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Everything posted by lumabean

  1. I've got to stop watching so much tv -- between the news and 'reality' shows, I am nervous a good part of the day. I had Border Wars on in the background while I was cleaning, and goodness, is that show heartbreaking. I started off thinking it was just criminals and drug smugglers working their way across the border -- the families and women are heart-breaking. Then to hear how they're taken advantage of before they leave Mexico (one woman said she mortgaged her home and paid $3500 to the guide to come across), and en route (agents mentioned how some women are violated, even left for dead in the desert after the assaults), there I was in tears dusting the furniture. My son thought I had lost my mind (what else is new though, he's a teen and thinks I am hokey anyway). No, I am not advocating open borders or anything insane, just that it's heart-breaking that there are people who are suffering so much and take drastic measures and end up abused further. Been doing a lot of praying for people today, and will continue. On a less depressing note, I need to start recording myself when I speak, because at times I am convinced that when I speak my husband, son, and extended family simply hear a series of whistles and squeaks instead of words when I speak. Christmas tree is up, not decorated yet, but it's up at least ... slightly tilted, but I'll get that taken care of here soon. Lovely fresh tree aroma in the apartment, so that's nice to have I wanted those big old fashioned bulb lights grandma had when I was little, but apparently they don't make those anymore, but we found something sort of close at Wal-Mart.
  2. What is the secret? Can you post the method or provide a link??? Midnightmom, Katzcradul is the woman who made the how-to video that Jeepers posted above. She rinses/sorts the beans, then an overnight soak, then drains/rinses, then cooks -- I believe in the video she shares that she uses a pressure cooker but noted regular cooking is also fine. Then she dehydrates them. If I remember correctly she also mentioned the price difference -- 8-10 cents/serving her way verses 80-84 cents/serving buying them freeze-dried. Some significant savings there! She's got a lot of other interesting YouTube videos as well. Are you saying that pre-cooking & then dehydrating is the only way to preserve them for LTS w/o them turning to rocks??? I think so. The lady who did the video mentioned how light they are, and how well they rehydrate. It seems that pre-cooking is the key to them turning out quick cooking and non-rock-like. Hers is a way to achieve similar results as the purchased canned quick cook beans out there for long term storage.
  3. I wish I had the answers for you to make this holiday less stressful for you. Jeepers has a good idea though, maybe even just the suggestion of him being alone for the holiday may sway his thinking a bit. If he does come along... WIth the incense in church, can he sit in the back or even in the crying room if that church has one (my mom's church is Catholic, and they have a room in the back with big glass windows for parents to see Mass, and also has sound -- people take their kids in there when they're being loud or crying -- I figured other churches may as well). It does seem as though he's protesting a bit much .... my brother and his wife are of a religion where they are not supposed to mix with other religions at all, esp. going to other services, yet they still sat respectfully through my grandmother's funeral services, and also attended a baptism. Granted, my sister-in-law made a point to tell everyone how wrong the religion was but at least she waited until the gathering afterward. Maybe also point out to him how you sit through his events/gatherings with no issues, and would appreciate him doing the same. With how he's being, it may be less of a hassle to just work out solutions to his issues ... such as the incense (changing seats, crying/childrens' room, or even stepping outside for a breath of fresh air if need be). As for the what they watch, etc. I am sure that there are concessions and sacrifices you make when you're with his family -- perhaps you can mention some of those things to him in a nice way, to show that you're doing your fair share of the give and take -- and he should as well. I hope you're able to enjoy your holiday and family time regardless of his dramatics
  4. What is the secret? Can you post the method or provide a link??? Midnightmom, Katzcradul is the woman who made the how-to video that Jeepers posted above. She rinses/sorts the beans, then an overnight soak, then drains/rinses, then cooks -- I believe in the video she shares that she uses a pressure cooker but noted regular cooking is also fine. Then she dehydrates them. If I remember correctly she also mentioned the price difference -- 8-10 cents/serving her way verses 80-84 cents/serving buying them freeze-dried. Some significant savings there! She's got a lot of other interesting YouTube videos as well.
  5. I started reading Agenda 21 -- I got in the mail the other day -- it's turning out to be a quick read, which is good. The story is interesting so far.
  6. Definitely going on my Amazon wishlist
  7. Today's been the sort of day with lots and lots of reflection -- if i had a time machine, boy oh boy would there be many things I'd do differently. One of my recent regrets was moving to this town, to this apartment. It's a cute little apartment, and works in ways, but the area, and the neighbors are not the best. Last night we had the upstairs lady blaring her music to all hours (which I suppose was an improvement from her doing that in conjunction with threatening to beat the daylights out of her roommate). It was about 3am before she quieted, and she's back to it again this evening. Yipee That's the least of our worries, but as I've noticed, I tend to hone in on the smaller things when the larger issues are too overwhelming -- soooo very true right now. Something seems to be going around, we're all sick in some manner, my husband even lost his voice. I guess it's the season for this sort of thing though. On a less negative note LOL .... we had our first snowflakes this season earlier today -- just a brief moment, reminding us of the time of year I suppose. Nothing stuck, they just blew on through. They were so pretty - big,light,fluffy.
  8. I think anything "mafia" is horrible. Esp. to attribute that negative term to the Amish -- I think it's ... well, not something good. The Amish and violence? The Amish and organized crime violence? It doesn't seem as though it goes together. When I saw this mentioned in another post the other day, i googled, and wowza, is this show ... rough is the nicest way I can put it. I saw this article on it http://lancasteronline.com/article/local/777587_Discovery-Channel-s-next-reality-series---Amish-Mafia-.html From what I gather from the article, this is a group of troubled men who are *not* part of the Amish community. They're thugs in my opinion.
  9. Jeepers, I think it's the former Looking at a cc as real money with benefits is how I try to look at it too -- like with some of the Christmas presents, I was going to buy them anyway, but get cashback through Ebates, and also, get points on the credit card I used to buy them. Saving on things I'd already buy (and pay for), and also getting an added benefit of the points.
  10. My husband and son went to the nearby Super Wal-Mart last night, my son wanted to see what it was like,and he saw a couple games in the flier that he wanted to try to get. He didn't get the games, because he thought they were the new ones but they were the old ones, but he did get a couple of things. I don't think he will be venturing out again though, just wanted to see what the hype was all about. Today he went to a couple places with my mother, not early in the am though. Thursday morning my mother and aunt went to KMart, thinking they'd hit a 6am sale and then get home, well they left with nothing they thought they'd get -- by the time they got there, they ended up being toward the end of the line. Apparently the people at the front of the line got there at 8:30 pm the previous night So of course my mother and aunt thinking they'd swing by at quarter to 6 that morning didn't work out when there were far more dedicated shoppers. I think those folks had to maybe be out for the 'fun' of it, because I don't recall seeing any fantastic, stay up all night deals advertised. (but then again, i am not a power shopper, so I would be hard pressed to find anything I would be looking to stay in line all night for ... )
  11. OOPS, never mind, I see it now -- right in front of me, of course that means I'd overlook it lol Pretty neat
  12. What a great saying (and so true too) for the hoodie to have on it. My son went out for a bit this morning/early afternoon with my mother, he wanted to see what Black Friday was all about. Last night he and my husband went to Wal-Mart. He experienced it, and is now over it, I think next Black Friday he will be staying home with me.
  13. I ordered some of the Christmas presents I was going to buy anyway through Ebates, some stores were up to 10% cash back, but even smaller 1-3% adds up over time.
  14. I received Pauline's ornament today Thank you so much
  15. Happy Birthday to your daughter
  16. I hope Thanksgiving went well for everyone (well, as well as could be with family issues that were faced ... (((Cat))) (((Dogmom))) ... I wish the drama could take a holiday, but it seems that those in our families who are those types never take a break) Trinity sounds like a precious addition, Annarchy. My cousin had two ferrets, and they were so lovey, she adored them
  17. I hope you all have a great dinner We didn't have dinner at home, so I didn't have any cooking to do -- we do have some leftovers that were given to bring home though (my husband already made a sandwich with the ham and turkey).
  18. Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone Hope you all have a wonderful day
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