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Everything posted by lumabean

  1. and probably an additional tax on them too ... and perhaps a background check before we're allowed to purchase (or retain) it. {only sort of joking... }
  2. That is so neat, Jeepers, I would have never imagined bees living indoors like that, coming and going through a hose -- that is the neatest thing.
  3. walking - 12 miles snow ... and heat in the 90s ... we've been in the mid 50's. We did have a couple gorgeous days in the 70s -- loved those days!
  4. that's so sweet of him, it had to be a thrill for you to hear, it made me smile just reading about it
  5. Did you have to register to have bees, Ambergris? I was looking around about bees,(not that I could have any in our apt. LOL, but I was just interested), and here in Pa, the state says that in order to have bees, you have to register, pay the fee ($10, I think), then the state sends someone out to inspect the hive and such. Just wondering if other areas do the same thing.
  6. good luck, Ambergris I love bees, I think they're so pretty, and useful too!
  7. neat I like how the back part folds down like that.
  8. glad to hear you're having a better week, and that your dad is getting better.
  9. reminds me of the "here's your sign" comedy awhile back. and I think they're fast becoming the majority ...
  10. that's sweet of her, teaching her cousins. The student has become a teacher
  11. they're cute but yikes,a lot of work!
  12. He sounds like such a sweetie
  13. I hope you feel better soon!
  14. Kappy, the never give up video, is the one you're talking about the one with the guy who was told he'd never walk again and then at the end he was running? I saw that on FB and it was amazing! Love that story/video! It sounds as though you're plateau will be behind you in no time
  15. Thanks for the heads-up on them, Philbe. I think it's poor customer service for them to take your order (and payment) and not notify you of a delay. As I mentioned in the ShoutBox, I watch videos on YouTube, and one of the prepper types on there seems to be selling that company's products -- from what she said about it, it didn't sit right with me, not that i think this person is a scammer or anything like that! It's just that it sort of reminded me of the Amway sort of selling style, or something like that. My grandma got ripped off by them when I was little, so maybe that has me jaded or something. Still, hearing your experience makes me more convinced that the "off" feeling I was getting wasn't purely my associating them with the other company from when I was younger.
  16. Starting this Thursday, April 4th thru Tuesday, April 9th 2013 save 20% on your entire online order*Use Coupon Code: SPRING13
  17. Happy Birthday, homeschoolshe! Have a wonderful day and a blessed year ahead. It's been wonderful getting to 'know' you a bit here on Mrs. S.
  18. Our weather has continued with the confused theme, can't seem to make up its mind. The other day was soooooo nice, it was lower 50 so sunny and cheery. Then came the rain, not a lot of it, but just enough to make it a bit wet and overcast. Winter has really fizzled out the past couple years. I remember when I was little, we'd get so much snow, and it lasted pretty much all winter. The biggie we've been having the past couple years has been flooding in the Fall -- I can do without that.
  19. depressing, scary, but ever so true
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