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Hearth Cooking

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Does anyone do any real cooking in their fireplace? I have a huge fireplace and have been dying to do this but have not had time.

I know I can use a dutch oven and get a camping grill....but, does anyone have a hook of any kind to hang a pot on or anything like that?

Is this hard or so simple it is stupid?

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I've cooked over a campfire, but not for days on end. Simple stuff. smile.gif

I went looking at google.com & found some info:

This is from a book but even this little bit can get you started:


I'd love to buy the book!

Go to his homepage from there, and you'll find other links to info from the book plus other interesting things.

And have you ever wanted to cook a whole fish? First, get a plank of oak, pecan, or cedar, a couple of nails & twine to tie the fish, and then follow these instructions:


There have got to be more, but I waded through a lot of demonstration notices for festivals before I found these.

Hmmmm... do you have historical societies around there you could ask? smile.gif



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Historical Societys? In Dallas? I just laugh. The closest thing is Old City Park and they dont have anything along this line. It seems pretty cut and dried and not I am just waiting on it getting cooler to crank up the fireplace.

And I am still trying to talk mom out of the old dutch oven that was some great great grand parents. She is not talking yet.

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