esp. after the fires, hopefully you all will get enough to prevent that next year (and the rest of this). we've had a smidge of snow that melted away, now just some drizzle here and there. getting cold at night for some slick spots
  9. It's good to hear that she's doing okay, praying she continues to heal and do well
  10. A beauty school would be a big savings, but we don't have one in our area (as far as I know of). I usually get my hair cut only once or twice a year, but my husband and son get theirs cut about every 4-6 weeks, and it's now something around $14/person for them now. I've entertained the thought of trying to cut theirs myself, but my husband refuses, after a horrible experience when I tried years ago (and he had to go almost bald, there was barely any hair visible the barber had to get it cut so close to the scalp to even things out). I usually try to check my receipts for coupons, I did notice that Sam's Club and Wal-Mart started printing on both sides of the receipts now, I wonder how that will impact coupons if other stores start doing the same thing.
  11. Thanks, DogMom4, I received your ornament today and love it
  12. That poor little girl, I pray she recovers fully and quickly
  13. Happy Birthday, Mommato3boys! I hope you have a great day, and year full of blessings. It's been great getting to 'know' you here on Mrs. S and the Advent study.
  14. I should print it off for my husband and son LOL. The comments were funny I esp. liked the free range one lol.
  15. Gofish and Catwrangla, thank you so much Your ornaments arrived today, so pretty! Thanks again to everyone, this has been a great experience, I had so much fun making and sending mine,and even more fun receiving the pretty ornaments you all sent -- it was nice to check the mail and see the ornaments, I love them
  16. Thanks Today I am determining to exercise off the cake I over-indulged in LOL ... that or have another piece before freezing the leftovers
  17. Hopefully the stress will stay away for as long as possible even after his vacation days. I love fall too, it's my favorite season, so pretty, cooler, all around great time of year I think I saw Frosty the Snowman on the tv listing least week. The classics are my favorites. Last year, we were watching Charlie Brown, and I could have sworn I heard a character call another 'dude' which I don't recall in the past -- I looked at my husband and asked if he heard it too, and he just laughed. If you watch it this season, please let me know if you hear it too, LOL, I am wondering if they changed it or if my hearing is going bad. Just a silly little thing really but ... it did make me wonder.
  18. Is it significantly more (or less)? I haven't sat down to do my own figuring yet, I was going off of what was given in the video.
  19. I would not mess with biker gangs. can't imagine anyone thinking that would be a good idea (editted to remove the wrong emoticon ... mis-clicked majorly)
  20. I havent' been to Aldi's in awhile since it's a bit out of the way, it looks like it's worth a trip to check out.
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