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Everything posted by lumabean

  1. He sounded like such a fun man who loved his life. His outlook seems to have passed along to his daughter too
  2. It looks like a good book, and a good price too! I'm going to check out their Facebook page too - I'd love to learn to make my own jams and jellies, more flavor with less sugar - sounds good to me
  3. That's so sweet. I'd be thrilled if I went to a library that had a cat, dog, lamb, or duck there. Our local libraries are too rigid for that though -- your sounds so much more inviting
  4. I so don't get any of this Obamacare stuff -- it's so jumbled (for me anyway). Something that sticks out to me is the fine for kids not having insurance -- don't most states have FREE insurance for unisnured children? (I know Pa does) This current free insurance provided by the state is for kids of any income bracket -- if they don't have insurance, the state gives it (medical and dental). Why would there be a fine on the kids if the parents could just sign them up for the free program? Does it mean the free programs will be taken away? Or is it a matter of the right hand not knowing what the left is doing? State-approved has me antsy too -- we have insurance through dh's employer. Can the gov't deem one plan not "approved' and if so what would that criteria be for not approving a plan? Lots of questions -- lots of confusion. I wish they'd have just left things alone
  5. lumabean


    (((((((gofish))))))) I am so sorry for your loss, and pray for comfort and peace for you and your family. ((((((()))))))
  6. lumabean


    continued prayers for your mom, and family, gofish
  7. I'm so sorry for your loss, Momo
  8. Thanks, Jeepers I've been trying to make more of an effort to learn what's in the foods we're eating -- it's crazy the stuff they're putting in our food. They sure don't make it easy to decipher the labels, so this should be a good tool to have.
  9. Happy Birthday, Momo! Have a wonderful day and a year full of blessings
  10. that 's disappointing. I loved the convenience of having the books right there to look through/get. No clue how to find them on my own
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