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Flu Season


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My husband had to fly to the east coast and somewhere between here and there and back again, he caught the flu!


I have to say for my husband to come home early from work because he doesn't feel well means .. he doesn't feel well at all! he has a high temp. and went right to bed!


So I am offically declaring it Flu Season!


<--my poor husband!

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oh no, I am kissing them both, my daughter is climbing into my lap to be held... and I hope to get this or get so exposed to it my body builds an immunity.


today I am making and canning more chicken soup. I need to run to town and pick up more Thera-Flu.. one box to the bathroom medicine cabinet, 3 boxes to the pantry for storage. I know in a real pandemic, there won't be any OTC med and if I have the flu, I certainly won't want to be running the store to get any.


Actually I will pick up 3 boxes of Thera-Flu night time, 1 box of Oscillo, 1 or 2 boxes of day time flu meds and 1 box of Zicam flu.


oh and Puff's tissue with lotion... at least 6 boxes.. 2 for the house and 4 to put away.

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I need to definately replenish my med stock. I did learn something by accident for stuffy noses. I was dehydrating fresh garlic. And well I always test everything. I popped one into my mouth and it cleared my nose instantly:) Just a side note

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went to WM (wal-mart) tonight about 9pm. I needed to pick up more flu meds and with it being such a pretty night, everyone in bed why not.


My mistake... the pharmacy was closed so all the effective meds were locked up! here in good old Kalifornia if there is any Ephidrine in a OTC med, you have to take a card of what you want to give it to the pharmacy. You are only allowed 1 or 2 boxes.. they don't want us to make illegal drugs out of them.


I ended up getting Night time thera-flu for colds. Helps them sleep better. the Nyquil works on my husband for about 2 hours and then he is wide awake so we don't use it.

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Thats not just in good ole Cali anymore. They are doing that here in Idaho now too. You have to get a card wait in line at the pharmacy .. then show your drivers license and sign your life away for 2 boxes of Ephidrine based medication. I would take the other stuff if they could find a replacement that actually WORKS.. LOL

I hope they get to feeling better soon Westie.

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revising to get list...


thera-flu with cough medicine. My husband was up all night coughing and all he needed was to sleep. I had the Zicam cold and flu because it has cough meds in it. He fell into a deep sleep about 10 minutes after.


So I need to make sure to add thera-? with cough suppressant so those times when you just need to sleep.


Tylenol cold tablets for daytime aren't too bad. I have the Cool burst ones...not that it makes a difference.

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thank you all.


daughter is much better... kids!


husband is still very ill, still has a temp. coughs in the evening and is taking OTC meds.

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Yikes, he's been sick for a while now. Must have hit him hard. Good to hear daughter is well. You must be running ragged taking up the slack and keeping him as comfortable as possible. Do you get points for staging a 'dress rehersal'? Take care of yourself.



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how about working him harder! no rest for the weary.


my computer crashed 2 weeks ago so I jumped on his.. he worked and worked on mine... thinking it was software... finally went down and got me a new computer.. fortunately he saved all my files this time! the RO system (water filtering) went out so I picked up another and he put it in yesterday...


no slack! sick or not... the world must go on!!!


my husbnd doesn't usually get sick, but this hit him hard. It has been an entire week of fevers, coughs and generally just not having it together. Kids bounce back pretty easily especially when they want to go somewhere!


It just stuck me odd that the flu season would hit us this soon. Usually we don't see the begining of it until about November or December... but in August??????


I was just giving everyones wake up call to pick up flu meds before the flu season does hit and you can't get anything. with the Just In Time (JIT) shipping ya got to get it when you can. Also with these new laws and locking what used to be OTC meds up behind a counter and only giving you 1 box at a time, now is the time to start picking this stuff up.


If you were worried about bird flu... start now of there will be nothing on the shelves when needed.

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For flu meds, we use the generic robitussin(sp?) and I buy the softgels. No locking them up in the pharmacy in Mississippi. They only worry about the tablets.


As for something to clear up your head, hot Ramen noodle soup works very well. Helps rehydrate and not enough solid in it to mess with the stomach. The steam off the soup will help with sinus clearing.


Now, I need to check my flu meds supply.

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soup! I made a couple gallons of chicken soup and drowned him! well his flu anyway. Nothing left to can so I will be waiting for the next sale on chicken and canning it all... soup.


I am excited about making darlenes cuban chicken soup too.


never thought about ramen noodle soup... great idea.

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I heard a news report that the psuphedrine they are now putting into the cold meds (the new, revised one instead of....ummm...was it psudophedrin?) doesn't work as it's supposed to. I took some last year...only one dose, and all it did was knock me out for a couple hours.


Question: Even though I'm staying with homeopathic choices like Hyland's and Oscillo, if I had a choice to buy some over the counter mainstream meds, what would all of you reccommend for both adults, children, and baby?


I hope everyone feels better at your home. Please take care of yourself too.


God Bless,


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Westy......did you send the flu our direction? My dh is now sick with it. Poor guy, he is miserable! It definately is early for the flu season here! He can't take anything to diminish his symptons so he kind of has to ride it out. Lot's of juices, fruit, water, chicken soup, vitamin C, tissues, Tylenol (for the fever) and hunker down on the couch watching sports is his recovery plan!

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Interesting I think that we have the flu this early in the season. Usually the flu doesn't hit us until November at the earilest.


He can't take Oscillo? herbal remedy sold at wal-mart. I think he just wants an excuse to watch sports! My husband did the same thing... sports and car races.


Had me feeling so sorry for him, I waited on him.. 'what can I fetch for you dear?' he was just pittiful!


I do hope your husband has a speedy recovery.

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Interesting I think that we have the flu this early in the season. Usually the flu doesn't hit us until November at the earilest.

He can't take Oscillo? herbal remedy sold at wal-mart. I think he just wants an excuse to watch sports! My husband did the same thing... sports and car races.

Had me feeling so sorry for him, I waited on him.. 'what can I fetch for you dear?' he was just pittiful!

I do hope your husband has a speedy recovery.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Not only can he take the Oscillo...but he can take Robitussim..but just the regular formula. We have always been told there was nothing he could take! Whooohooo! By the way....it was kind of scary talking to the pharmacist at Wal-Mart. He directed me to everything...and I mean everything that my dh can't take....so I went to Albertsons/Sav-On and they guided me along. Thanks Westie!
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