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Everything posted by lumabean

  1. Sorry it took so long to get back to you -- I just received a reply this afternoon. Apparently right now members cannot even use their referrals if they have them left, I will let you know when they announce things are back up. ~~~~~~~ Also, wanted to mention Focus Forward. Their regular surveys are sort of low paying most of the time (from what I've experiences at least) but they do have online bulletin boards and in person focus groups that pay $100, they of course depend on area, and are usually geared toward being lawyers who hire them to get a cross section of local people to do practice for upcoming trials. Those are usually 3 hours, and you get paid by check immediately after. These are hit or miss though, but being on their mailing list will let you know when/if one is in your area so you can see if you qualify. The bulletin boards are usually a couple days in length and you log in and just answer questions on what they post for the day.
  2. I hope to mail mine out on Saturday (my husband is off that day so I will have the car to go to the post office). This has been a lot of fun
  3. I hope this is able to be remedied asap, it sounds as though things are reaching an even more dangerous level for your health. Is there any way you could stay with family until you can get the wall taken care of? If you get that reaction on the other side of the house, I can't imagine what it will be like sleeping with the wall right there near you. Hopefully this will be remedied soon and you can be comfortable and healthy in your own home.
  4. he sounds like such a sweet boy who loves his sister a lot (despite their bickering at times). I am sure this is one gift she will always remember, and even more so the effort and care he put in to it
  5. Just wait til they get the Rolling Stones making calls, Jeepers Have you had success with ever getting off the call list of political calls? Awhile ago, we kept getting calls from a survey group conducting political surveys -- they weren't asking for votes, just with questions. I asked to be removed from their list and the guy said sorry, they were exempt from the Do Not Call registry. I was irritated by that and finally got a hold of someone in the Pa Attorney General's office who ended up getting them to stop calling, regardless of their claim they were exempt. That may be an avenue to consider if you keep getting calls, even if they claim to be exempt. We have an unlisted, unpublished number and are also on the Do Not Call list, and we still get more calls than I like. I make it a point to file a complaint on the Do Not Call website whenever I get a telemarketing type call. The worst is on my cell phone, almost every morning I wake up to see that there are 6-7+ missed calls and of course the voicemails. It's a pain because I have a TracFone, and that's taking up minutes.
  6. Even if it looks unsightly for awhile, would you be able to just take the wall/sheetrock down and then wait until you could afford to replace it later? Based on your symptoms, and Philbe's experience in the field, it sounds very dangerous, and seemingly could spread and cause more damage that would be more expensive to fix down the line. I'm sorry you have to deal with this and the health and monetary expense it poses to you.
  7. Thanks, this is very affordable, and simple enough to assemble (which is my speed!). Thanks too for the tip on the kind of bricks to get, Midnightmom, I would have never known the difference -- definitely don't want to buy something that would explode
  8. I hope your husband has a very happy birthday, Philbe The news is so intense, I can't watch it anymore, it's too depressing and weighs me down for the rest of the day as my mind drifts back to those scenes. It's not that I don't care, I do, it's just overwhelming seeing right now. :pray:ing for everyone in those areas. I have a friend who lives in NJ and works in NYC, and she thankfully has her power back on and didn't have to face any of the situations that many are facing. Still, it was and is a stressful situation for her and her family -- I keep thinking about that when I see the news, I cannot even begin to imagine how they're feeling, and coping. Also thanking God this morning that the storm was not bad in our area and that we don't have to face the devastation firsthand. The scenes are also a sharp reminder to always try to be prepared, and have plan a, b, c...
  9. Have a wonderful, safe trip
  10. she's absolutely precious, such a sweet, soulful expression on her face
  11. We thankfully still have power, and the winds/rain have not been that bad as of yet, our local weatherman is saying between now and 2am we may see an increase. Interesting he referred to the storm as being "bizarre" because he said it's just not doing normal things they'd expected. When it throws the professionals for a loop, I don't hold out hope for understanding it myself. A guy on the weather channel said potential for 10 million people to be without power for days. I can't seem to wrap my mind around that number. Hoping we continue to not be part of that number. Continued prayers for all in the path, esp. the harder hit areas. I did see on Yahoo and the local news that the soldiers guarding the tomb of the unknown soldiers are staying at their post -- teared up a bit when I saw that, their dedication is more than admirable and a true inspiration.
  12. Georgene, I used up my 5 referrals a few years ago, but I will email Julie from ViewPoint and ask her if I can have another, or to see if she will have a new opening -- it can't hurt to ask. I will do that here this morning and let you know when I hear back. Another option is I will also check with my sister-in-law and mother and see if either of them has any referrals available. I'll get back to you as soon as I hear back from any of them.
  13. Filled buckets with water (30 gallons in all), charged up the battery packs, have the coolers cleaned out and in kitchen in case they're needed, filled containers with water and popped in the freezer so we'll have thick ice packs for the coolers, apartment is clean, laundry done, food planned for if the power goes out and we can't use the stove/oven. New batteries in flashlights, crank radio at the ready, pepper spray tested out (likely won't need that but it makes me feel better). It's not supposed to be that cold so heat isn't a worry, we can put on sweaters if need be. Still need to make sure my husband gets the car gas tank filled (he often forgets). I think we're set for the storm.
  14. I'm 90-ish% done, now just to figure out which way I want to add the ribbon hanger (and of course package up to mail). It's been fun working on them
  15. Still can't seem to locate that one particular (elusive!) blog, but while searching, I did recognize a couple of titles the woman on the blog mentioned....Stake Canning Specialist and the Stake Welfare Specialist (something to do with their Relief Society). From what I do remember reading, it seemed as though some churches buy their own, while others chip in, and then the stake canning specialist keeps it in their home or garage for loaning out or usage. When searching, I saw YouTube has some interesting videos by LDS folks on using the canners, demo on how to use it, tips and such that may be helpful. ~~~~~ On a side note, I wonder what type of businesses may use a similar type machine .... with the idea that they may allow usage or even have a used one for sale.
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