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Everything posted by lumabean

  1. WormGuy, I was reading a bunch of LDS blogs and such, and something I came across may help -- in one (I will try to search for it again later, can't find it at the moment) stated that local LDS churches often invest in the canning machine, primarily those in areas far from LDS canneries. The blog stated they will loan those out, depending on the ward/stake (sorry, not being lds I didn't look in to exactly what a ward/stake is other than it being a local congregation area). Maybe you could contact your local LDS church and see if they by chance have one you could borrow. I wish I could remember the title of the person the blog article stated that keeps the canning machine locally -- there was something about liability issues and the items not being kept on the premises but at the home of the person in charge of it. Sorry it's not much help with not having the blog or title of the person (I will check though), but thought I'd pass the idea along in case it could be of use and save you the expense and time of traveling 3 hours each way. Again I will try to find that particular blog again for more details on it.
  2. Have a great time Congratulations to the bride and groom!
  3. The PennySaver ran the full page ad, but they were not the ones offering the heating programs. From what I remember, there were different options ranging from "x" free gallons of home heating oil, as well as (I think) info on what LIHEAP offered. Now I wish I would have paid more attention to it, but I knew we wouldn't qualify, plus heat is included in our rent, so I just looked quickly over it. I forgot to mention, you may want to keep an ear out for what local churches offer, I know my mother's church had at one point (and still may) a program where they will give a predetermined amount to people who need it for heating expenses in the winter. The one I have had the most success with is ViewPoint Forum. They give a good amount of points (and you can cash out at something like 350 or 370 which translates to about $13-14) even if you don't qualify for the full length survey, and when you get a product test to do, they also give points for that as well as when you return the product (if it's one to be returned). They don't always have new enrollment, but it may be worth looking in to. I also like LiveWire. Denise from LiveWire is really helpful if you have a question, and they even do $5-$10 surveys for watching tv shows. For example, I got one for that show Parks and Recreation. I don't watch that show though. They had one for the "Once Upon a Time" show I think on ABC, my husband watches that one, it wasn't a bad survey, they do ask questions to make sure people watched the shows. The do other ones on different topics like travel and different things. They're never horribly long either and they tell you upfront what the compensation is. BzzAgent is okay for products to try out, they don't come that often but some are pretty good --- years ago I got a free Sonicare (that's the best I ever got), down to things like chips and perfume. It just depends. Sweetiessweeps.com is a place I like to check out for different things, she posts contests and giveaways and stuff like that. Loreal has a product test option too, for things ranging from facial cleanser to mascara. After taking 5 basic informational surveys you get a free gift in the mail, it changes each month. Sometimes they're really good, other times they are basic like an under eye roller. If I think of other ones I will post back.
  4. Have a safe trip home with your new puppy, MtRider. Hmmm...so it isn't Gunplumber ... or MtRider .... then maybe WormGuy? I've resorted to looking at the angle of the picture LOL, and it sort of looks as though it could have been taken by the person wearing the pants (wish we had a Sherlock Holmes smilie )
  5. Pretty warm in eastern pa today though it's been pretty rainy off and on since yesterday, I even turned the ceiling fan on in the living room. Looks like we may be getting hurricane weather around Halloween (just saw it on the news).
  6. My guess on the Snoopy night pants ..... MtRider Hmmm... 2nd guess .... gunplumber ... because I noticed it's Snoopy vs the Red Baron ... fighter plane=guns... maybe over-thinking it LOL.
  7. Thanks, Violet We do have a few thrift shops around, I am going to check them out. Definitely opting for suction cup. That's interesting about the apples all turning out the same in time, now I won't worry about the lemon juice, one less step (and a sticky one at that)
  8. Philbe... quick question on your lemon juice ratio ... is that one part lemon juice to 4 parts water? I've been using straight lemon juice ... ugh. Well, life's about learning, I'll know better next time Do you use one of those apple peeling/corer contraptions? I saw one at Target for $20 was was too cheap to get it ... I have been cutting them with a paring knife. Wondering if the $20 would be worth it.
  9. There were two new episodes on last night -- not my best use of an hour The producers of the show seem to have a fixation with dumpster eating -- ick. The one episode had a modest living millionaire who peed in a jar (and then used it in her compost -- not sure if that's as icky to others as that is to me, but I digress...) and fed her boyfriend, son, daughter-in-law and little grandson stuff she got out of the dumpster and also some she foraged for (her son made some sort of comment about his getting diarrhea is worth making his mom happy ... eh, all I thought was what about that poor little grandson, illnesses always seem worse for kids). The other had an accountant who washes clothes in the shower, gets her food from the dumpster (and fed it to her friend and his girlfriend), a guy who showered with his clothes on so he didn't have to do laundry (and kept the tags on clothes to return when he was done wearing them ... I'd think that would have to classify as some sort of retail theft in some degree, but maybe not, creepy regardless..). Oh, and a guy who haggles prices down and a woman who cooks roadkill (and uses the fur for craft projects). They're definitely going for the bizarre factor -- I thought the new season would yield at least some useful tips ... I was wrong.
  10. I hope you feel better soon. Do you think the car ride was what set things in motion for the back spasms? My husband has issues if he sits in the car too long (same with plane, etc). He found it helps if he puts one of those heat packs (like those thermacare types)while he's sitting in the car, plane, chair for extended periods of time.. Maybe if the car is the issue that may help you out as well? It's great your daughter liked the school
  11. Thanks I will look for sturdier bags. I just ordered a bunch more on Amazon last night and didn't even think of how thick they were so I am going to have to check that out and look for thicker ones. I wish I had more room to keep things in jars, but we rent a small-ish apartment and don't have the room for more than a few at a time, plus we'd have to leave in a bad situation and bags would be easier to carry quickly. I prefer glass to plastic in general, but until we get our own place, I have to make do. Someday though I am in shelf envy of the ones I saw the lady on Dehydrate2Store build and display in her videos to store her jarred dehydrated items -- they are pretty, functional, and keep the items looking so pretty. Again, someday
  12. I've been dehydrating a lot of frozen vegetables, and then vacuum sealing in bags with the FoodSaver. All have been working out well -- except the broccoli. Saturday, I placed some in a FoodSaver bag, popped in an oxygen absorber, and sealed the bag -- no air was in it, and all looked well. Then yesterday, I was putting more bags in storage, and saw that the broccoli bag puffed up -- tons of air in there. I figured I must have done something wrong when sealing, so I opened, repackaged in a fresh bag, and again sealed it up. No air in sight. This morning I checked, and the same thing happened -- the bag has a lot of air in it. This hasn't happened with anything else I've dehydrated and sealed with the FoodSaver. Any tips on how to prevent this, or as to what I may be doing wrong? Maybe this is something that is just not good for vacuum sealing in bags?
  13. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you had a wonderful day
  14. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you had a wonderful day
  15. For dental, you can check to see if yours offers a cash/check discount. We didn't have dental insurance this year (and wont' until January 2013) so I asked our dentist's billing lady of they offered any discounts for cash -- ours offers 5% cash discount, but I have heard of some in other areas who have sliding scales based on income, so that may be worth checking in to as well. Your husband may be eligible for programs available to those on disability -- one of my neighbors is on disability and said that he gets a rent rebate each year, the equivalent of one month's rent. Not sure if they have something similar for homeowners, but they may. There are also programs for heating assistance and such you may be eligible for with your husband's being disabled and being on the fixed income -- my thinking is that if you do, any savings you get from that would be able to go in to a car repair/emergency fund. Our PennySaver had a big full page ad on heating programs, if I remember correctly, eligibility requirements included disability. On a side note, I also started doing some online surveys (just have to be careful to do ones from companies that actually pay and don't spam or just look to resell info) and even monthly giveaways that some magazines sponsor on their websites -- I've gotten some items like perfume and such that I can use as holiday and birthday gifts, as well as even some small denomination gift cards. Small in comparison to car repair and other things, but anything that can be diverted in to savings is a plus.
  16. I loved the Women on Target class today The whole thing was a very good experience, and empowering in a way, doing something I never did before, and that I faced some family opposition doing. Sadly, afterward I faced some ridicule from my sister, but, while I can't say it didn't bother me, I've been able to not let it detract from the sense of satisfaction I feel. I even grazed one of the sporting clays -- okay, so it didn't break in a bunch of bits like the instructor's shots, but hey, I HIT IT nonetheless. THAT was so cool Loading the shotgun was a bit intimidating, but after I did it, I was feeling quite proud. The handgun segment -- it was very good as well. My first time EVER for this too. And I managed to do pretty well. I also realized how heavy guns are! That or I need more upper body strength! I left not being afraid, and wanting to take more classes. The instructors gave some very helpful tips on purchasing a handgun, and they also offer a beginner's pistol course (8 hours long!) that I am going to sign up for. Another HUGE thanks to out_of_the_ordinary for passing along the links in a thread, otherwise I would have never even know these clinics existed
  17. Thanks for sharing CGA, that's a great site - love the pictures and info they have. Makes me want to go to another living museum now (hmmm...I wonder if we could fit a trip in to the place I saw online that's in Massachusetts before the super cold weather hits...)
  18. I am far more scared to be in a town/city than the country. I like the woods, and the peaceful feeling. Where we live now, the cars/trucks going by day and night drive me batty. My son and I need to sleep with white noise machines to try to balance it out (doesn't work as well as I'd like, but it's something). We used to live in a more populated area, and I hated it -- barely went out of our apartment., but once when I did walk a couple blocks to a friend's house, I was scared out of my mind (she and her husband drove me home). I didn't even like taking my son to the little playground behind our apartment building there. Our upstairs neighbor was a NY state police officer too, which I tried to convince myself was a safety plus -- but nope, still scared. We were ground floor and I had a dresser in front of the bedroom window and slept with the bedroom door locked. We're ground floor here too -- I do not like it one bit. Too noisy, too many people, too much traffic going by. In the more rural areas I can go out with little or no anxiety at all -- walks, just going out to sit and enjoy the quiet. Sure there are still risks but they don't seem as numerous out in the woods.
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