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online flu poll

billy 25

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I just participated in an online poll on Mary Hunt's (Cheapskate Monthly)web site. I was shocked at the results!The question was "how concerned are you about an avian-flu strike of pandemic proportions?"

The results were:

9%- very concerned...it's real, it will happen.

13%- somewhat concerned. Stockpiling, doing all I can.

52%- Not very concerned. Can't do much about it anyway.

22%- Not at all concerned. It's probably media hype.

3%- Pandemic? Not a chance.

2%- Huh? What's avian flu?


This means that of the thousand or so respondents, 79% have their heads in the sand about the avian flu! 79%!!!!!

Can you imagine the chaos caused by all these unprepared people???? Yikes!

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Actually, that poll could be subjective. Considering the name Cheapskate Monthly, I would consider most of these individuals would be wanting to save money, not spend it on preps so would, of course convince themselves that it isn't going to happen.


Now, if that poll were taken here, on Mrs. S (maybe we should take a poll to see where WE stand) or even on a variety of prep and survival sites, you would probably find those numbers totally turned around.


It would be more telling to have an independent poll on, say yahoo, CNN or some place where a wide variety of types frequent.


Do I believe it's coming? I believe SOMETHING is coming. That's why I prep.



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The people that took that poll are regular people, people

that you see at the grocery or at the mall.


Taking a poll like that here will give you the opposite

outcome because we are prepers.


This poll goes to show you that *most* people are not

concerned with bird flu. I visit another forum and

they don't even talk about it. No questions, no concerns.


What does this tell you?

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%- very concerned...it's real, it will happen.

13%- somewhat concerned. Stockpiling, doing all I can.

52%- Not very concerned. Can't do much about it anyway.

22%- Not at all concerned. It's probably media hype.

3%- Pandemic? Not a chance.

2%- Huh? What's avian flu?


Little miffed at dh today. He said "what do you think of the Avian flu pandemic threat now, a little over blown"?




So him saying that today: dh would have scored in the 22% media hype. Guess he forgets how he felt a month ago. I should have got that on tape! LOL


I just looked at him and said, NO. Don't forget it's still out there and can happen at any time. Rolling eyes. Whatever. Maybe he's in a mood. Human beings are so complicated! LOL


When there is another cluster and the news is covering it he will be back.



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I am as much concerned about being overrun by the hordes of unprepared people flooding out of Dallas as I am about the bird flu. Hubby is taking care of the preps in that area--ordered more ammo today!


To think that the bird flu or something else is not going to happen is being very unrealistic.

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I KNOW! somewhat off topic--- but we in Canada have had a terrorist plot taking place. It was stopped in the past few days, but what if there are others? YES I prep for ANYTHING and dh is coming on board now too. My adult children laugh at me, but they live in Ontario where the terrorist concern was! Perhaps Mom isn't so silly after all!!!!!!

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Guest Guest

Nope, *Mom* is very smart, and hopefully your grown children won't hafta experience being reminded of that, yanno what I mean?

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You know....the preps that I do are not just for the bird flu, although this has changed some of my prep thinking and what I need (sick room, etc). But it blows me away that people are not prepared for anything. They are used to going to an ATM and pulling out money, going to the store and buying whatever they want, etc. What happens when they can't do that? There are numerous reasons too! Earthquake, Tornado's, Hurricanes, Unemployment, bad crops, personal illness (not even talking about the bird flu). We have becomed so used to being able to get whatever we want, expecting our jobs will be there for the next 30 + years with continual pay raises, etc. that we (well...not us at Mrs. Survival) are not even thinking about the what if's. In a world where there is terrorism, natural disasters, illnesses, umemployment etc...it seems awful unwise to not prepare for difficulty. So, don't get discouraged......just continue to plug forward....I don't want to be one of those who don't know what to do in the future if things don't remain as they are. I would rather be wise....not foolish!

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