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Hello from a newbie


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I wanted to jump right in and introduce myself. My name is Dianna. I was invited here by Sandiness. She said you all were wonderful and that I would really like it here. I looked you all up and knew in an instant that this was a good place.

I'm married to Paul, celebrating 8 years on the 18th of this month. We are both in our late 30's and we don't have any children, but we have lots of furkids. We have goats, chickens, ducks, rabbits, and a small dog kennel.

I currently stay at home while hubby is a medical transport driver. He takes Medicaid patients back and forth to their doctor appointments and to the hospital when needed. He just started this job and really likes it though he is gone from home long hours.

We live in southern Missouri, Norwood to be exact. We've been here 8 months and before that we lived at the Lake of the Ozarks. We own ten acres of land. I am trying to get things ready for our first garden here.

I've rambled on enough for my first post. It's time to go read everything on this wonderful board.


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*darlene bumps her hip against mother's...mother glares back at darlene (how dare she!)*


Hey now! I wanted to be the first to welcome her...*pout*



Oh KEWL! We have another new friend!


Welcome Dianna! We're so glad that you decided to join us here at MrsS and we appreciate you allowing us to get to know you a little better with your introduction...


I don't have any fresh baked goodies, like cakes and such...today has been bread day for me...I just made some fresh english muffins and I have a loaf of freshly ground wheat baking as we speak...gimme a little bit and I'll share a loaf of fresh bread with ya, if you'd like!


If you ever need anything, just hollar!

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OMG, Dianna!!!! How fun to see you here!!! I'm the Dee that visited you in MO. a couple of years ago at Jacob's Cave. Small world!!!


Welcome to Mrs. S. You've joined a wonderful group here and what fun to get reacquainted with you!



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Hello Dee. Long time no see. It's so good to see you again. I can't wait to get in here and get to know everyone. Thanks for jumping in there and letting me know that you are here. I'm planning on a trip to Jacob's Cave the first weekend in June. Are you going this year?


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Our garden spot is brand new. We bought land that is mostly wooded and we had a dozer push some small brush out of the way for the garden so the garden spot is going where the bulldozer push is. The digging should be easy in this area and yes, we do have plenty of fertilizer for the garden.


Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I think I'm gonna like it here.

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Hey Dianna... So glad you you joined the group. Reading down through our welcome comment's brings tears to my eyes. I must say all the treats that have been offered makes one hungry. I know that the storms that came through here hit you a bit later. Hope all is well...later my friend...

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As a matter of fact yes I have fresh butter I churned recently... But I'll take some fresh strawberry freezer jam with my bread thanks.. Never had tomato preserves..


Oh btw....... Dianna!

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Hi there Granny! Jacob's Cave is a place just south of Versailles Missouri on Hwy 5. They have a small animal swap meet twice a year there. It is one of the largest swap meets in the state. It is always the first weekend of June and the first weekend of October. Starts on a Thursday night and goes through Sunday. People sell everything there, not just animals. I take my bunnies and any puppies that I have at the time to sell, along with craft items and even just yard sale items. They allow camping and we usually camp out all weekend. I'm not sure if we will do that this year or not. It is a wonderful place to purchase small livestock and just about anything else. The don't allow cattle or hogs but anything smaller than that is welcome. Let me know if you want more info on it.

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Hi Deb! I thought I saw you here. Wow, this is cool. I know several people on here from other boards. Of course, I'm the type that never knows a stranger so I'm already very comfortable here.

Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone.

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Nope, we aren't going to Jacob's Cave this year. Our town is having it 125th birthday celebration this year so we're all involved with that.


How's everyone else in your neck of the woods?



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