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Everything posted by lumabean

  1. What a visual, being a shovel sitter LOL, my goal is to be a reformed shovel sitter ~~ The guardian seemed to be what you all needed, she can say the things that a child (grown or not) would not be able to say -- and she doesn't have that connection so no guilt. Win win for everyone, you don't have the stress, and they get the care they need. Have a stress-free Thanksgiving, it sounds as though a relaxing holiday is l-o-n-g overdue
  2. Praying that your mother-in-law continues to go well with her treatments, and that your stress eases. I wish time could be bottled too My day has been --I can't think of the exact word for it -- enlightening, perhaps. For awhile I've felt that the Lord has been trying to get me to see/understand certain things, and today some of those elements came together. It struck me with the patience the Lord has, and the compassion, slowly illuminating things rather than all at once and being blinding.
  3. I imagine it has to be emotionally exhausting as well, which always seems to take a physical toll continued prayers for your mother-in-law
  4. Just wanted to pop back to wish you well on the cleaning today ~~ hopefully this will take care of everything and you and your husband no longer get sick form whatever it is that's causing the issues.
  5. thanks can't wait to get something big done, for now I'll be content with baby steps
  6. Happy everything went well and you're doing okay
  7. it's heartbreaking to hear about that happening I saw the article on Yahoo about the men who saved their wives, heroes to the end
  8. I've been plugging away practicing different things I've been learning on YouTube, and I've finally completed something. granted, it's not the most amazing thing on the planet, it's pretty basic, but still, I am proud of actually doing it I've also started on a rib stitch child's afghan ... that's coming along slower, but I am sort of spurred on now by completing something, evne small.
  9. That's great news of the interview, and of it going so well. I hope the right job comes along at the right time for you
  10. When I checked my mail this afternoon, I received from Snowmom and Andrea, thank you both :bouquet:
  11. I mailed mine out on Tuesday too. Hope you all get them soon glad you received yours gofish I hope it arrived okay, I had to reiforce the boxes with pieces of sturdier cardboard because the boxes I had were a bit too flimpsy to mail on their own. I received the cutest snowman from Mommato3boys the other day
  12. Thanks you, Annarchy and Darlene :bouquet:
  13. Thanks so much, Annarchy and Darlene
  14. CGA, would it be an even exchange amount wise for the coconut oil in place of the butter?
  15. That's good news with him being able to check that out, and that it's a hold he'd have to make anyway for the cabinet, and that the air duct cleaning is not all that long away. One step closer to having this taken care of for you is always a positive. I wonder if it could be even something related to a filter or something in the actual workings of the a/c unit itself even? Just tossing that out there as an idea because when we took out window a/c unit out, there was some mold starting to grow in there. I am not sure how central air works, but I would think it has to have hardware and filters of some sort, they may be worth checking as well, esp. since you feel better when the a/c is off. I hope that it's remedied when the cleaning is done so you can feel better,and not have the worry and expense looming like that anymore.
  16. thanks, kappydell, I am going to try this one out, it sounds similar and much more clear to follow
  17. oops, that was my mistake, her recipe does mention heating -- I either forgot to type it or deleted in when I was trying to condense the post... "in a pot over medium heat" whisk flour and milk until it's thick, then let cool. no times are mentioned regarding the heating though. Maybe she's just so used to doing it that it's an 'understood' thing for her, because other than that part I either omitted or deleted by accident, that's the entire recipe. I may give it another whirl this weekend, if it turns out weird again, I will just go with another one. I was intent on getting hers to work, because when she makes it, it's better than bakery icing. The other thing to consider is, do y'all live in different areas? Could humidity/temperature make a difference? I'm in Pa, and she's in South Carolina. Their temps are a lot hotter and more humid than here, so maybe.
  18. I've been trying out an icing recipe, my sister-in-law says it's a thick, creamy icing that sets up well -- and on her cakes it is. But, that's not the case for me, and I'm trying to see where I can be going wrong. I asked sil, but she just says if I follow the directions it will work, otherwise she has no idea. the recipe is: 6 tablespoons flour 1 cup of milk 1 cup butter 1 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla the directions read to: whisk flour and milk until it's thick, then let cool beat butter and sugar until fluffy, 10-15 minutes add cooled flour/milk and vanilla, beat 1 minute. Mine turns out sort of runny that doesn't really set up. Kind of like weepy cool-whip. I've tried reducing the amount of milk, and even cooking the flour/milk almost to it forming a ball. I thought I'd ask for pointers before I keep up the trial/error, because butter is sort of pricey to keep goofing up with.
  19. I'm going to try your bread idea, Philbe, the crumbs from cutting the bread gets on my (perhaps a bit OCD) nerves (my husband and son get them allllll over the place, even when I am the one doing the cutting) so pulling a piece off sounds very appealing. Sort of reminds me of those dinner rolls (cloverleaf?) that have the 3 parts. So today's goals are the bread baked this way, and trying my hand at making marshmallows
  20. Thanks, hope you and yours have a wonderful day as well You made me run to the calendar, I was sitting there wondering how close Thanksgiving is, whew... I'm safe. For a moment I thought I had really lost track of time
  21. I wonder if the store would give a refund on it? Or at least let you know if others have had problems or if there's been a recall on a batch number. With food prices being what they are, I would hope they'd give a refund. I hope it's nothing that would make you sick from what you've already eaten :/
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