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Tis the season for Family

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Kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids will all be here tomorrow afternoon.

A great granddaughter that I will see for the first time (7 months old).

Most things are done, but the cooking is shared by DH and myself, sure glad he likes to cook, too.

You all have a grand day. smile.gif



Friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when

our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

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Well I got everything done do I'm taking your advice. Thats after I cater DH's christmas eve party this afternoon. Just spent the morning cutting veggies and cheese. Darn eggs were too fresh and they look terrible as develed eggs. But taste great. Happy a great Holiday everyone. di



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Merry Christmas everyone... are you all prepared for the snowstorm? 10 to 20 inches maybe more coming our way if the storm stalls. Batten down the hatches Lois. If dopler radar gets it right for once we are in for one heck of a storm.




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Kids have all gone home should be home.

Son drives the farthest, 25 miles, so all will be safe and warm when the snow gets here. I just love it up here when it's quiet and I can just watch the snow come down while I'm setting on the sofa, with the wood stove about 4 foot away.

We had a nice buffet, and opened gifts, lots of hugs and giggles and love to go around. Didn't get to see great- granddaughter though, thanks to a double shift no one could go get her. So another time.

You all have a great Christmas.



Friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when

our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

[This message has been edited by Lois (edited December 24, 2002).]

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Merry Christmas everyone! The little guys grandpa just came and picked him up and will bring him home tomorrow... they wanted him for Christmas dinner , but with the sleet and all that we are getting right now I told them to keep him overnight.. stay inside where it is safe.

Snow is due to start heavy around noon or so here and we are expecting upwards to a foot.. TheGiant will be out plowing if that is the case so I will enjoy a quiet Christmas day or two by myself.

The Hams' baking in the oven right now and I will be making scalloped cheesy potatoes to go with it, baked beans and a green salad. Just took my homemade bread outta the oven and it will be a nice addition to the meal.

Propane tank to the grill is filled incase we lose power here... I can cook on the side burner. Have plenty of blankets and a down comforter to keep warm with.

Have a safe and happy holiday... luv twi

[This message has been edited by twilap (edited December 25, 2002).]

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I am looking at 7 inches of snow and it is still coming down..... such a sight, I love it.

wonderful Christmas morning, DH likes his orbital sander, plus those new drill bit he wanted, and I was warm and comfy in my new pajamas and robe, DH got me a nighty, and some money for my new digital camera, he knew I didn't have enough for it yet.Hope you all are enjoying the season.



Friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when

our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

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